Education's Digital Future
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Course Description
Digital technologies are rapidly evolving and reorganizing the way we play, learn, and work. Significant questions have emerged about how digital and networked information technologies might be both narrowing and widening gaps in access to learning opportunities. It is becoming clear that technology alone will not catalyze the forms of equity that are so essential for preparing young people and their families for a rapidly changing future. Instead we need to deeply rethink and intentionally redesign the social organizations and tools that provide learning opportunities (schools, workplaces, community organizations, libraries) and study these innovations at a regional as well as national level. In this course and public seminar, designed to foster new forms of collaboration and innovation, we will engage these questions through a series of invited conversations with a broad range of stakeholders including researchers, educators, and industry representatives. May be repeat for credit.
Grading Basis
RSN - Satisfactory/No Credit
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Total Units Allowed for Degree Credit
Course Component
Enrollment Optional?