Department: Graduate School of Education

Code Name Description
EDUC100A EAST House Seminar: Current Issues and Debates in Equity, Access & Society EAST is the Equity, Access, and Society Theme House at Stanford University. The EAST House Seminar is primarily a speaker series designed to introduce students to the research of Stanford faculty. In Autumn and Winter quarters, faculty and other scho...
EDUC100B EAST House Seminar: Current Issues and Debates in Equity, Access & Society EAST is the Equity, Access, and Society Theme House at Stanford University. The EAST House Seminar is primarily a speaker series designed to introduce students to the research of Stanford faculty. In Autumn and Winter quarters, faculty and other scho...
EDUC100C EAST House Seminar: Readings on Equity, Access & Society EAST is the Equity, Access, and Society Theme House at Stanford University. The EAST House Seminar is primarily a speaker series designed to introduce students to the research of Stanford faculty. In Autumn and Winter quarters, faculty and other scho...
EDUC101 Introduction to Teaching and Learning This course is designed to help undergraduates explore career interests in education; it is the core course for the Undergraduate Minor in Education, and fulfills requirements for Honors in Education. The course considers the philosophy, history, pol...
EDUC102 Examining Social Structures, Power, and Educational Access Goal is to prepare Education and Youth Development fellows for their work with adolescents in the Haas Center's pre-college summer programs and to define their role in addressing educational inequities in the summer programs and beyond.
EDUC102I International Education Policy Workshop This is a project-based workshop. Practical introduction to issues in educational policy making, education reform, educational planning, implementation of policy interventions, and monitoring and evaluation in developing country contexts. Preference...
EDUC103A Tutoring: Seeing a Child through Literacy In this service-learning course, participants experience the world of school and print through the eyes of a child. Enrolled students learn about literacy development and instruction with diverse learners and are prepared to tutor a child in grades...
EDUC103B Race, Ethnicity, and Linguistic Diversity in Classrooms: Sociocultural Theory and Practices Focus is on classrooms with students from diverse racial, ethnic and linguistic backgrounds. Studies, writing, and media representation of urban and diverse school settings; implications for transforming teaching and learning. Issues related to devel...
EDUC104 Introduction to the Profession of Teaching This course explores the profession of teaching through an internship in a local elementary or high school classroom. Students will observe and assist instruction for four hours per week. In class, students will read, discuss, and respond to theory a...
EDUC107 Education and Inequality: Big Data for Large-Scale Problems In this course, students will use data from the Stanford Education Data Archive (SEDA) to study the patterns, causes, consequences, and remedies of educational inequality in the US. SEDA is based on 200 million test score records, administrative data...
EDUC108 The Changing Face of America This upper-division seminar will explore some of the most significant issues related to educational access and equity facing American society in the 21st century. Designed for students with significant leadership potential who have already studied th...
EDUC111 The Young Adult Novel: A Literature For and About Adolescents For undergraduates considering teaching or working with adolescents, and for those planning to apply to the coterminal program in the Stanford Teacher Education program (STEP). Students work together to define the genre of young adult novels. What th...
EDUC112 Urban Education (Graduate students register for EDUC 212 or SOC 229X). Combination of social science and historical perspectives trace the major developments, contexts, tensions, challenges, and policy issues of urban education.
EDUC114C America Never was America to me: Race and Equity in US Public Schools This cross-disciplinary course will use the 10-part docu-series "America to Me" to discuss the complexities of race and equity in US schools. The series follows a year in the life of a racially diverse, well-resourced high school outside Chicago, pro...
EDUC114N Growing Up Bilingual This course is a Freshman Introductory Seminar that has as its purpose introducing students to the sociolinguistic study of bilingualism by focusing on bilingual communities in this country and on bilingual individuals who use two languages in their...
EDUC115N Mathematical Mindsets - The Interplay of Identity & Knowledge in Learning & Life What is going on in mathematics education in the United States? Why do so many people hate and fear math? What contributes to the high levels of innumeracy in the general population? Why do girls and women opt out of math when they get a chance? In t...
EDUC116N Howard Zinn and the Quest for Historical Truth With more than two million copies in print, Howard Zinn's A People's History is a cultural icon. We will use Zinn's book to probe how we determine what was true in the past. A People's History will be our point of departure, but our journey will visi...
EDUC117 Research and Policy on Postsecondary Access The transition from high school to college. K-16 course focusing on high school preparation, college choice, remediation, pathways to college, and first-year adjustment. The role of educational policy in postsecondary access. Service Learning Course...
EDUC118S Designing Your Stanford DYS uses a Design Thinking approach to help Freshmen and Sophomores learn practical tools and ideas to make the most of their Stanford experience. Topics include the purpose of college, major selection, educational and vocational wayfinding, and inno...
EDUC119S The History of Native Americans of California How the federal government placed education at the center of its Indian policy in second half of 19th century, subjecting Native Americans to programs designed to erase native cultures and American Indian responses to those programs. Topics include t...
EDUC120 Sociology of Science This course explores the social construction of scientific knowledge from various perspectives. The course begins by taking stock of core philosophical theories on scientific knowledge and then it proceeds to ask how various authors have described an...
EDUC120C Education and Society The effects of schools and schooling on individuals, the stratification system, and society. Education as socializing individuals and as legitimizing social institutions. The social and individual factors affecting the expansion of schooling, individ...
EDUC122Q Democracy in Crisis: Learning from the Past This January, an armed insurrection assaulted the U.S. Capital, trying to block the Electoral College affirmation of President Biden's election. For the past four years, American democracy has been in continual crisis. Bitter and differing views of w...
EDUC123 Community-based Research As Tool for Social Change:Discourses of Equity in Communities & Classrooms Issues and strategies for studying oral and written discourse as a means for understanding classrooms, students, and teachers, and teaching and learning in educational contexts. The forms and functions of oral and written language in the classroom, e...
EDUC124 Collaborative Design and Research of Technology-integrated Curriculum The course introduces participatory design models for the development and research of educational materials through a studio-based, partnership driven, technology-integrated curriculum project. The special topic taken up in 2018 will be concussion ed...
EDUC125 Exploring the US Public Education System This three-unit course is an introduction to understanding the US public education system from classrooms through board rooms. We will use five different perspectives or lenses: 1) politics and policy of compulsory education, 2) educational equity in...
EDUC126A Ethics and Leadership in Public Service This course explores ethical questions that arise in public service work, as well as leadership theory and skills relevant to public service work. Through readings, discussions, in-class activities, assignments, and guest lectures, students will deve...
EDUC129 Boost Youth College Readiness through Effective Mathematics Tutoring Students will participate in one-on-one tutoring in mathematics with an elementary or middle school student who is enrolled in the East Palo Alto Tennis and Tutoring program (EPATT). They will attend class one evening a week, during which they will l...
EDUC130 Introduction to Counseling The goal of counseling is to help others to create more satisfying lives for themselves. Clients learn to create and capitalize on unexpected events to open up new opportunities. The success of counseling is judged, not by the words and actions of...
EDUC131 Raza Youth in Urban Schools: Mis-educating Chicana/o/x and Latina/o/x Communities This course focuses on the experiences of Chicana/o/x and Latina/o/x youth in U.S. public schools. We will connect historical patterns with contemporary issues in some of this nations largest urban school districts in order to uncover the ways in whi...
EDUC132 Music Education: Then, Now, and Then Again Explores the presence and impact of music across a variety of educational settings, with a focus on the historical function of music education, the current role of music education, and potential future models of music education.
EDUC135 Designing Research-Based Interventions to Solve Global Health Problems The excitement around social innovation and entrepreneurship has spawned numerous startups focused on tackling world problems, particularly in the fields of education and health. The best social ventures are launched with careful consideration paid t...
EDUC136 Global Social Change, Sustainable Development, and Education Focuses on the relations between education and sustainable development from a comparative cross-national perspective. The course covers questions and debates around education for sustainable development and the nature of "the global"; global influenc...
EDUC137 The Role of Policy in Shaping U.S. Education: Early Childhood through High School We will explore current issues in preK-12 education policy including the expansion of early childhood programs, the effectiveness of accountability, the challenges facing teacher labor markets, and the financing of education. We discuss the role gove...
EDUC138 How College Works: An Introduction to the Sociology of Higher Education This course is designed for students who want to better understand the elite 4-year college system and how inequalities are both perpetuated and ameliorated by its structure and practices (focusing on gender, race, and first generation college studen...
EDUC140 Honors Research Provides opportunity for research in pursuit of senior honors theses.
EDUC141 Counterstory in Literature and Education Counterstory is a method developed in critical legal studies that emerges out of the broad "narrative turn" in the humanities and social science. This course explores the value of this turn, especially for marginalized communities, and the use of cou...
EDUC141A Counterstory Practice in Contemporary Literature and Media This seminar explores Counterstory, a methodology for exposing and challenging dominant cultural narratives about identities, events, and power. We examine counterstories in contemporary literature and media, examine the theory and craft behind them,...
EDUC142 Foundational Course in Testing This course explores basic concepts in testing. It examines testing purposes, test item formats, types of knowledge assessed, and factors that may affect the education process and different educational outcomes. The course also includes a discussion...
EDUC143 Introduction to Data Science Social scientists can benefit greatly from utilizing new data sources like electronic administration records or digital communications, but they require tools and techniques to make sense of their scope and complexity. This course offers the opportun...
EDUC144 Re(positioning) Disability: Historical, Cultural, and Social Lenses This course is designed to introduce undergraduate students of any major to important theoretical and practical concepts regarding special education, disability, and diversity. This course primarily addresses the social construction of disability and...
EDUC144A Diverse Perspectives on Disability The experiences of people with disabilities are often clouded by misconceptions, mystery, fear, and lack of personal experience. Although no one person has the keys to unlocking the diverse perspectives of people with disabilities, using tools afford...
EDUC144B Biosocial-Biocultural Perspectives on Disability in Education Disability is a complex phenomenon contested along biopolitical and sociopolitical vectors in the field of education and other attendant fields such as humanities, history, and biosciences. These contestations influence the ways in which disabled liv...
EDUC145 Writing Across Languages and Cultures: Research in Writing and Writing Instruction Theoretical perspectives that have dominated the literature on writing research. Reports, articles, and chapters on writing research, theory, and instruction; current and historical perspectives in writing research and research findings relating to t...
EDUC147 Stanford and Its Worlds: 1885-present The past and future of Stanford University examined through the development of four critical "worlds," including the Western region of the United States, the US nation-state, the global academy, and the complex phenomena summarized by the name Silico...
EDUC147L Stanford Archive Lab Work together with a team of University Archivists, student archive assistants, and classmates on a public exhibition about a rotating theme. Learn what to search for in an archive, how to employ methods from history and sociology to understand and s...
EDUC148 Ingl¿s Personal: Coaching Everyday Community English This course is a 1 to 5 unit service learning course that prepares students to provide direct one-on-one service to adult English language learners in East Palo Alto and other surrounding communities. Students meet with and "coach" an adult learner o...
EDUC149 Theory and Issues in the Study of Bilingualism Sociolinguistic perspective. Emphasis is on typologies of bilingualism, the acquisition of bilingual ability, description and measurement, and the nature of societal bilingualism. Prepares students to work with bilingual students and their families a...
EDUC155 First Year Reflections Seminar Restricted to first-year undergraduates; limited enrollment. There are two options for how to participate. You can either enroll in three class weekday sessions weeks 4, 5 & 6 or one weekend section. These times provide a structured time for students...
EDUC157 Election 2020 (Also LAW 7101). We are living in extraordinary times. The historic convergence of social, economic, and public health challenges has profoundly impacted the lives of millions of Americans. In the midst of great uncertainty, the 2020 US presidential...
EDUC15SC Remix | Reading and Writing DJ Culture "last night a DJ saved my life" --Indeep (1982 song) In a moment that has been widely described being defined by "remix culture," what might we learn from the traditions and practices of the artists who gave us the remix? This course looks at the DJ...
EDUC165 History of Higher Education in the U.S. Major periods of evolution, particularly since the mid-19th century. Premise: insights into contemporary higher education can be obtained through its antecedents, particularly regarding issues of governance, mission, access, curriculum, and the chang...
EDUC166C Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity Race and ethnicity are often taken for granted as naturally occurring, self-evident phenomena that must be navigated or overcome to understand and eradicate the (re)production of societal hierarchies across historical, geopolitical, and institutional...
EDUC170 Preparation for Independent Public Service Projects Open only to recipients of the Haas Summer Fellowship, which offers students the opportunity to initiate and carry out an innovative service project in collaboration with a community partner. Goal is to expand upon the work fellows did during the app...
EDUC171 Preschool Counts: Engaging Young Children in Math This course focuses on concepts and theories of mathematics teaching and learning in Early Childhood Education. Class requirements include practical experience teaching aged 4-5 years in a local school. Topics include teaching of math to young child...
EDUC173 Gender and Higher Education: National and International Perspectives This course examines the ways in which higher education structures and policies interact with gender, gender identity, and other characteristics in the United States, around the world, and over time. Attention is paid to how changes in those structur...
EDUC177A Well-Being in Immigrant Children & Youth: A Service Learning Course This is an interdisciplinary course that will examine the dramatic demographic changes in American society that are challenging the institutions of our country, from health care and education to business and politics. This demographic transformation...
EDUC177B Well-Being in Immigrant Children & Youth: A Service Learning Course This is an interdisciplinary course that will examine the dramatic demographic changes in American society that are challenging the institutions of our country, from health care and education to business and politics. This demographic transformation...
EDUC178 Latino Families, Languages, and Schools The challenges facing schools to establish school-family partnerships with newly arrived Latino immigrant parents. How language acts as a barrier to home-school communication and parent participation. Current models of parent-school collaboration and...
EDUC179E Introduction to Chicanx/Latinx Studies This course draws on intersectional and interdisciplinary approaches to introduce students to the range of issues, experiences, and methodologies that form the foundation of Latina/o/x studies. By considering the relationship between the creation of...
EDUC180 Directed Reading in Education For undergraduates and master's degree students. (All Areas)
EDUC180P Study Trip Course Limited to students in the POLS MA Program.
EDUC180S Pre-field Course for Alternative Spring Break Limited to students participating in the Alternative Spring Break program. See for more inform
EDUC181 Multicultural Issues in Higher Education The primary social, educational, and political issues that have surfaced in American higher education due to the rapid demographic changes occurring since the early 80s. Research efforts and the policy debates include multicultural communities, the c...
EDUC182 Student Development and the Study of College Impact The philosophies, theories, and methods that undergird most research in higher education. How college affects students. Student development theories, models of college impact, and issues surrounding data collection, national databases, and secondary...
EDUC185 Master's Thesis (all areas)
EDUC186 Decolonizing the Indigenous Classroom Using Indigenous and decolonizing perspectives on education, this interdisciplinary course will examine interaction and language in cross-cultural educational situations, including language, literacy and interethnic communication as they relate to In...
EDUC190 Directed Research in Education For undergraduates and master's students. May be repeated for credit. (all areas)
EDUC192A Interpersonal Learning & Leadership: An Introduction to the RA Role Preparing students for roles as Resident and Community Assistants, "Intelligent Leadership" explores research on college student development, leadership and the complex dynamics of our changing society both within and outside the college environment....
EDUC192B Interpersonal Learning & Leadership - Row Staff Class "Interpersonal Learning & Leadership - Row Staff Class" explores research on leadership and the complex dynamics of our changing society. Participants will engage in course work intended to build skills relevant to being on a Row Staff team. Students...
EDUC192C Interpersonal Learning and Leadership: An introduction to the RA role while away from campus "Interpersonal Learning & Leadership" explores research on leadership and the complex dynamics of our changing society. Participants will engage in course work intended to build skills relevant to the Resident Assistant/College Assistant position. St...
EDUC192D Interpersonal Learning and Leadership: Working with Ethnically Diverse Communities "Interpersonal Learning & Leadership" explores research on leadership and the complex dynamics of our changing society. Participants will engage in course work intended to build skills relevant to the Ethnic Theme Associate position. Students will pr...
EDUC192E Interpersonal Learning and Leadership: An Intro to the RA Role: Summer Session Staff Only Preparing students for roles as Resident and Community Assistants, "Intelligent Leadership" explores research on college student development, leadership and the complex dynamics of our changing society both within and outside the college environment....
EDUC193A Listen Up! Core Peer Counseling Skills Listen Up! Introduces several skills intended to promote the development of active listening skills central to connecting and engaging with others more intentionally. The first four weeks of the course walk through a general framework for offering su...
EDUC193B Peer Counseling in the Chicano/Latino Community Topics: verbal and non-verbal attending and communication skills, open and closed questions, working with feelings, summarization, and integration. Salient counseling issues including Spanish-English code switching in communication, the role of ethni...
EDUC193F Psychological Well-Being on Campus: Asian American Perspectives Topics: the Asian family structure, and concepts of identity, ethnicity, culture, and racism in terms of their impact on individual development and the counseling process. Emphasis is on empathic understanding of Asians in America. Group exercises.
EDUC193P Peer Counseling at the Bridge Peer Counseling at the Bridge serves as the second part of the required training to staff at the Bridge. Guest speakers present on mental health themes salient to working as a peer counselor at the Bridge. Topics covered include relationships, sexual...
EDUC193S Peer Counseling on Comprehensive Sexual Health Information on sexually transmitted infections and diseases, and birth control methods. Topics related to sexual health such as communication, societal attitudes and pressures, pregnancy, abortion, and the range of sexual expression. Role-play and pe...
EDUC195A Origins and Legacies of Educational Progressivism: A Community Engaged Learning Course This course is about educational progressivism: its origins and competing factions, and the ways it continues to shape schooling today. This is a Cardinal Course, or community engaged learning course. Students will spend time each week in a local sch...
EDUC196 Senior Research in Public Service Limited to seniors approved by their departments for honors thesis and admitted to the year-round Public Service Scholars Program sponsored by the Haas Center for Public Service. What standards in addition to those expected by the academy apply to re...
EDUC197 Gender and Education in Global and Comparative Perspectives This course introduces students to theories and perspectives from the social sciences relevant to an understanding of the role of education in relation to structures of gender differentiation, hierarchy, and power. It familiarizes students with and e...
EDUC199A Undergraduate Honors Seminar Required of juniors and seniors in the honors program in the School of Education. Student involvement and apprenticeships in educational research. Participants share ongoing work on their honors thesis. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be rep...
EDUC199B Undergraduate Honors Seminar Required of juniors and seniors in the honors program in the School of Education. Student involvement and apprenticeships in educational research. Participants share ongoing work on their honors thesis. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be rep...
EDUC199C Undergraduate Honors Seminar Required of juniors and seniors in the honors program in the School of Education. Student involvement and apprenticeships in educational research. Participants share ongoing work on their honors thesis. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be rep...
EDUC200A Introduction to Data Analysis and Interpretation Primarily for master's students in the School of Education. Focus is on reading literature and interpreting descriptive and inferential statistics, especially those commonly found in education. Topics: basic research design, instrument reliability an...
EDUC200B Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods (Formerly EDUC 151.) Primarily for master's students: An introduction to the core concepts and methods of qualitative research. Through a variety of hands-on learning activities, readings, field experiences, class lectures, and discussions, students...
EDUC201 History of Education in the United States How education came to its current forms and functions, from the colonial experience to the present. Focus is on the 19th-century invention of the common school system, 20th-century emergence of progressive education reform, and the developments since...
EDUC202 Introduction to International and Comparative Education Contemporary theoretical debates about educational change and development, and the international dimension of issues in education. Emphasis is on the development of students' abilities to make cross-national and historical comparisons of educational...
EDUC202I International Education Policy Workshop This is a project-based workshop. Practical introduction to issues in educational policy making, education reform, educational planning, implementation of policy interventions, and monitoring and evaluation in developing country contexts. Preference...
EDUC202L Introduction to International and Comparative Education Project Component This course is a required project-based learning component intended only for students concurrently enrolled in EDUC 202 "Introduction to International and Comparative Education." Registration in EDUC 202 is required in order to enroll in EDUC 202L.
EDUC203 Using International Test Results in Educational Research The course will analyze the origin and rationales given for various international tests, including FIMS, SIMS, TIMSS, PISA, the UNESO tests in Latin America and Africa, and how they have been used in research and educational policy. The readings will...
EDUC203A Tutoring: Seeing a Child through Literacy In this service-learning course, participants experience the world of school and print through the eyes of a child. Enrolled students learn about literacy development and instruction with diverse learners and are prepared to tutor a child in grades...
EDUC204 Introduction to Philosophy of Education How to think philosophically about educational problems. Recent influential scholarship in philosophy of education. No previous study in philosophy required.
EDUC206A Applied Research Methods in International and Comparative Education I: Introduction Required for M.A. students in ICE and IEPA. Orientation to the M.A. program and research project; exploration of resources for study and research.
EDUC206B Applied Research Methods in International and Comparative Education II: Master's Paper Proposal Required for master's students in International Comparative Education (ICE) and International Education Policy Analysis (IEPA). Development of research skills through theoretical and methodological issues in comparative and international education. C...
EDUC206C Applied Research Methods in ICE III: Data Collection and Analysis Required for master's students in International Comparative Education (ICE) and International Education Policy Analysis (IEPA). Practice in data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Preparation of the first draft of the master's paper.
EDUC206D Applied Research Methods in International and Comparative Education IV: Master's Paper Workshop Required for master's students in International Comparative Education (ICE) and International Education Policy Analysis (IEPA). Reviews of students' research as they finalize the master's paper.
EDUC207 Education and Inequality: Big Data for Large-Scale Problems In this course, students will use data from the Stanford Education Data Archive (SEDA) to study the patterns, causes, consequences, and remedies of educational inequality in the US. SEDA is based on 200 million test score records, administrative data...
EDUC208B Curriculum Construction The theories and methods of curriculum development and improvement. Topics: curriculum ideologies, perspectives on design, strategies for diverse learners, and the politics of curriculum construction and implementation. Students develop curriculum pl...
EDUC208C Curriculum: In Theory and Policy This seminar examines the school curriculum as a primary site for working out philosophical, political, and practical issues entailed in thinking about how best to organize student learning in the US public school system. While focusing on contempora...
EDUC209A Policy, Organization, and Leadership Studies Seminar A required course for POLS students, the purpose of POLS seminar is: (1) To learn about and study the interrelationships among policy, organizations, and leadership in the educational sector; (2) To design and carry out a meaningful POLS field projec...
EDUC209B Policy, Organization, and Leadership Studies Seminar A required course for POLS students, the purpose of POLS seminar is: (1) To learn about and study the interrelationships among policy, organizations, and leadership in the educational sector; (2) To design and carry out a meaningful POLS field projec...
EDUC209C Policy, Organization, and Leadership Studies Seminar A required course for POLS students, the purpose of POLS seminar is: (1) To learn about and study the interrelationships among policy, organizations, and leadership in the educational sector; (2) To design and carry out a meaningful POLS field projec...
EDUC210 Policy, Organization, and Leadership Studies Workshop Required for POLS students. Scaffolds applied research for POLS field projects. Students may enroll for a total of up to eight (8) units across Winter and Spring quarters. Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center.
EDUC211 Beyond Bits and Atoms - Lab This lab course is a hands-on introduction to the prototyping and fabrication of tangible, interactive technologies, with a special focus on learning and education. (No prior prototyping experience required.) It focuses on the design and prototyping...
EDUC211A Maker Tools Learning Lab This project-based lab course introduces students to the use of several maker tools for personal and academic projects.
EDUC212 Urban Education (Graduate students register for EDUC 212 or SOC 229X). Combination of social science and historical perspectives trace the major developments, contexts, tensions, challenges, and policy issues of urban education.
EDUC213 Introduction to Teaching Key concepts in teaching and learning; teacher content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge; student prior knowledge and preconceptions; cognition and metacognition; classroom culture, motivation, and management; teaching diverse populations;...
EDUC214 Museum Cultures: Material Representation in the Past and Present Students will open the "black box" of museums to consider the past and present roles of institutional collections, culminating in a student-curated exhibition. Today, museums assert their relevance as dynamic spaces for debate and learning. Coloniali...
EDUC215 Education Internship Workshop This course will provide students an opportunity to link their academic learning to real world experience through reflective activities and conversations. An internship agreement will be required at the beginning of the course. Students will take the...
EDUC217 Free Speech, Academic Freedom, and Democracy The course examines connected ideas of free speech, academic freedom, and democratic legitimacy that are still widely shared by many of us but have been subject to skeptical pressures both outside and inside the academy in recent years. The course e...
EDUC218 Topics in Cognition and Learning: Technology and Multitasking In our new media ecology, has affinity for social media and multitasking become addictive? Detrimental to learning and well-being? What can we learn from studies in the developmental cognitive sciences and cognitive neurosciences of reward, attentio...
EDUC220A Introduction to the Economics of Education The relationship between education and economic analysis. Topics: labor markets for teachers, the economics of child care, the effects of education on earnings and employment, the effects of education on economic growth and distribution of income, an...
EDUC220B Introduction to the Politics of Education (Same as GSBGEN 349.) The relationships between political analysis and policy formulation in education; focus is on alternative models of the political process, the nature of interest groups, political strategies, community power, the external enviro...
EDUC220C Education and Society The effects of schools and schooling on individuals, the stratification system, and society. Education as socializing individuals and as legitimizing social institutions. The social and individual factors affecting the expansion of schooling, individ...
EDUC220D History of School Reform: Origins, Policies, Outcomes, and Explanations Strongly recommended for students in the POLS M.A. program; others welcome. Focus is on 20th-century U.S. Intended and unintended patterns in school change; the paradox of reform that schools are often reforming but never seem to change much; rhetori...
EDUC221A Policy Analysis in Education We explore current issues in preK-12 education policy including the expansion of early childhood programs, the effectiveness of accountability, the challenges facing teacher labor markets, and the financing of education. We discuss the role governmen...
EDUC222 Resource Allocation in Education (Same as GSBGEN 326) This course covers economic principles and tools for informing resource allocation decisions in education. Students will review concepts related to educational goods and values; the costs and benefits of different levels and type...
EDUC223 Language Issues in Educational Research and Practice This course provides the foundation for reasoning about language and linguistic groups and for thinking critically about available literature, methods, normative documents, and services concerning language in educational research and practice. Making...
EDUC224 Asian American Racialization in Education This course examines how race and other social processes in education have shaped understandings of the racial category of "Asian American." Students will investigate how education as a social institution makes, remakes, and challenges racial narrati...
EDUC228E Becoming Literate in School I First in a three course sequence. Introduction to reading and language arts theory and methodology for candidates STEP Elementary Teacher program. Instructional methods, formats, and materials.
EDUC228F Becoming Literate in School II Second in a three-course required sequence of reading and language arts theory and methodology for candidates in the STEP Elementary program. Theories for guiding instruction and curricular choices.
EDUC228G Becoming Literate in School III Third in a three-course required sequence of reading and language arts theory and methodology for candidates in STEP Elementary Teacher program. Theories for guiding instruction and curricular choices.
EDUC228H Arts, History & Social Sciences: Integration and Inquiry How elementary school teachers can teach history and social science within a literacy framework. Topics include: historical thinking, reading, and writing; current research; applying nonfiction reading and writing strategies to historical texts; usin...
EDUC229A Learning Design and Technology Seminar Four-quarter required seminar for the LDT master's program. Discussions and activities related to designing for learning with technology. Support for master's project. Theoretical and practical perspectives, hands-on development, and collaborative ef...
EDUC229B Learning Design and Technology Seminar Four-quarter required seminar for the LDT master's program. Discussions and activities related to designing for learning with technology. Support for master's project. Theoretical and practical perspectives, hands-on development, and collaborative ef...
EDUC229C Learning Design and Technology Seminar Four-quarter required seminar for the LDT master's program. Discussions and activities related to designing for learning with technology. Support for master's project. Theoretical and practical perspectives, hands-on development, and collaborative ef...
EDUC229D Learning Design and Technology Seminar Four-quarter required seminar for the LDT master's program. Discussions and activities related to designing for learning with technology. Support for master's project. Theoretical and practical perspectives, hands-on development, and collaborative ef...
EDUC230 Learning Experience Design This course explores the design of tools for learning, leveraging scholarship and real-world projects to create prototypes of new digital learning tools. Students will engage in design activities to come up with prototypes of new learning tools for c...
EDUC231 Learning Religion: How People Acquire Religious Commitments This course will examine how people learn religion outside of school, and in conversation with popular cultural texts and practices. Taking a broad social-constructivist approach to the variety of ways people learn, this course will explore how peopl...
EDUC232 Culture, Learning, and Poverty This course examines the categories and methods used to analyze and explain educational inequalities in the United States from 1950 to present. Approaches to theories of school failure and methods of intervention are distinguished by their ideas on t...
EDUC234 Curiosity in Artificial Intelligence How do we design artificial systems that learn as we do early in life -- as "scientists in the crib" who explore and experiment with our surroundings? How do we make AI "curious" so that it explores without explicit external feedback? Topics draw fro...
EDUC234A Interactive and Embodied Learning Most successful machine learning algorithms of today use either carefully curated, human-labeled datasets, or large amounts of experience aimed at achieving well-defined goals within specific environments. In contrast, people learn through their agen...
EDUC235 Workshop and Reading Group in Higher Education This is an ongoing workshop and reading group for students and faculty engaged in research in higher education. Topics include but are not limited to postsecondary access; late adolescent and college student development; adult and lifelong learning;...
EDUC236 Beyond Bits and Atoms: Designing Technological Tools This course is a practicum in the design of technology-enabled curricula and hands-on learning environments. It focuses on the theories, concepts, and practices necessary to design effective, low-cost educational technologies that support learning in...
EDUC237 Learning, Making, Crafting, & Creating This is a hands-on course that introduces students to digital fabrication and 'maker' technologies used to develop prototypes of new objects and artifacts for learning. Technologies include 3D printers, electronic textiles, laser cutters, low-thresho...
EDUC238 Market Oriented Policies in Education Introducing market dynamics in education remains a highly controversial policy issue. In this course we will discuss the main ideas supporting the market approach in education and the key arguments against these policies; we will also review some of...
EDUC239 Educating Young STEM Thinkers The course introduces students to the design thinking process, the national conversations about the future of STEM careers, and opportunities to work with middle school students and K-12 teachers in STEM-based after-school activities and intercession...
EDUC240 Adolescent Development and Learning How do adolescents develop their identities, manage their inner and outer worlds, and learn? Presuppositions: that fruitful instruction takes into account the developmental characteristics of learners and the task demands of specific curricula; and t...
EDUC242 Workshop on Instrument Development for Assessment, Research or Evaluation Purposes I This course is designed with the belief that collecting information is a routine activity in which most researchers and educators are involved. Developing and improving instruments to gather information for descriptive, assessment, research, or evalu...
EDUC243 Writing Across Languages and Cultures: Research in Writing and Writing Instruction Theoretical perspectives that have dominated the literature on writing research. Reports, articles, and chapters on writing research, theory, and instruction; current and historical perspectives in writing research and research findings relating to t...
EDUC244 Classroom Management and Leadership Student and teacher roles in developing a classroom community. Strategies for classroom management within a theoretical framework. STEP secondary only.
EDUC244E Building Classroom Community How to best manage a classroom. Student and teacher roles in developing a classroom community. Strategies for classroom management within a theoretical framework. STEP elementary only.
EDUC244F Building Classroom Community Skills for developing a positive classroom learning environment. Theoretical issues and opportunities to acquire strategies and make links with practice teaching class. STEP elementary only.
EDUC245 Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development This seminar will explore the impact and relative salience of racial/ethnic identity on select issues including: discrimination, social justice, mental health and academic performance. Theoretical perspectives on identity development will be reviewed...
EDUC246A Secondary Teaching Seminar: Race, Intersectionality, and Identity in Schools Preparation and practice in issues and strategies for teaching in classrooms with diverse students. Topics: instruction, curricular planning, classroom interaction processes, portfolio development, teacher professionalism, patterns of school organiza...
EDUC246B Secondary Teaching Seminar: Leading, Building and Sustaining Classroom Communities Preparation and practice in issues and strategies for teaching in classrooms with diverse students. Topics: guided observations, building classroom community, classroom interaction processes, topics in special education portfolio development, teacher...
EDUC246C Secondary Teaching Seminar: Assessment for Learning and Equity Preparation and practice in issues and strategies for teaching in classrooms with diverse students. Topics: instruction, curricular planning, classroom interaction processes, portfolio development, teacher professionalism, patterns of school organiza...
EDUC246D Secondary Teaching Seminar: Intersectionality in Diverse California Schools Preparation and practice in issues and strategies for teaching in classrooms with diverse students. Topics: instruction, curricular planning, classroom interaction processes, portfolio development, teacher professionalism, patterns of school organiza...
EDUC246E Elementary Teaching Seminar: Exploring Teaching Integrating theory and practice in teacher development. Topics include: equity, democracy, and social justice in the context of teaching and learning; teacher reflection, inquiry, and research; parent/teacher relationships; youth development and comm...
EDUC246F Elementary Teaching Seminar: School-Family Partnerships Integrating theory and practice in teacher development. Topics include: equity, democracy, and social justice in the context of teaching and learning; teacher reflection, inquiry, and research; parent/teacher relationships; youth development and comm...
EDUC246G Elementary Teaching Seminar: Assessment for Learning and Equity Integrating theory and practice in teacher development. Topics include: equity, democracy, and social justice in the context of teaching and learning; teacher reflection, inquiry, and research; parent/teacher relationships; youth development and comm...
EDUC246H Elementary Teaching Seminar: Imagining Forward Integrating theory and practice in teacher development. Topics include: equity, democracy, and social justice in the context of teaching and learning; teacher reflection, inquiry, and research; parent/teacher relationships; youth development and comm...
EDUC248 Language, Literacy, and Culture This field-based Cardinal Course will provide a unique opportunity to combine theory and practice in the study of language, literacy, and culture in educational settings. It is a collaborative partnership between Stanford (through the Haas Center for...
EDUC249 Theory and Issues in the Study of Bilingualism Sociolinguistic perspective. Emphasis is on typologies of bilingualism, the acquisition of bilingual ability, description and measurement, and the nature of societal bilingualism. Prepares students to work with bilingual students and their families a...
EDUC250 What Do Students Really Know? The Risks of Modern Assessment This course focuses on helping students to advance their knowledge about theory, design and research issues related to assessing student learning for accountability and learning purposes. The course explores assessment topics with a critical perspect...
EDUC250A Inquiry and Measurement in Education Part of doctoral research core. The logic of scientific inquiry in education, including identification of research questions, selection of qualitative or quantitative research methods, design of research studies, measurement, and collection, analysis...
EDUC251 Topics in Epistemology and Education Epistemology and education are each concerned with knowledge. Epistemology has both positive and normative aspects: it asks what knowledge is and why it is valued. Education is concerned with methods and conditions for conveying knowledge. This cours...
EDUC252 Introduction to Psychometrics Concepts of reliability and validity; derivation and use of test scales and norms; mathematical models and procedures for test validation, scoring, and interpretation.
EDUC252L Introduction to Psychometrics - Lab This course will cover the material from EDUC 252 in an applied setting. Emphasis will be in developing a capacity for applying and interpreting psychometrics techniques to real-world and simulated data.
EDUC253 Foundations of Learning: From Ideas to Application Education is one of the most contested spaces in American society today. But its public commentators draw on old debates in the texts of Plato, Rousseau, DuBois, Dewey and others. This course offers an opportunity to uncover the roots of current conv...
EDUC254 Digital Learning Design Workshop Digital Learning Design Workshop is a project-based course offered in Fall and Winter Quarters that students can take as part of the Digital Learning Initiative's Student Accelerator. In hands-on workshops, led by prominent academic and industry expe...
EDUC255 Mission and Money in Education (Same as GSBGEN 373) Educational institutions are defined by their academic missions and their financial structures. When we refer to public/private or nonprofit/profit sectors, these are shorthand descriptions of the different capital structures tha...
EDUC256 Psychological and Educational Resilience Among Children and Youth Theoretical, methodological, and empirical issues pertaining to the psychological and educational resilience of children and adolescents. Overview of the resilience framework, including current terminology and conceptual and measurement issues. Adapt...
EDUC258 Literacy Development and Instruction Literacy acquisition as a developmental and educational process. Problems that may be encountered as children learn to read. How to disentangle home, community, and school instruction from development.
EDUC259 Education Data Science Seminar This three-quarter seminar is a required course for Education Data Science MS students. Central to the seminar are discussing opportunities and challenges of Education Data Science; developing community among EDS students, faculty, and external EDS i...
EDUC259A Education Data Science Seminar This three-quarter seminar is a required course for Education Data Science MS students. Central to the seminar are discussing opportunities and challenges of Education Data Science; developing community among EDS students, faculty, and external EDS i...
EDUC259B Education Data Science Seminar This three-quarter seminar is a required course for Education Data Science MS students. Central to the seminar are discussing opportunities and challenges of Education Data Science; developing community among EDS students, faculty, and external EDS i...
EDUC259C Education Data Science Seminar This three-quarter seminar is a required course for Education Data Science MS students. Central to the seminar are discussing opportunities and challenges of Education Data Science; developing community among EDS students, faculty, and external EDS i...
EDUC259D Education Data Science Capstone Projects This three-quarter seminar is open to and required for second-year Education Data Science MS students. Central to the seminar is discussing work in progress on Capstone Projects.
EDUC259E Education Data Science Capstone Projects This three-quarter seminar is open to and required for second-year Education Data Science MS students. Central to the seminar is discussing work in progress on Capstone Projects. Capstone Projects may require curricular practical training and the cou...
EDUC259F Education Data Science Capstone Projects This three-quarter seminar is open to and required for second-year Education Data Science MS students. Central to the seminar is discussing work in progress on Capstone Projects. Capstone Projects may require curricular practical training and the cou...
EDUC260A Applications of Causal Inference Methods See Application of potential outcomes formulation for causal inference to research settings including: mediation, compliance adjustments, time-1 time-2 designs, encouragement designs, heterogeneous treatment effect...
EDUC261A Distance Learning Remote teaching and learning is not a new idea, however the popularity of these models has surged given the current COVID-19 pandemic. As students, parents, and teachers adapt to the dynamic nature of the current crisis, so too must our models of tea...
EDUC261B Distance Learning Remote teaching and learning is not a new idea, however the popularity of these models has surged given the current COVID-19 pandemic. As students, parents, and teachers adapt to the dynamic nature of the current crisis, so too must our models of tea...
EDUC261D Computational Thinking Elective This course approaches computational thinking through the lens of teaching for social justice. We will examine how (and why) practitioners and schools can support students engagement with computational thinking practices through interdisciplinary mea...
EDUC261E Curriculum and Instruction Elective in Data Science Data are all around us and it is becoming imperative for educators to teach students to develop greater data acumen. Topics covered include approaches to teaching about data and data science in the secondary school, including goals for instruction, t...
EDUC262A Curriculum and Instruction in English Approaches to teaching English in the secondary school, including goals for instruction, teaching techniques, and methods of evaluation. (STEP)
EDUC262B Curriculum and Instruction in English Approaches to teaching English in the secondary school, including goals for instruction, teaching techniques, and methods of evaluation. STEP secondary only.
EDUC262C Curriculum and Instruction in English Approaches to teaching English in the secondary school, including goals for instruction, teaching techniques, and methods of evaluation. (STEP)
EDUC262D Curriculum & Instruction Elective in English Methodology of science instruction: teaching for English and language arts; linking the goals of teaching English with interdisciplinary curricula; opportunities to develop teaching materials. For STEP Program students only.
EDUC263A Curriculum and Instruction in Mathematics The purposes and programs of mathematics in the secondary curriculum; teaching materials, methods. Prerequisite: STEP student or consent of instructor. (STEP) 263A. Sum, 263B. Aut, 263C. Win
EDUC263B Curriculum and Instruction in Mathematics The purposes and programs of mathematics in the secondary curriculum; teaching materials, methods. Prerequisite: STEP student or consent of instructor. (STEP) 263A. Sum, 263B. Aut, 263C. Win
EDUC263C Curriculum and Instruction in Mathematics The purposes and programs of mathematics in the secondary curriculum; teaching materials, methods. Prerequisite: STEP student or consent of instructor. (STEP) 263A. Sum, 263B. Aut, 263C. Win
EDUC263D Curriculum & Instruction Elective in Math Methodology of math instruction: teaching for mathematical thinking and reasoning; linking the goals of teaching math with literacy and interdisciplinary curricula; opportunities to develop teaching materials. For STEP Program students only.
EDUC263E Quantitative Reasoning in Mathematics I First of a three-course sequence in mathematics for STEP elementary teacher candidates. Content, pedagogy, and context. Mathematics subject matter; the orchestration of teaching and learning of elementary mathematics including curriculum, classroom a...
EDUC263F Quantitative Reasoning in Mathematics II Second of a three-course sequence in mathematics for STEP elementary teacher candidates. Content, pedagogy, and context. Mathematics subject matter; the orchestration of teaching and learning of elementary mathematics including curriculum, classroom...
EDUC263G Quantitative Reasoning in Mathematics III Third of a three-course sequence in mathematics for STEP elementary teacher candidates. Content, pedagogy, and context. Mathematics subject matter; the orchestration of teaching and learning of elementary mathematics including curriculum, classroom a...
EDUC264A Curriculum and Instruction in World Languages Approaches to teaching foreign languages in the secondary school, including goals for instruction, teaching techniques, and methods of evaluation. Prerequisite: STEP student. (STEP)
EDUC264B Curriculum and Instruction in World Languages Approaches to teaching foreign languages in the secondary school, including goals for instruction, teaching techniques, and methods of evaluation. STEP secondary only.
EDUC264C Curriculum and Instruction in World Languages Approaches to teaching foreign languages in the secondary school, including goals for instruction, teaching techniques, and methods of evaluation. Prerequisite: STEP student. (STEP)
EDUC264E Methods and Materials in Bilingual Classrooms Restricted to STEP elementary teacher candidates in the BCLAD program. Theories, research, and methods related to instruction of Spanish-English bilingual children, grades K-8. Approaches to dual language instruction, and pedagogical and curricular s...
EDUC265 History of Higher Education in the U.S. Major periods of evolution, particularly since the mid-19th century. Premise: insights into contemporary higher education can be obtained through its antecedents, particularly regarding issues of governance, mission, access, curriculum, and the chang...
EDUC266 Educational Neuroscience An introduction to the growing intersection between education research and emerging research on functional brain development. Students will probe the contributions and limitations of emerging theoretical and empirical contribution of neuroscience app...
EDUC267A Curriculum and Instruction in Science Possible objectives of secondary science teaching and related methods: selection and organization of content and instructional materials; lab and demonstration techniques; evaluation, tests; curricular changes; ties with other subject areas. Prerequi...
EDUC267B Curriculum and Instruction in Science Possible objectives of secondary science teaching and related methods: selection and organization of content and instructional materials; lab and demonstration techniques; evaluation, tests; curricular changes; ties with other subject areas. Prerequi...
EDUC267C Curriculum and Instruction in Science Possible objectives of secondary science teaching and related methods: selection and organization of content and instructional materials; lab and demonstration techniques; evaluation, tests; curricular changes; ties with other subject areas. Prerequi...
EDUC267D Curriculum & Instruction Elective in Science Methodology of science instruction: teaching for scientific reasoning; linking the goals of teaching science with literacy and interdisciplinary curricula; opportunities to develop teaching materials. For STEP Program students only.
EDUC267E Development of Scientific Reasoning and Knowledge For STEP elementary teacher candidates. Theories and methods of teaching and learning science. How to develop curricula and criteria for critiquing curricula. Students design a science curriculum plan for a real setting. State and national science fr...
EDUC267F Development of Scientific Reasoning and Knowledge II Continuation of 267E. Scientific knowledge and pedagogical skills for supporting science instruction. Topics include: how children build scientific understandings and what that understanding might look and sound like in young children; what school sc...
EDUC267G Integrating the Garden into the Elementary Curriculum This mini-course uses the garden and kitchen environments to provide teacher candidates with real-world contexts in which to explore some of the key issues that children face in health, nutrition, and sustainability. Teacher candidates will gain an u...
EDUC268A Curriculum and Instruction in History and Social Science The methodology of history instruction: teaching for historical thinking and reasoning; linking the goals of teaching history with literacy; curriculum trends; and opportunities to develop teaching and resource units. Prerequisite: STEP student.
EDUC268B Curriculum and Instruction in History and Social Science The methodology of history instruction: teaching for historical thinking and reasoning; linking the goals of teaching history with literacy; curriculum trends; and opportunities to develop teaching and resource units. Prerequisite: STEP student.
EDUC268C Curriculum and Instruction in History and Social Science The methodology of history instruction: teaching for historical thinking and reasoning; linking the goals of teaching history with literacy; curriculum trends; and opportunities to develop teaching and resource units. Prerequisite: STEP student.
EDUC268D Curriculum & Instruction Elective in History The methodology of history instruction: teaching for historical thinking and reasoning; linking the goals of teaching history with literacy and interdisciplinary curricula; opportunities to develop teaching materials. For STEP Program students only.
EDUC269 The Ethics in Teaching Goal is to prepare for the ethical problems teachers confront in their professional lives. Skills of ethical reasoning, familiarity with ethical concepts, and how to apply these skills and concepts in the analysis of case studies. Topics: ethical re...
EDUC270 Latino Families, Languages, and Schools The challenges facing schools to establish school-family partnerships with newly arrived Latino immigrant parents. How language acts as a barrier to home-school communication and parent participation. Current models of parent-school collaboration and...
EDUC271 Education Policy in the United States (Same as GSBGEN 347) The course will provide students from different disciplines with an understanding of the broad educational policy context. The course will cover topics including a) school finance systems; b) an overview of policies defining and...
EDUC273 Gender and Higher Education: National and International Perspectives This course examines the ways in which higher education structures and policies interact with gender, gender identity, and other characteristics in the United States, around the world, and over time. Attention is paid to how changes in those structur...
EDUC275 Leading Change in Schools This course explores organizational conditions conducive to planned change that can lead to school improvement. Particular attention is given to the plurality of leadership roles in change efforts. Intended primarily for master's students who have ha...
EDUC276 Classroom Assessment This course focuses on helping students to advance their knowledge about theory, design, and research issues related to assessing student learning in the classroom context. Students in this course will develop the basic conceptual and technical know...
EDUC277 Education of Immigrant Students: Psychological Perspectives Historical and contemporary approaches to educating immigrant students. Case study approach focuses on urban centers to demonstrate how stressed urban educational agencies serve immigrants and native-born U.S. students when confronted with overcrowde...
EDUC278 Introduction to Program Evaluation The purpose of Introduction to Program Evaluation (EDUC 278) is to provide an introduction to the field of program evaluation. Students taking this course will learn basic concepts and participate in intellectual debates in the field. This course is...
EDUC280 Learning & Teaching of Science This course will provide students with a basic knowledge of the relevant research in cognitive psychology and science education and the ability to apply that knowledge to enhance their ability to learn and teach science, particularly at the undergrad...
EDUC281 Technology for Learners How can we use technology to improve learning? Many hope that technology will make learning easier, faster, or accessible to more learners. This course explores a variety of approaches to designing tools for learning, the theories behind them, and th...
EDUC283 Child Development in and Beyond Schools (Formerly EDUC 144). How schools form a context for children's social and cognitive development. Focus is on early and middle childhood. Transactional processes between children and learning opportunities in classroom contexts. Topics include: altern...
EDUC284 Designing Equitable Groupwork Teaching in academically and linguistically heterogeneous classrooms requires a repertoire of pedagogical strategies. Focus is on how to provide access to intellectually challenging curriculum and equal-status interaction for students in diverse clas...
EDUC284A Designing Equitable Groupwork Teaching in academically and linguistically heterogeneous classrooms requires a repertoire of pedagogical strategies. Focus is on how to provide access to intellectually challenging curriculum and equal-status interaction for students in diverse clas...
EDUC284B Designing Equitable Groupwork Teaching in academically and linguistically heterogeneous classrooms requires a repertoire of pedagogical strategies. Focus is on how to provide access to intellectually challenging curriculum and equal-status interaction for students in diverse clas...
EDUC285 Supporting Students with Special Needs For STEP teacher candidates. Needs of exceptional learners, identification of learning differences and disabilities, and adaptations in the regular inclusion classroom. Legal requirements of special education, testing procedures, development of indiv...
EDUC285A Boundary Crossing at Work: Designing for Learning with Differences in Mind For STEP Secondary teacher candidates. Needs of exceptional learners, identification of learning differences and disabilities, and adaptations in the regular inclusion classroom. Legal requirements of special education, testing procedures, developmen...
EDUC285B Supporting Students with Special Needs For STEP Secondary teacher candidates. Needs of exceptional learners, identification of learning differences and disabilities, and adaptations in the regular inclusion classroom. Legal requirements of special education, testing procedures, developmen...
EDUC285C Dis/ability and Access in the Elementary Classroom For STEP Elementary teacher candidates. Needs of exceptional learners, identification of learning differences and disabilities, and adaptations in the regular inclusion classroom. Legal requirements of special education, testing procedures, developme...
EDUC285D Supporting Students with Special Needs For STEP elementary teacher candidates. Needs of exceptional learners, identification of learning differences and disabilities, and adaptations in the regular inclusion classroom. Legal requirements of special education, testing procedures, developme...
EDUC286 Decolonizing the Indigenous Classroom Using Indigenous and decolonizing perspectives on education, this interdisciplinary course will examine interaction and language in cross-cultural educational situations, including language, literacy and interethnic communication as they relate to In...
EDUC287 Graduate Research Workshop on Psychological Interventions Psychological research has the potential to create novel interventions that promote the public good. This workshop will expose students to psychologically 'wise' intervention research and to support their efforts to conduct such interventions, espec...
EDUC288 Organizational Analysis This is an introductory course in organizational behavior intended primarily for master's students. The course is applicable to a wide range of organizational settings, but pays particular attention to studies of schools, universities, nonprofit orga...
EDUC289 The Centrality of Literacies in Teaching and Learning (Formerly EDUC 166.) Focus is on principles in understanding, assessing, and supporting the reading and writing processes, and the acquisition of content area literacies in secondary schools. Literacy demands within particular disciplines and how to...
EDUC290 Instructional Leadership: Building Capacity for Excellent Teaching This course focuses on the role of leaders in designing, supporting and sustaining excellent teaching. How do leaders create the organizational conditions to focus attention on the technical core of instruction, curriculum and assessment. Course goal...
EDUC291 Learning Sciences and Technology Design Research Seminar and Colloquium Students and faculty present and critique new and original research relevant to the Learning Sciences and Technology Design doctoral program. Goal is to develop a community of scholars who become familiar with each other's work. Practice of the arts...
EDUC292 Academic Writing in Graduate Education In this workshop style course, you will learn principles for effective writing in graduate education and beyond. Beginning with consideration of the inherited and cultivated traditions informing your writing practices, you will examine the processes...
EDUC294 History of the Learned Book The course takes full advantage of the university library's Special Collections to examine the key historic works contributing to the advancement of learning and the organization of knowledge. Beginning with medieval manuscripts and progressing throu...
EDUC295 Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Education Technology Seminar (Same as GSBGEN 591) The last several years have created significant challenges and opportunities in education; there has never been a more pressing and urgent need in our history to foster entrepreneurship in education by leveraging new technologies...
EDUC298 Seminar on Teaching Introductory Computer Science Faculty, undergraduates, and graduate students interested in teaching discuss topics raised by teaching computer science at the introductory level. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
EDUC299A Beyond Equity (Formerly EDUC 167.) Introduction to the theories and practices of equity and democracy in education. How to think about teaching and schooling in new ways; the individual moral and political reasons for becoming a teacher. Enrollment restricted to s...
EDUC299B Beyond Equity (Formerly EDUC 167.) Introduction to the theories and practices of equity and democracy in education. How to think about teaching and schooling in new ways; the individual moral and political reasons for becoming a teacher. Enrollment restricted to s...
EDUC301 Workshop on Race, Ethnicity, and Language in Schools The Workshop on Race, Ethnicity, and Language in Schools is a new School of Education initiative that examines the profound and enduring relationships between race, ethnicity, and language in education in the U.S. and elsewhere. The seminar brings to...
EDUC304 Critical Theory and Pedagogy The course samples the work of Critical Theory, proper, critical theory more generally, and critical pedagogy in the schools, as it draws on the educational consequences of a school of thought. The project of critical theory is examined in light of t...
EDUC306A Economics of Education in the Global Economy Case material considers development problems in the U.S. and abroad. Discussion sections on economic aspects of educational development.
EDUC306B Global Education Policy & Organization Education policy, politics, and development. Topics include: politics, interests, institutions, policy, and civil society; how schools and school systems operate as political systems; how policy making occurs in educational systems; and theories of d...
EDUC306D Global Social Change, Sustainable Development, and Education Focuses on the relations between education and sustainable development from a comparative cross-national perspective. The course covers questions and debates around education for sustainable development and the nature of "the global"; global influenc...
EDUC306Y Economic Support Seminar for Education and Economic Development Core economic concepts that address issues in education in developing and developed countries. Supply and demand, elasticity, discount rates, rate of return analysis, utility functions, and production functions. Corequisite: 306A.
EDUC307 Foundations and Contemporary Topics in Social-Educational Psychology At its core, social psychology is concerned with educational problems because it addresses the problem of how to change hearts and minds in lasting ways. This course explores the major ideas, theories, and findings of social psychology, their educat...
EDUC30N The Science of Diverse Communities This course is an exploration. Most generally, its aim is to identify distinguishing features of good diverse communities and articulate them well enough to offer principles or guidelines for how to design and manage such communities - all with a par...
EDUC310 Sociology of Education Seminar. Key sociological theories and empirical studies of of the relationship between education and other major social institutions, focusing on drivers of educational change, the organizational infrastructures of education, and the implication of...
EDUC311 Research Workshop in International Education International Education Initiative (IEI) a cross-campus initiative to promote greater collaboration around research in international education at Stanford. It is designed to help students conduct higher quality research in international education an...
EDUC312 Relational Sociology Conversations, social relationships and social networks are the core features of social life. In this course we explore how conversations, relationships, and social networks not only have their own unique and independent characteristics, but how they...
EDUC313 The Education of American Jews This course will take an interdisciplinary approach to the question of how American Jews negotiate the desire to retain a unique ethnic sensibility without excluding themselves from American culture more broadly. Students will examine the various way...
EDUC314 Funkentelechy: Technologies, Social Justice and Black Vernacular Cultures From texts to techne, from artifacts to discourses on science and technology, this course is an examination of how Black people in this society have engaged with the mutually consitutive relationships that endure between humans and technologies. We w...
EDUC314C America Never was America to me: Race and Equity in US Public Schools This cross-disciplinary course will use the 10-part docu-series "America to Me" to discuss the complexities of race and equity in US schools. The series follows a year in the life of a racially diverse, well-resourced high school outside Chicago, pro...
EDUC315A Introduction to CSCL: Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning This seminar introduces students to foundational concepts and research on computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). It is designed for LSTD doctoral students, LDT masters' students, other GSE graduate students and advanced undergraduates inqu...
EDUC316 Social Network Methods Introduction to social network theory, methods, and research applications in sociology. Network concepts of interactionist (balance, cohesion, centrality) and structuralist (structural equivalence, roles, duality) traditions are defined and applied t...
EDUC317 Computational Sociology Yearlong workshop where doctoral students are encouraged to collaborate with peers and faculty who share an interest in employing computational techniques in the pursuit of researching social network dynamics, text analysis, histories, and theories o...
EDUC319 Research on Teaching Introduction and historical perspective to theory, methods, and substantive findings of research on teaching.
EDUC320 Sociology of Science This course explores the social construction of scientific knowledge from various perspectives. The course begins by taking stock of core philosophical theories on scientific knowledge and then it proceeds to ask how various authors have described an...
EDUC321 Nonprofits, Philanthropy & Society Over the past several decades nonprofit organizations have become increasingly central entities in society, and with this growing status and importance their roles are increasingly complex.We consider the social, political and economic dynamics of ph...
EDUC322 Community-based Research As Tool for Social Change:Discourses of Equity in Communities & Classrooms Issues and strategies for studying oral and written discourse as a means for understanding classrooms, students, and teachers, and teaching and learning in educational contexts. The forms and functions of oral and written language in the classroom, e...
EDUC325A Proseminar 1 Required of and limited to first-year Education doctoral students. Core questions in education: what is taught, to whom, and why; how do people learn; how do teachers teach and how do they learn to teach; how are schools organized; how are educationa...
EDUC325B Proseminar 2 Required of and limited to first-year Education doctoral students. Core questions in education: what is taught, to whom, and why; how do people learn; how do teachers teach and how do they learn to teach; how are schools organized; how are educationa...
EDUC325C Proseminar 3 Required of and limited to first-year Education doctoral students. Core questions in education: what is taught, to whom, and why; how do people learn; how do teachers teach and how do they learn to teach; how are schools organized; how are educationa...
EDUC326 Advanced Regression Analysis Social science researchers often deal with complex data and research questions that traditional statistics models like linear regression cannot adequately address. This course offers the opportunity to understand and apply two widely used types of ad...
EDUC327A The Conduct of Qualitative Inquiry Two quarter sequence for doctoral students to engage in research that anticipates, is a pilot study for, or feeds into their dissertations. Prior approval for dissertation study not required. Students engage in common research processes including: de...
EDUC327C The Conduct of Qualitative Inquiry For doctoral students. Students bring research data for analysis and writing. Preference to those who have completed 327A.
EDUC328 Topics in Learning and Technology: Core Mechanics for Learning Contents of the course change each year. The course can be repeated. In game play, core mechanics refers to the rules of interaction that drive the game forward. This class will consider whether there are core mechanics that can drive learning forwa...
EDUC329 Seminar on Teacher Professional Learning This course focus on theories, research, principles, design, and practices about professional learning for teachers. The specifics of the course will be guided by student interest. Possible topics include: pedagogies of professional learning, curricu...
EDUC332 Theory and Practice of Environmental Education Foundational understanding of the history, theoretical underpinnings, and practice of environmental education as a tool for addressing today's pressing environmental issues. The purpose, design, and implementation of environmental education in formal...
EDUC333A Introduction to Learning Sciences: Understanding Learning and Learning Environments This course is an introduction to the foundational ideas and origins of the learning sciences as they relate to conceptualizing, analyzing, and improving learning through the complementary work of researching and designing new learning environments,...
EDUC334A Youth and Education Law Project: Clinical Practice (Same as LAW 660A). The Youth and Education Law Project offers students the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of educational rights and reform work, including direct representation of youth and families in special education and school disc...
EDUC334B Youth and Education Law Project: Clinical Methods (Same as LAW 660B). The Youth and Education Law Project offers students the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of educational rights and reform work, including direct representation of youth and families in special education and school disc...
EDUC334C Youth and Education Law Project: Clinical Coursework (Same as LAW 660C). The Youth and Education Law Project offers students the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of educational rights and reform work, including direct representation of youth and families in special education and school disc...
EDUC335 Designing Research-Based Interventions to Solve Global Health Problems The excitement around social innovation and entrepreneurship has spawned numerous startups focused on tackling world problems, particularly in the fields of education and health. The best social ventures are launched with careful consideration paid t...
EDUC337 Race, Ethnicity, and Linguistic Diversity in Classrooms: Sociocultural Theory and Practices Focus is on classrooms with students from diverse racial, ethnic and linguistic backgrounds. Studies, writing, and media representation of urban and diverse school settings; implications for transforming teaching and learning. Issues related to devel...
EDUC339 Advanced Topics in Quantitative Policy Analysis For doctoral students. How to develop a researchable question and research design, identify data sources, construct conceptual frameworks, and interpret empirical results. Presentation by student participants and scholars in the field. May be repeat...
EDUC340 Psychology and American Indian/Alaska Native Mental Health Western medicine's definition of health as the absence of sickness, disease, or pathology; Native American cultures' definition of health as the beauty of physical, spiritual, emotional, and social things, and sickness as something out of balance. To...
EDUC341 Counterstory in Literature and Education Counterstory is a method developed in critical legal studies that emerges out of the broad "narrative turn" in the humanities and social science. This course explores the value of this turn, especially for marginalized communities, and the use of cou...
EDUC342 Child Development and New Technologies Focus is on the experiences computing technologies afford children and how these experiences might influence development. Sociocultural theories of development as a conceptual framework for understanding how computing technologies interact with the s...
EDUC343A Navigating the Academic Profession For DARE doctoral fellows only. The roles and responsibilities of faculty members in American colleges and universities in the 21st century. How to become productive faculty members within the higher education enterprise.
EDUC343B Practicum for fellows in the Stanford Preparing Future Professors Program Nine weekly one-hour and fifty-minute sessions consisting of discussions of: (1) the previous week's mentoring institutions' shadowing experiences and (2) readings related to session themes.
EDUC343C Preparing for Faculty Careers For graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from all disciplines who are considering a faculty career of any type and at any of a broad range of institutions. Numbers are limited and so whether formally registered (grad students) or attending as a...
EDUC343D Preparing for the Faculty Job Search "Preparing for the Faculty Job Search" is a weekly seminar course. The goals of the course are to increase students' knowledge of the faculty job search. We will work on both written and oral parts of your job search preparation, including CVs, cover...
EDUC345 Adolescent Development and Schooling How the context of school and its relationship to other major context developments (family, peer group, and neighborhood) influence the social, emotional, and cognitive development of secondary school-aged youths. Metatheoretical approaches (mechanis...
EDUC346 Research Seminar in Higher Education Major issues, current structural features of the system, the historical context that shaped it, and theoretical frameworks. The purposes of higher education in light of interest groups including students, faculty, administrators, and external constit...
EDUC347 The Economics of Higher Education (Same as GSBGEN 348) Topics: the worth of college and graduate degrees, and the utilization of highly educated graduates; faculty labor markets, careers, and workload; costs and pricing; discounting, merit aid, and access to higher education; sponsor...
EDUC349 Globalization and Higher Education This course examines the expansion, impact, and organization of higher education across the world. This course engages students with sociological theory and comparative research on global and national sources of influence on higher education developm...
EDUC350 Workshop on New Research This course will integrate attendance and participation at the research lectures given by visitors with separate, faculty-led workshops that discuss the presented study, its methodologies, and the research and policy contexts in which it is situated....
EDUC351A Statistical Methods for Longitudinal Research See Research designs and statistical procedures for time-ordered (repeated-measures) data. The analysis of longitudinal panel data is central to empirical research on learning, development, aging, and the effects o...
EDUC352 Education Research Partnerships This course focuses on developing and sustaining effective education research partnerships. Partnerships are essential in creating new research projects, conducting field-based inquiry, and in implementing lessons from research projects. The course e...
EDUC352A Introduction to Research-Practice Partnerships This course is an introduction to education research-practice partnerships (RPPs). It examines the distinctive characteristics of education research-practice partnerships, how they differ from other efforts to improve education, and the types of ques...
EDUC352B Seminar in Developing Partnership Research In this seminar, students develop the foundational knowledge and skills for effective partnership research. This seminar introduces students to the skills and knowledge necessary for starting and sustaining partnership research through readings and d...
EDUC352C Advanced Partnership Research Partnership research requires a dynamic skill set involving negotiations, collaboration and communication as well as knowledge of the context you are working in and the dilemmas practice partners face in their day-to-day work. In this course, student...
EDUC353A Problems in Measurement: Item Response Theory Study of the mathematical models used in psychological measurement with an emphasis on item response theory (IRT). We will examine various problems, including estimation of item parameters and person abilities, polytomous response models, and other i...
EDUC354 School-Based Decision Making Leadership as it plays out in the pragmatic demands and tensions of site-level decision processes. School decision-making as a capacity-building challenge with focus on the complex interdependence of factors critical to school achievement and equity...
EDUC355 Higher Education and Society For graduate students interested in the relationship between higher education and society from a sociological perspective. What are the array of expectations, and what enables each party to actualize them? What is taught to whom and how? How does cha...
EDUC356 Street History: Learning the Past in School and Out Interdisciplinary. Since Herodotus, history and memory have competed to shape minds: history cultivates doubt and demands interpretation; memory seeks certainty and detests that which thwarts its aims. History and memory collide in modern society, of...
EDUC357 Science and Environmental Education in Informal Contexts There are ever-expanding opportunities to learn science in contexts outside the formal classroom, in settings such as zoos, museums, and science centers. How are issues around science and the environment presented in these contexts, how do people beh...
EDUC359B Research on Science Teaching and Learning An exploration and review of the main programs of research that have been conducted in the field of science education, their findings and implications.
EDUC359C Science Literacy The changing debate over conceptions of the nature of science and the calls to broaden it. Themes, directions, limitations, and epistemological foundations of the body of research on the nature of science.
EDUC359E Research on Mathematics Education Comparative and cultural perspectives on mathematics teaching and learning practices in the U.S. mathematics education in the context of cultural and educational systems. Teaching and learning as an interactive system, classroom discourse and math ta...
EDUC359F Research in Mathematics Education: Conducting Inquiry This seminar will serve as both a workshop for developing participants' own professional trajectories as mathematics education scholars and a forum for discussion on key issues related to conducting research and making an impact in the field of mathe...
EDUC360 Child Development in Contexts of Risk and Adversity This course provides an overview of theoretical and methodological issues pertaining to the study of child development in contexts of risk and adversity. We will begin by discussing different approaches to conceptualizing and measuring exposure to ri...
EDUC361 Workshop: Networks and Organizations For students doing advanced research. Group comments and criticism on dissertation projects at any phase of completion, including data problems, empirical and theoretical challenges, presentation refinement, and job market presentations. Collaboratio...
EDUC362 The Science Curriculum: Values and Ideology in a Contested Terrain The issue of what should be taught in schools is a site of contestation where issues of beliefs, values and ideologies emerge. This course will use the school science curriculum and the history of its development to explore the common positions adop...
EDUC363 Stress Reactivity and Biological Sensitivity to Context This class is designed to introduce students to two biological system: the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis' that help children respond to and cope with daily challenges, stressors, and adversities. We...
EDUC364 Cognition and Learning This course focuses on helping students to advance their knowledge of cognitive psychology and what this field can offer to understand learning and educational practice. We will discuss how people learn, understand, and remember information, and why...
EDUC365 Social, Emotional, and Personality Development The story of human development across the lifespan, with an emphasis on how people acquire the capacities for mutually beneficial social relations, positive motivation, and mature self-understanding. Topics include socialization, identity, purpose, m...
EDUC366 Learning in Formal and Informal Environments How learning opportunities are organized in schools and non-school settings including museums, after-school clubs, community art centers, theater groups, aquariums, sports teams, and new media contexts. Sociocultural theories of development as a conc...
EDUC366W Semiotics for Ethnography This workshop-style seminar will introduce students to a range of semiotic and linguistic anthropological approaches and tools for ethnographic analysis. A group of (linguistic) anthropologists from other universities will be invited to offer worksho...
EDUC367 Cultural Psychology (Formerly 292.) The relationship between culture and psychological processes; how culture becomes an integral part of cognitive, social, and moral development. Both historical and contemporary treatments of cultural psychology, including deficit mode...
EDUC368 Cognitive Development in Childhood and Adolescence This course aims to broaden and deepen students' understanding of cognitive development from the prenatal period through adolescence. It will examine various theoretical, methodological, and empirical issues pertaining to different domains of cogniti...
EDUC370 Parenting and Family Relationships in Childhood This course will focus on the relevance of parenting and family relationships for children's development. We will examine studies of: (1) how parental and child behaviors contribute to sensitivity, responsiveness, scaffolding, autonomy, and control w...
EDUC371 Social Psychology and Social Change The course is intended as an exploration of the major ideas, theories, and findings of social psychology and their applied status. Special attention will be given to historical issues, classic experiments, and seminal theories, and their implications...
EDUC372 African American Child and Adolescent Mental Health: An Ecological Approach African American children and adolescents face a number of challenges (e.g., racism, discrimination, lack of access to resources, community violence) that can impact their mental health. Yet, they possess and utilize many strengths in the face of cha...
EDUC373 Genetics and Society This course will focus on social science engagement with developments in genetic research, focusing on two key issues. First, social scientists are trying to figure out how genetic data can be used to help them better understand phenomena they have b...
EDUC374 Philanthropy and Civil Society Cross-listed with Law (LAW 7071), Political Science (POLISCI 334) and Sociology (SOC 374). Associated with the Center for Philanthropy and Civil Society (PACS). Year-long workshop for doctoral students and advanced undergraduates writing senior these...
EDUC375B Seminar on Organizations: Institutional Analysis Seminar. Key lines of inquiry on organizational change, emphasizing network, institutional, and evolutionary arguments.
EDUC376 Higher Education Leadership Colloquium This course presents a series of speakers from Stanford and other higher education institutions who work at the middle to higher levels of administration. Speakers and topics are guided by student interest, but include a range from student affairs to...
EDUC377B Impact: Strategic Leadership of Nonprofit Organizations and Social Ventures (Same as STRAMGT 368). This course seeks to provide a survey of the strategic, governance, and management issues facing a wide range of nonprofit organizations and their executive and board leaders, in the era of venture philanthropy and social entre...
EDUC377C Philanthropy, Inclusivity and Leadership (Same as GSBGEN 581) A philanthropist is anyone who gives anything-time, expertise, networks, credibility, influence, dollars, experience-in any amount to create a better world. Regardless of one's age, background or profession, everyone has the pote...
EDUC377F Disruptions in Education (Same as GSBGEN 345). This course will explore the contemporary higher education industry, focusing especially on the places where disruptions of all kinds present significant opportunities and challenges for investors, entrepreneurs, and the busines...
EDUC377G Problem Solving for Social Change (Also GSBGEN 367). Stanford graduates will play important roles in solving many of today's and tomorrow's major societal problems -- such as improving educational and health outcomes, conserving energy, and reducing global poverty -- which call for a...
EDUC377H Diverse Leadership as an Imperative for Impact (Same as GSBGEN 377). Our society implicitly prizes a particular approach to leadership - but today's cross-sectoral, impact-oriented leader cannot afford to be restricted to a single approach. If we aspire to address challenges across social, econom...
EDUC377I IMPACT: Philanthropic Institutions & Justice (Same as GSBGEN 580). This is a three week compressed course, and Darren Walker, President of the Ford Foundation, will co-teach week three. Many of today's philanthropic institutions operate with unprecedented innovation and influence and lead in a...
EDUC378 Social and Emotional Learning: Conceptual & Measurement Issues Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an umbrella term for the malleable, non-academic skills that support educational outcomes, such as school readiness, classroom behaviors, and academic achievement. In this course, we will discuss theoretical fra...
EDUC379 Moral, Civic, and Environmental Education An examination of the conceptual foundations that underlie moral, civic, and environmental action in contemporary society, and the social, cognitive, and motivational capacities that make possible constructive participation. The course will discuss b...
EDUC380 Supervised Internship No Description Set
EDUC381 Multicultural Issues in Higher Education The primary social, educational, and political issues that have surfaced in American higher education due to the rapid demographic changes occurring since the early 80s. Research efforts and the policy debates include multicultural communities, the c...
EDUC382 Student Development and the Study of College Impact The philosophies, theories, and methods that undergird most research in higher education. How college affects students. Student development theories, models of college impact, and issues surrounding data collection, national databases, and secondary...
EDUC386 Leadership and Administration in Higher Education Definitions of leadership and leadership roles within colleges and universities. Leadership models and organizational concepts. Case study analysis of the problems and challenges facing today's higher education administrators.
EDUC387 Workshop: Comparative Sociology Analysis of quantitative and longitudinal data on national educational systems and political structures. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
EDUC388A Language Policies and Practices For STEP teacher candidates seeking to meet requirements for the English Learner Authorization on their preliminary credential. Historical, political, and legal foundations of education programs for English learners. Theories of second language learn...
EDUC388F Introduction to Academic Language This course will provide opportunities for pre-service teachers to begin to develop an understanding of language uses, forms, and mechanics through application of a functional approach to academic language. By exploring language structures (phonology...
EDUC389B Race, Ethnicity, and Language: Writing Race, Ethnicity, and Language in Ethnography This methods seminar focuses on developing ethnographic strategies for representing race, ethnicity, and language in writing without reproducing the stereotypes surrounding these categories and practices. In addition to reading various ethnographies,...
EDUC389C Race, Ethnicity, and Language: Pedagogical Possibilities This seminar explores the intersections of language and race/racism/racialization in the public schooling experiences of students of color. We will briefly trace the historical emergence of the related fields of sociolinguistics and linguistic anthro...
EDUC390 Urban Schools, Social Policy, and the Gentrifying City This course is designed to help students develop a more sophisticated understanding of educational inequality in the contemporary U.S. city. This course will survey existing literature about the intersection of gentrification and urban schooling, foc...
EDUC391 Engineering Education and Online Learning A project based introduction to web-based learning design. In this course we will explore the evidence and theory behind principles of learning design and game design thinking. In addition to gaining a broad understanding of the emerging field of th...
EDUC392 Education for Liberation: A History of African American Education, 1800 to the Present This course examines discourses around education and freedom in African American educational thought from the 19th century to the present, using both primary sources and the works of current historians. The course pays particular attention to how the...
EDUC393 Proseminar: Education, Business, Politics Overview of the field of education for joint degree (M.B.A./M.A.) students.
EDUC394 School and District Leadership to Support English Learners' Academic Achievement English learners (ELs) constitute nearly 10% of the U.S. K12 population. At some point in their careers, the majority of educators will have English learners in their schools and classrooms. This course is designed for students who are considering ed...
EDUC395 The Hidden Curriculum of Scholarly Writing Focus is on producing articles for scholarly journals in education and the social sciences. Ethics and craft of scholarly publishing. Writing opinion articles for lay audiences on issues of educational and social import.
EDUC397A Democracy and Education John Dewey's Democracy and Education may be the most comprehensive and influential book on educational theory and practice. Conceptualizing democracy and its implications for schooling is its central concern. We offer a close reading of Dewey's effor...
EDUC398 Core Mechanics for Learning In game play, core mechanics refers to the rules of interaction that drive the game forward. This class will consider whether there are core mechanics that can drive learning forward, and if so, how to build them into learning environments. The cours...
EDUC399A Designing Surveys This workshop/course is designed for students who are designing a survey to collect quantitative data for a research project. The workshop content draws on relevant cognitive processing theories and research related to development of good survey ques...
EDUC400A Introduction to Statistical Methods in Education Basic techniques in statistics for educational research with an emphasis on preparation for intermediate and advanced courses. Topics include study design, working with data (central tendency, variance, probability, distributions, correlation and reg...
EDUC400B Statistical Analysis in Education: Regression Primarily for doctoral students; part of doctoral research core; prerequisite for advanced statistical methods courses in School of Education. Basic regression, a widely used data-analytic procedure, including multiple and curvilinear regression, reg...
EDUC401A Mini Courses in Methodology: Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Statistical analysis using SPSS, including generating descriptive statistics, drawing graphs, calculating correlation coefficients, conducting t-tests, analysis of variance, and linear regression. Building up datasets, preparing datasets for analysis...
EDUC401B Mini Courses in Methodology: Stata The goal of this course is to familiarize students with the Stata statistical software package for use in quantitative research. By the end of the course, students should be able to import and export data, clean and manage data, conduct standard stat...
EDUC401C Data Analysis Examples Using R We will do basic and intermediate level data analysis examples, likethose that students will have seen in their courses, in R. Examplesinclude: descriptive statistics and plots, analysis of variance,correlation and regression, categorical variables,...
EDUC401D Multilevel Modeling Using R See . Multilevel data analysis examples using R. Topics include: two-level nested data, growth curve modeling, generalized linear models for counts and categorical data, nonlinear models, three-level analyses.
EDUC403 Education's Digital Future Digital technologies are rapidly evolving and reorganizing the way we play, learn, and work. Significant questions have emerged about how digital and networked information technologies might be both narrowing and widening gaps in access to learning o...
EDUC404 Topics in Brazilian Education: Public Policy and Innovation for the 21st Century The objective of this seminar is to provide students from different backgrounds an opportunity to learn about current issues and debates on Brazilian education. The seminar will cover topics on the history of Brazilian education; an overview of curre...
EDUC405 Teaching the Humanities This course, designed for graduate students in the humanities and education, explores approaches to teaching the humanities at both the secondary and collegiate levels, with a focus on the teaching of text, and how the humanities can help students de...
EDUC407 Lytics Seminar In the course student will learn to design technology mediated learning environments and conduct research in those environments with a focus on equity and justice. Grounded in various theoretical frameworks that inform the design of learning environ...
EDUC411 Early Childhood Education This course addresses a broad set of topics that have implications for developmentally appropriate and effective early childhood education. It begins with children's social, emotional and cognitive development and issues related to poverty, culture a...
EDUC412 Workshop in Religion and Education This 1-unit workshop will explore the intersection of religion and education across a variety of learning environments and demographics. It invites an ongoing conversation of the relationships between schools, congregations, religious bodies, learne...
EDUC413 Ethnographies of Religion: Education, Socialization, Indoctrination Religion has long been a central preoccupation for ethnographers interested in the formation and function ofsocial groups. Much ethnography of religion focuses on rituals and practices of inscription -- exploring the waysin which religious communitie...
EDUC414 Play and Games Social life would be unimaginable without play and games. Students will be introduced to social theories of play and games; the history of games and their variation; readings concerned with how play and games affect interaction and socialization; how...
EDUC417 Research and Policy on Postsecondary Access The transition from high school to college. K-16 course focusing on high school preparation, college choice, remediation, pathways to college, and first-year adjustment. The role of educational policy in postsecondary access. Service Learning Course...
EDUC419 Academic Achievement of Language Minority Students Emphasis is on the current state of knowledge in the research literature and comparisons to students' experiences and observations in bilingual education, English as a second language, reading instruction, cultural issues in education, and research...
EDUC421 Powerful Ideas for Learning Sciences and Technology Design: Sociocultural Practices of the Blues This course examines select foundational ideas in the learning sciences and technology design field as situated in the learning and sociocultural practices, music, and history of the blues. Each week we dive into one foundational idea in the learning...
EDUC421A Powerful Ideas for Learning Sciences and Technology Design: Distributed Intel & Installation Theory This course is intended as a graduate level seminar that provides in-depth readings and discussions on Installation Theory (Lahlou, 2018). Installation theory (IT) is a fresh synthetic theory explaining how humans construct systems that support and f...
EDUC422 Studying Expertise This course offers an overview of ways that psychologists and learning scientists characterize knowledge, learning, and expertise. We will look at general models of knowledge representation (e.g. as a set of scripts, as socially mediated, as embodied...
EDUC423 Introduction to Data Science Social scientists can benefit greatly from utilizing new data sources like electronic administration records or digital communications, but they require tools and techniques to make sense of their scope and complexity. This course offers the opportun...
EDUC423A Introduction to Education Data Science: Data Processing Quantitative data require considerable work before they are ready to be analyzed: they are often messy, incomplete and potentially biased. This course is designed to help you thoughtfully collect, manage, clean and represent data so it can offer subs...
EDUC423B Introduction to Education Data Science: Data Analysis This course centers on the question of how you can use various data science techniques to understand social phenomena. Applied to education and social science topics, the course will introduce you to supervised and unsupervised machine learning algor...
EDUC424 Introduction to Research in Curriculum and Teacher Education Required for first-year CTE doctoral students. How to conceptualize, design, and interpret research. How to read, interpret, and critique research; formulate meaningful research questions; evaluate and conduct a literature review; and conceptualize a...
EDUC425 Advanced Topics in Research on Self and Stigma This course focuses on the relevance of self, identity, and stigmatization to understanding and remedying social problems. A key focus will be on how interactions between the self-system and social systems (e.g. schools, workplaces, institutions) dri...
EDUC426 Unleashing Personal Potential: Behavioral Science and Design Thinking Applied to Self This course facilitates the application of the methods, theories, and findings of behavioral science to students own lives and improvement projects. It does so by combining behavioral science with a design thinking approach. You will learn to identif...
EDUC427 History of the Curriculum Development of the school curriculum in historical context, from ancient notions rooted in religious traditions to present-day ideas about "blended curriculum," "problem-based learning," home schooling, and arguments about the contents of the Advance...
EDUC428 Intersectional Justice in Education Policy and Practice This 3-5-unit, graduate course is designed to explore intersectionality as a "method and a disposition, a heuristic and an analytic tool" (Carbado, Crenshaw, Mays, & Tomlinson, 2013, p. 11). To do this we explore the intellectual lineage of intersect...
EDUC429 Reducing Health Disparities and Closing the Achievement Gap through Health Integration in Schools (HUMBIO students must enroll in HUMBIO 122E. Med/Graduate students must enroll in PEDS 229.) Health and education are inextricably linked. If kids aren't healthy, they won't realize their full potential in school. This is especially true for childre...
EDUC429S The History of Native Americans of California How the federal government placed education at the center of its Indian policy in second half of 19th century, subjecting Native Americans to programs designed to erase native cultures and American Indian responses to those programs. Topics include t...
EDUC430A Experimental Research Design and Analysis The course will cover the following topics: a) the logic of causal inference and the Fisher/Neyman/Rubin counterfactual causal model (Fisher, 1935; Heckman, 1979; Holland, 1986; Neyman, 1990; Rubin, 1978); b) randomized experiments; c) complex random...
EDUC430B Quasi-Experimental Research Design & Analysis This course surveys quantitative methods to make causal inferences in the absence of randomized experiment including the use of natural and quasi-experiments, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity, fixed effects estimators, and difference-...
EDUC430C Using Data to Describe the World: Descriptive Social Science Research Techniques This course focuses on the skills needed to conduct theoretically-informed and policy-relevant descriptive social science. Students read recent examples of rigorous descriptive quantitative research that exemplifies the use of data to describe import...
EDUC431 Thinking and Learning with Data Graduate seminar covering research from statistics education and the nascent field of data science education. Topics include research on students' conceptions and difficulties with core statistical ideas, learning technologies to support learning abo...
EDUC432 Designing Explorable Explanations for Learning In this graduate-level course, students will learn how to design explorable explanations (and more broadly interactive simulations) for learning. We will apply concepts from instructional design, constructionist learning theory, and information visua...
EDUC434 Seminar in Teacher Education: Issues of Pedagogy This course explores issues of pedagogy in the preparation of teachers. While much has been written about reforming teacher education, less work examines how we actually teach people to teach. Since how we teach is also what we teach in teacher educa...
EDUC437 Curricular Practical Training "Curricular Practical Training" independent study sections specifically created for international students in F-1 Visa Status who wish to receive credit and to be paid for internships.
EDUC438 Second Language Acquisition Theories: Implications for Policy, Instruction and Teacher Preparation This course will first offer a snapshot of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theories, contrast varying theoretical perspectives and examine how they inform the language teaching and learning process. It will then engage students in the examination a...
EDUC439 Critical Race Theory in Education This seminar will examine the foundational tenets of Critical Race Theory (CRT) as an analytic framework to study of inequities in P-20 education. Each week will examine how CRT tenets developed in law and were taken up in education via epistemology,...
EDUC440 (Re)Meditating Systems Change: Disability, Language & Difference This is a course about gaining a deep understanding of the levers of systems change in K-12 education focusing especially on (re)mediating systems in ways that center inclusion, equity, and justice. This course is concerned with systems change proces...
EDUC442 (Re)Framing Difference: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Disability, Race and Culture This course uses social theories of difference to examine the intersections of disability, race and culture. The course will examine these concepts drawing from scholarship published in history, sociology of education, urban sociology, cultural studi...
EDUC443 Introduction to Single Case Design: Evaluating Response to Literacy Intervention The purpose of this course is to provide an in-depth introduction to single case design a rigorous, experimental research methodology that is particularly well suited to studying students who are non-responsive to literacy interventions. The course w...
EDUC444A Literacy Research from Lab to School Literacy is important for success in school and beyond. While some children learn to read and write with relatively little difficulty, many children struggle in reading and writing development and this can lead to academic, behavioral, and social cha...
EDUC445 Transforming Education through Entrepreneurship (Same as STRAMGT 335) In this course, students will investigate opportunities and challenges of entrepreneurial ventures trying to increase access to educational opportunity, improve the quality of learning experiences for underserved students and di...
EDUC446 Workshop in Social Science History Supports research and scholarship that combines techniques of historical inquiry with those of the disciplinary social science. Topics include comparative modes of explanation, strategies of case sampling, and rhetorical styles. Serves the developmen...
EDUC447 Leading Change in Public Education (Same as STRAMGT 537) Public education in America is at a crossroads. Does our education system have what it takes to produce graduates who are prepared for college, career, and citizenship in our increasingly digital and pluralistic world? Will inco...
EDUC448 Adolescent Literacy: Theory, Research & Practice Focusing on Literacy in School Contexts The field of adolescent literacy is broad: It embraces theory, research and practice that aims to address what we know about how young people become literate and express their literacies in cultural contexts both in and out of school. Who are adolesc...
EDUC449 Design for Learning: Co-designing Connection and Community Would you like to take an introductory class to get started on how design can work for you? Are you interested in understanding theories of learning and applying them to the design of solutions for complex learning challenges? Would you like to learn...
EDUC449 Design for Learning: Co-designing Connection and Community Would you like to take an introductory class to get started on how design can work for you? Are you interested in understanding theories of learning and applying them to the design of solutions for complex learning challenges? Would you like to learn...
EDUC450A Qualitative Analysis in Education Primarily for doctoral students; part of doctoral research core. Methods for collecting and interpreting qualitative data including case study, ethnography, discourse analysis, observation, and interview.
EDUC450B Using Video as Data in the Learning Sciences This seminar will focus on key theoretical and methodological advances in the use of digital video-based data in the learning sciences as a fruitful part of a research agenda on teaching, learning, and other educational processes. May be repeat for c...
EDUC450C Qualitative Interviewing Addressing the theoretical underpinnings of qualitative interviews as well as the application of theory to practice, this course considers different approaches to interviewing. Interview types covered will range from group interviews to individual in...
EDUC451 Research Workshop on Quantitative Analyses of Textbook Content This course is intended as a small research workshop for doctoral students interested in using textbooks as data for quantitative social science research. There is an emphasis on comparative work (i.e. looking between states/provinces or countries) a...
EDUC452 Simulation in Education Research Simulation is a valuable tool for understanding the structure of data. We will use simulation to study three classic educational research datasets: data from an experimental educational intervention, administrative data used to understand the role of...
EDUC453 Doctoral Dissertation For doctoral students only. (all areas)
EDUC454 Prevention Science and Community-Based Participatory Research This course is aimed at students who have interest in learning about prevention science and community-based participatory research (CBPR) to address individual, family, community, and other contextual factors that influence development. Course topics...
EDUC455 Seminar in Grant Writing This course will introduce students to the federal grant funding process across federal agencies (IES, NIH, ACF, NSF), and will facilitate the preparation of a grant for graduate funding. Students will learn how to select an agency and a division wit...
EDUC456 Seminar in Organizations and Institutions This seminar considers ongoing work in organization studies through a speaker series featuring Stanford faculty, visiting scholars, and guests from academic institutions throughout North America and elsewhere.
EDUC457 Theory and Method in Linguistic Anthropology This course introduces students to central concepts and approaches in linguistic anthropology, with a specific focus on the role of educational institutions, processes, and ideologies in shaping language use and vice versa. Students will learn practi...
EDUC458 Data Visualization Techniques and algorithms for creating effective visualizations based on principles from graphic design, visual art, perceptual psychology, and cognitive science. Topics: graphical perception, data and image models, visual encoding, graph and tree l...
EDUC459 Meanings and Qualitative Methods: Studying Curriculum Through Content Analysis We will study the what and how of curricular content analysis-the process of identifying trends in teaching and learning by looking at primary documents like hundred-year old exams, math textbooks, lessons on Pinterest, or high school book lists. You...
EDUC460 Language, Culture, Cognition, and Assessment Examines the intersection of language, culture, and cognition, and the implications of this intersection in educational assessment. Knowledge from different disciplines is used to reason about assessment from the conceptual, methodological, and socia...
EDUC461 Community Engaged Psychology and Education Field Experience The course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to learn about, build, and apply skills and relationships for equity centered community research partnerships, with a focus on historically marginalized and oppressed communities. Student...
EDUC463 Computer Vision for Education and Social Science Research Computer vision -- the study of how to design artificial systems that can perform high-level tasks related to image or video data (e.g. recognizing and locating objects in images and behaviors in videos) -- has seen recent dramatic success. In this c...
EDUC464 Measuring Learning in the Brain Everything we learn - be it a historical fact, the meaning of a new word, or a skill like reading, math, programming or playing the piano - depends on brain plasticity. The human brain's incredible capacity for learning is served by a variety of lear...
EDUC465 Development and Psychological Sciences (DAPS) Faculty Student Seminar Faculty and students in the DAPS graduate training program will convene to discuss how the disciplines of developmental and psychological sciences impact education, ground these issues in the work of current faculty and advanced student research, dis...
EDUC466 Doctoral Seminar in Curriculum Research Required of all doctoral students in CTE, normally during their second year in the program. Students present their ideas regarding a dissertation or other research project, and prepare a short research proposal that often satisfies their second-year...
EDUC468 Robotics, AI and Design of Future Education The seminar will feature guest lectures from industry and academia to discuss the state of the affairs in the field of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and how that will impact the future Education. The time of robotics/AI are upon us. Within...
EDUC469 Workshop and Reading Group in Child Development This course provides a supportive space for graduate students interested in studying child development to workshop their research questions, conceptual and methodological issues, and drafts of proposals, presentations, or papers. The participants wil...
EDUC470 Practicum For advanced graduate students. (all areas)
EDUC471 The Development of Purpose Across the Lifespan Purpose is a long¿term commitment to accomplish something meaningful to the self and of consequence to the world beyond the self. In recent years, the development of purpose has become an important focus of research in psychological science. This cou...
EDUC472 What is Social Science? This course explores a series of foundational questions concerning the social sciences (e.g., sociology, economics, political science, anthropology, history, and applied fields of education and business). What is social science? Where did it come fro...
EDUC476 Race, Disadvantage, and Elite Education: The Allocation of Opportunity (Same as LAW 7076) In recent years, selective universities have become more academically selective than ever. During the past half century their applicant pools have grown considerably--now including women, minorities, immigrants, and international s...
EDUC478 Carceral Logics & Abolition in Education Abolition is a complex concept, often moving against the grain in a society fixated on punishment. What happens when we begin with the concept that life is valuable and that concept should be the center of society when building institutions and respo...
EDUC480 Directed Reading For advanced graduate students. (all areas)
EDUC487 BAD Lab: Scholarly Communication in Education This seminar gives doctoral students an overview of scholarly communication in education in areas related to the BAD Lab. In the first half, we focus on publication including: publishing journal articles and books. We also examine multimedia communic...
EDUC488 Stanford Black Academic Lab: Community-Based Participatory Methods This lab-based course is an overview of research methods that are used in the development of Black educators, including survey research, individual and focus group interviews, ethnographic methods, and documentary activism. Lab participants will be g...
EDUC489 RILE Colloquium on Race, Inequality, and Language in Education This course is a workshop for PhD students focusing on interdisciplinary empirical work related to Race, Inequality, and Language in Education.
EDUC490 Directed Research For advanced graduate students. (all areas)
EDUC492 Humanistic and Historical Approaches to the Study of Education This workshop tackles "big questions" in methodology and is envisioned as a community for graduate students who have already begun their research and are seeking additional epistemological training grounded in humanistic approaches to education. It o...
EDUC497 Research Methods in Social Psychology and Allied Fields This course will focus on the methodological foundations of research in social psychology and allied fields, and on the background scientific and career decision-making that fosters strong research in these fields. It will focus on such topics as: w...
EDUC61 Politics 2022: America at a Crossroads The historic convergence of social, economic, and public health challenges has profoundly impacted the lives of millions of Americans. In the midst of great uncertainty, the 2022 U.S. midterm elections will be among the most important in our lifetime...
EDUC801 TGR Project For advanced graduate students. Instructor consent required. (all areas)
EDUC802 TGR Dissertation For advanced graduate students. Instructor consent required. (all areas)
EDUC97 Science Education through Community Service This course is about science teaching and learning in non-classroom settings. You will use the research on teaching and learning to make STEM experiences relevant to more learners, create and facilitate a learner-centered approach to science experien...
EDUC98 Service Learning Practicum For Alternative Spring Break program leaders. The skills and philosophical framework to develop and lead an ASB experience. May be repeat for credit