Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
This course is intended to be the starting point for Mechanical Engineering majors. It will cover the concepts, engineering methods, and common tools used by mechanical engineers while introducing the students to a few interesting devices. We will di...
Visual Thinking
ME101 is the foundation class for all designers and creative people at Stanford. It teaches you how to access your creativity through a series of projects. Visual thinking, a powerful adjunct to other problem solving modalities, is developed and exer...
Foundations of Product Realization
Students develop the language and toolset to transform design concepts into tangible models/prototypes that cultivate the emergence of mechanical aptitude. Visual communication tools such as sketching, orthographic projection, and 2D/3D design softwa...
Product Realization: Design and Making
ME103 is designed for sophomores or juniors in mechanical engineering or product design. During the course students will develop a point of view around a product or object of their own design that is meaningful to them in some way. Students will evo...
Mechanical Systems Design
How to design mechanical systems through iterative application of intuition, brainstorming, analysis, computation and prototype testing. Design of custom mechanical components, selection of common machine elements, and selection of electric motors an...
Designing Your Life
This course applies the mindsets and innovation principles of design thinking to the "wicked problem" of designing your life and vocation. The course introduces design thinking processes through application: students practice awareness and empathy, d...
Designing Your Stanford
DYS uses a Design Thinking approach to help Freshmen and Sophomores learn practical tools and ideas to make the most of their Stanford experience. Topics include the purpose of college, major selection, educational and vocational wayfinding, and inno...
Designing for Impact
This course will introduce the design thinking process and skills, and explore unique challenges of solving problems and initiating action for public good. Design skills such as need-finding, insight development, and prototyping will be learned throu...
Design Sketching
Design Visualization, offers students a unique opportunity to acquire a new (visual) language over the span of one short quarter. Imagine a process whereby you can close your eyes, and, after a few short weeks, leveraging established Design Principle...
Digital Design Principles and Applications
Building upon foundation design principles, project-based individual / group exploration and critique facilitates a self-guided learning process, where analytical problem-solving approaches are cultivated through real-time implementation in digital t...
Introduction to Human Values in Design
An intensive project-based class that introduces the central philosophy of the product design program. Students learn how to use the lens of human needs to innovate at the intersection of technical factors (feasibility), business factors (viability)...
Product Design Methods
This course will introduce the basic concepts of human factors and demonstrate the importance of understanding and considering human capabilities and limits in product and system design. This will include an overview of both cognitive and physical hu...
Designing Your Business
Designing Your Business introduces business concepts and personal capabilities to designers critical to the development, launch, and success of new products and services in for-profit and social enterprises. Functionally, students will learn to build...
History and Ethics of Design
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. In this class we will examine the history of design, the challenges that designers at different historical moments have had to face and the ethical questions that have arisen from those cho...
Computational Engineering
The design of wind turbines, biomedical devices, jet engines, electronic units, and almost every other engineering system, require the analysis of its flow and thermal characteristics to ensure optimal performance and safety. The continuing growth of...
Visual Frontiers
The student will learn how to use graphic design to communicate online, in person, and through printed matter. Fundamentals of visual communications will be applied to branding exercises, typographic studies, color explorations, drawing exercises, us...
Design for Additive Manufacturing
Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) combines the fields of Design for Manufacturability (DfM) and Additive Manufacturing (AM). ME127 will introduce the capabilities and limitations of various AM technologies and apply the principles of DfM in or...
Computer-Aided Product Realization
Students will continue to build understanding of Product Realization processes and techniques concentrating on Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines, materials, tools, and workholding. Students will gain an understanding of CNC in modern manufact...
Manufacturing Processes and Design
ME129 is designed for Juniors in Mechanical Engineering who have elected the Product Realization concentration. Students will develop professional level knowledge and experience with materials and manufacturing processes. Activities will include lect...
Heat Transfer
The principles of heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation with examples from the engineering of practical devices and systems. Topics include transient and steady conduction, conduction by extended surfaces, boundary layer theory for f...
Intermediate Thermodynamics
A second course in engineering thermodynamics. Review of first and second laws, and the state principle. Extension of property treatment to mixtures. Chemical thermodynamics including chemical equilibrium, combustion, and understanding of chemical...
Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
This course expands on the introduction to fluid mechanics provided by ME70. Topics include the conservation equations and finite volume approaches to flow quantification; engineering applications of the Navier-Stokes equations for viscous fluid flow...
Educating Young STEM Thinkers
The course introduces students to the design thinking process, the national conversations about the future of STEM careers, and opportunities to work with middle school students and K-12 teachers in STEM-based after-school activities and intercession...
Mechanical Measurements
The Mechanical Measurement experiments course introduces undergraduates to modern experimental methods in solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and thermal sciences. A key feature of several of the experiments will be the integration of solid mechanics,...
Design for Silver and Bronze
This class will teach piercing saw work in sterling silver, light forming, embossing and potentially enameling. Equal attention will be given to technique and manufacturing. Students will receive a tool kit and materials prior to the start of the Art...
Material Behaviors and Failure Prediction
Exploration of mechanical behaviors of natural and engineered materials. Topics include anisotropic, elastoplastic and viscoelastic behaviors, fatigue and multiaxial failure criteria. Applications to biological materials and materials with natural or...
Dynamic Systems, Vibrations and Control
Modeling, analysis, and measurement of mechanical and electromechanical dynamic systems. Closed form solutions of ordinary differential equations governing the behavior of single and multiple-degree-of-freedom systems. Stability, forcing, resonance,...
Mechanical Engineering Design- Integrating Context with Engineering
First course of two-quarter capstone sequence. Working in project teams, design and develop an engineering system addressing a real-world problem in theme area of pressing societal need. Learn and utilize industry development process: first quarter f...
Mechanical Engineering Design: Integrating Context with Engineering
Second course of two-quarter capstone sequence. Working in project teams, design and develop an engineering system addressing a real-world problem in theme area of pressing societal need. Learn and utilize industry development process: first quarter...
Designing Black Experiences
This discussion-rich course is for students to learn design thinking to more confidently navigate life and careers as members and allies of the Black community. This course will allow students to navigate identity while building community to uplift B...
Engineering Problems and Experimental Investigation
Directed study and research for undergraduates on a subject of mutual interest to student and staff member. Student must find faculty sponsor and have approval of adviser.
Honors Research
Student must find faculty honors adviser and apply for admission to the honors program. (Staff)
Food, Design & Technology
Food has been a great source of inspiration for many entrepreneurs and designers. In Silicon Valley, the number of food design solutions has increased tremendously. The goal of this course is to expose students to the landscape of food innovation...
Practical Training
For undergraduate students. Educational opportunities in high technology research and development labs in industry. Students engage in internship work and integrate that work into their academic program. Following internship work, students complete a...
Design and Manufacturing
ME203 is intended for any graduate student, from any field of study, who may want the opportunity to design and prototype a physical project of meaning to them. Undergraduate mechanical engineering and product design students should register for ME10...
Design for Extreme Affordability
Design for Extreme Affordability (fondly called Extreme) is a two-quarter course offered by the through the School of Engineering and the Graduate School of Business. This multidisciplinary project-based experience creates an enabling enviro...
Design for Extreme Affordability
Design for Extreme Affordability (fondly called Extreme) is a two-quarter course offered by the through the School of Engineering and the Graduate School of Business. This multidisciplinary project-based experience creates an enabling enviro...
Patent Law and Strategy for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
This course teaches the essentials for a startup founder to build a valuable patent portfolio and avoid a patent infringement lawsuit. Jeffrey Schox and Diana Lin are partners at Schox Patent Group, which is the law firm that wrote the patents for Co...
Introduction to Mechatronics
Technologies involved in mechatronics (intelligent electro-mechanical systems), and techniques to apply this technology to mecatronic system design. Topics include: electronics (A/D, D/A converters, op-amps, filters, power devices); software program...
Psychology of Design: Experience and Thinking about Thinking in Design
In this class, you will go through various design activities with a specific focus on your thinking, perception, and feelings. This will be a ten-week intensive course on practicing and experiencing your (self-)awareness through observing, assessing,...
Designing for Accessibility
Designing for accessibility is a valuable and important skill in the UX community. As businesses are becomeing more aware of the needs and scope of people with some form of disability, the benefits of universal design, where designing for accessibili...
Advanced Product Design: Needfinding
Human needs that lead to the conceptualization of future products, environments, systems, and services. Field work in public and private settings; appraisal of personal values; readings on social ethnographic issues; and needfinding for a corporate c...
Advanced Product Design: Capstone 1
Team-based project using knowledge, methodology, and skills obtained in the Product Design major. Students will form a team, identify an opportunity space of interest, and design and implement a product (digital, physical, experiential, ... ) within...
Advanced Product Design: Capstone 2
ME216C is a continuation of ME216B. Students will complete the development process and make their product 'real in the world' in ways that are appropriate to the type of product being developed. Prerequisites: ME216A and ME216B.
Introduction to the Design of Smart Products
This course will focus on the technical mechatronic skills as well as the human factors and interaction design considerations required for the design of smart products and devices. Students will learn techniques for rapid prototyping of smart devices...
Smart Product Design Fundamentals
Lecture/Lab. First in the team design project series on programmable electromechanical systems design. Topics: transistors as switches, basic digital circuits, C language features for embedded software, register level programming, input/output ports...
Smart Product Design Applications
Lecture/lab. Second in team design project series on programmable electromechanical systems design. Topics: More microcontroller hardware subsystems: timer systems, PWM, interrupts; analog circuits, operational amplifiers, comparators, signal conditi...
Smart Product Design Practice
Lecture/lab. Third in the series on programmable electromechanical systems design. Topics: inter-processor communication, communication protocols, system design with multiple microprocessors, architecture and assembly language programming for the PIC...
Smart Product Design: Projects
Lecture/lab. Industrially sponsored project is the culmination of the Smart Product Design sequence. Student teams take on an industrial project requiring application and extension of knowledge gained in the prior three quarters, including prototypin...
The Magic of Materials and Manufacturing
ME219 is intended for graduate students who anticipate imagining and creating new products and who are interested in how to make the leap from making one to making many. Through a combination of lectures, weekly factory field trips, and multimedia pr...
Introduction to Sensors
Sensors are widely used in scientific research and as an integral part of commercial products and automated systems. The basic principles for sensing displacement, force, pressure, acceleration, temperature, optical radiation, nuclear radiation, and...
Applied Robot Design for Non-Robot-Designers: How to Fix, Modify, Design, and Build Robots
Students will learn how to design and build the mechanical hardware of robots. The goal is to take people with minimal robot-building experience and have them building professional-quality robots by the end of the quarter. The course will consist of...
Scaling Your Vision
Scaling Your Vision is intended for design and engineering oriented students who anticipate or have an interest in launching products. Where the cousin of this class, ME219, is an overview of fabrication and factory systems, this course explores how...
Scaling Your Vision
Scaling Your Vision is intended for design and engineering oriented students who anticipate or have an interest in launching products. Where the cousin of this class, ME219, is an overview of fabrication and factory systems, this course explores how...
Data Literacy in Mechanical Design Engineering
Fluency with data elevates your impact as a mechanical designer by driving quantitative design choices, rich analyses, and crisp communication. This course demystifies fundamentals like tolerance analyses and failure modes effects analyses. We will u...
The Future of Mechanical Engineering
This seminar series provides an overview of current and emerging research topics in mechanical engineering and its application to engineering and scientific problems. The seminar is targeted at senior mechanical engineering undergraduates and mechani...
The Future of Mechanical Engineering Education
This seminar series provides an overview of current and emerging topics in Mechanical Engineering education. It is targeted at undergraduate and coterminal Master's students in Mechanical Engineering. Presenters will be selected external speakers who...
Educating Young STEM Thinkers
The course introduces students to the design thinking process, the national conversations about the future of STEM careers, and opportunities to work with middle school students and K-12 teachers in STEM-based after-school activities and intercession...
Data-driven modeling of COVID-19
How to design computational tools to understand the dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic. Emphasis on mathematical epidemiology, infectious disease models, concepts of effective reproduction number and herd immunity, network modeling, outbreak dynamics...
Introduction to Neuromechanics
Understanding the role of mechanics in brain development, physiology, and pathology. Mechanics of brain cells: neurons, mechanobiology, mechanotransduction. Mechanics of brain tissue: experimental testing, constitutive modeling, computational modelin...
Biotransport Phenomena
The efficient transport of energy, mass, and momentum is essential to the normal function of living systems. Changes in these processes often result in pathological conditions. Transport phenomena are also critical to the design of instrumentation fo...
Tales to Design Cars By
Students learn to tell personal narratives and prototype connections between popular and historic media using the automobile. Explores the meaning and impact of personal and preserved car histories. Storytelling techniques serve to make sense of car...
Patent Prosecution
The course follows the patent application process through the important stages: inventor interviews, patentability analysis, drafting claims, drafting a specification, filing a patent application, and responding to an office action. The subject matte...
Soft Robots for Humanity
While traditional robotic manipulators are constructed from rigid links and simple joints, a new generation of robotic devices are soft, using flexible, deformable materials. Students in this class will get hands-on experience building soft robots us...
Mechanical Behavior of Nanomaterials
Mechanical behavior of the following nanoscale solids: 2D materials (metal thin films, graphene), 1D materials (nanowires, carbon nanotubes), and 0D materials (metallic nanoparticles, quantum dots). This course will cover elasticity, plasticity and f...
Mechanical Vibrations
For M.S.-level graduate students. Covers the vibrations of discrete systems and continuous structures. Introduction to the computational dynamics of linear engineering systems. Review of analytical dynamics of discrete systems; undamped and damped...
Designing Emotion: for Reactive Car Interfaces
Students learn to define emotions as physiology, expression, and private experience using the automobile and shared space. Explores the meaning and impact of personal and user car experience. Reflective, narrative, and socio-cognitive techniques serv...
Mechanotransduction in Cells and Tissues
Mechanical cues play a critical role in development, normal functioning of cells and tissues, and various diseases. This course will cover what is known about cellular mechanotransduction, or the processes by which living cells sense and respond to p...
Demand Modeling for Transportation
Predicting human behavior in the future is key to the success of businesses and policies, whether it's predicting how many new products will be sold next year, or how many people will want to cross a bridge next month. This seminar explores key strat...
Silver Pendant Project
In this 1-unit, spring quarter workshop, students will design and create a silver pendant. Beginning with a basic introduction to design and CAD, students will use a computer aided design tool to create a 3D model of their pendant design. Next, usi...
Gas-Turbine Design Analysis
This course is concerned with the design analysis of gas-turbine engines. After reviewing essential concepts of thermo- and aerodynamics, we consider a turbofan gas-turbine engine that is representative of a business aircraft. We will first conduct a...
Fracture and Fatigue of Materials and Thin Film Structures
Linear-elastic and elastic-plastic fracture mechanics from a materials science perspective, emphasizing microstructure and the micromechanisms of fracture. Plane strain fracture toughness and resistance curve behavior. Mechanisms of failure associate...
The Chair
Students design and fabricate a highly refined chair. The process is informed and supported by historical reference, anthropometrics, form studies, user testing, material investigations, and workshops in wood steam-bending, plywood forming, metal tub...
Technology Licensing and Commercialization
Course focuses on how to bridge the gap between creation and commercialization with new ideas, inventions, and technology (not limited to mechanical engineering). Comprehensive introduction to patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. Cover...
Ethics and Equity in Transportation Systems
Transportation is a crucial element of human life. It enables communication with others, provides access to employment / economic opportunity, and transports goods upon which we depend. However, transportation also generates negative impacts: polluti...
Robotics, AI and Design of Future Education
The seminar will feature guest lectures from industry and academia to discuss the state of the affairs in the field of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and how that will impact the future Education. The time of robotics/AI are upon us. Within...
Designing Learning and Making Environments
We investigate Learning and Making environments that enable participants to learn technical concepts through designing and prototyping at low cost. The course consists of lectures, invited guest talks and a final project. Students interact with gues...
The Changing Energy Landscape in Europe
Students will learn about the most daunting challenge of our times: Global Climate Change. This course will offer insights at the interface between environmental challenges, environmental policy, economics, and technology in Europe. Not surprisingly,...
Graduate Design Research Techniques
Students from different backgrounds work on real-world design challenges. The Design Thinking process with emphasis on: ethnographic techniques, needfinding, framing and concept generation. The Design Thinking process as a lens to explore ways to bet...
Deliverables: A Mechanical Engineering Design Practicum
This course empowers you with the design process and confidence needed to tackle mechanical design challenges similar to those seen in industry. We will cover valuable design, manufacturing, assembly, and machine design content which you will apply t...
Biomechanics of Movement
Experimental techniques to study human and animal movement including motion capture systems, EMG, force plates, medical imaging, and animation. The mechanical properties of muscle and tendon, and quantitative analysis of musculoskeletal geometry. Pro...
Introduction to Biomechanics and Mechanobiology
Introduction to the mechanical analysis of tissues (biomechanics), and how mechanical cues play a role in regulating tissue development, adaptation, regeneration, and aging (mechanobiology). Topics include tissue viscoelasticity, cardiovascular biome...
Computational Modeling in the Cardiovascular System
This course introduces computational modeling methods for cardiovascular blood flow and physiology. Topics in this course include analytical and computational methods for solutions of flow in deformable vessels, one-dimensional equations of blood fl...
Mechanics of Biological Tissues
Introduction to the mechanical behaviors of biological tissues in health and disease. Overview of experimental approaches to evaluating tissue properties and mathematical constitutive models. Elastic behaviors of hard tissues, nonlinear elastic and...
UX Data Analytics
The objective of this course is to develop the ability to derive design insights from quantitative data, similar to the expertise of a UX Researcher. You will learn skills necessary to analyze user/consumer analytical data and how to use statistical...
Forecasting for Innovators: Exponential Technologies, Tools and Social Transformation
First we invent our technologies - and then we use our technologies to reinvent ourselves, as individuals, as communities and ultimately, as a planetary society. The result has been a vast wave of astonishing innovations that in turn have generated t...
Silversmithing and Design
A course focusing on creating small scale objects in precious metals, with equal attention given to design and the process of investment casting in the Product Realization Lab.
Practical Training
For master's students. Educational opportunities in high technology research and development labs in industry. Students engage in internship work and integrate that work into their academic program. Following internship work, students complete a rese...
Practical Training
For Ph.D. students. Educational opportunities in high technology research and development labs in industry. Students engage in internship work and integrate that work into their academic program. Following internship work, students complete a researc...
Engineering Thermodynamics
The basic principles of thermodynamics are introduced in this course. Concepts of energy and entropy from elementary considerations of the microscopic nature of matter are discussed. The principles are applied in thermodynamic analyses directed tow...
Linear Algebra with Application to Engineering Computations
Computer based solution of systems of algebraic equations obtained from engineering problems and eigen-system analysis, Gaussian elimination, effect of round-off error, operation counts, banded matrices arising from discretization of differential equ...
Partial Differential Equations in Engineering
Geometric interpretation of partial differential equation (PDE) characteristics; solution of first order PDEs and classification of second-order PDEs; self-similarity; separation of variables as applied to parabolic, hyperbolic, and elliptic PDEs; sp...
Introduction to Numerical Methods for Engineering
Numerical methods from a user's point of view. Lagrange interpolation, splines. Integration: trapezoid, Romberg, Gauss, adaptive quadrature; numerical solution of ordinary differential equations: explicit and implicit methods, multistep methods, Rung...
LaunchPad:Design and Launch your Product or Service
This is an intense course in product design and development offered to graduate students only (no exceptions). In just ten weeks, we will apply principles of design thinking to the real-life challenge of imagining, prototyping, testing and iterating,...
The Future of the Automobile- Driver Assistance and Automated Driving
This course provides a holistic overview over the field of vehicle automation. The course starts with the history of vehicle automation and then introduces key terminology and taxonomy. Guest lecturers present the legal and policy aspects of vehicle...
The Future of the Automobile- Mobility Entrepreneurship
The objective of this course is to develop an understanding for the requirements that go into the design of a highly complex yet easy-to-use product, i.e. the automobile. Students will learn about very different interdisciplinary aspects that charact...
Soft Composites and Soft Robotics
Fundamentals of soft materials and soft composites in the aspects of mechanical characterization, polymer physics, mechanics, finite-element-analysis of large deformation, and advanced material fabrication including different 3D printing technologies...
Designing Your Life
The course employs a design thinking approach to help fellows develop a point of view about their life and career. The course focuses on an introduction to design thinking, the integration of work and worldview, and practices that support vocation fo...
Dynamics and Feedback Control of Living Systems
In this course, students will explore feedback control mechanisms that living organisms (cells) implement to execute their function. In addition, students will learn the basics of re-engineering feedback control systems in order for cells to execute...
Engineering Design Theory in Practice
What is high performance in design? How could you improve your performance as a designer? Theories and frameworks from research into engineering design and design thinking are translated into action for developing insights into your design behavior a...
Carbon Dioxide and Methane Removal, Utilization, and Sequestration
This is a seminar on carbon dioxide and methane removal, utilization, and sequestration options, and their role in decarbonizing the global energy system. This course will cover topics including the global carbon balance, utilizing atmospheric carbon...
Global Engineering Design Thinking, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
The ME310ABC sequence immerses students in a real-world, engineering design experience in the spirit of a Silicon Valley start-up, managing the uncertainty inherent in entrepreneurial design. Teams of Stanford graduate students often partner with sim...
Global Engineering Design Thinking, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
ME310BC is a two-quarter continuation of ME310 and typically requires ME310A as a prerequisite. In ME310B the focus is on detailed design and prototyping of novel components and systems, often re-framing the problem and identifying new user populatio...
Global Engineering Design Thinking, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
ME310BC is a two-quarter continuation of ME310 and typically requires ME310A as a prerequisite. In ME310B the focus is on detailed design and prototyping of novel components and systems, often re-framing the problem and identifying new user populatio...
Leading Design Teams
This class teaches students how to be an effective design team leader using the construct of a multifunction new product development (NPD) team and conceptually places students as the leader of a NPD team - the Product Manager. Topics include leaders...
Communication in Design
Communication of design information, ideas, and concepts is central to successful design projects. In this course you will learn about various forms of communication and when/how to apply them in the design process. Topics covered include: structurin...
Human Values and Innovation in Design
Introduction to the philosophy and practice of the Design Impact program. Hands-on design projects are used as vehicles for learning design thinking's tools and methodology. The relationships among technical, human, aesthetic, and business concerns,...
The Designer in Society
This class focuses on individuals and their psychological wellbeing. The class delves into how students perceive themselves and their work, and how they might use design thinking to lead a more creative and committed life. As a participant you read p...
MS Design Capstone Project 1
The class is a deep dive in design thinking that uses student-led projects to teach design process and methods. Students will learn the methodologies of design thinking by bringing a product, service, or user-experience design to fruition/impact in t...
MS Design Capstone Project 2
This is a continuation of ME316A / DESIGN361A. The class is a deep dive in design thinking that uses student-led projects to teach design process and methods. Students will learn the methodologies of design thinking by bringing a product, service, or...
MS Design Capstone Project 3
For graduate Design Impact students, and select students by application, who have completed ME316A &B / DESIGN361A&B. Students, under the supervision of the design faculty, spend the quarter documenting their Idea to Impact projects, implementing the...
Computer-Aided Product Creation
Design course focusing on an integrated suite of computer tools: rapid prototyping, solid modeling, computer-aided machining, and computer numerical control manufacturing. Students choose, design, and manufacture individual products, emphasizing indi...
Topics in Multi-Limbed Manipulation
Course covers fundamental topics in manipulation with fingers or locomotion with multiple legs. Starting topics include: mobility, manipulability, contact kinematics, force closure, nonholonomic constraints. We branch into topics based on student int...
Introduction to Robotics
Robotics foundations in modeling, design, planning, and control. Class covers relevant results from geometry, kinematics, statics, dynamics, motion planning, and control, providing the basic methodologies and tools in robotics research and applicatio...
Optofluidics: Interplay of Light and Fluids at the Micro and Nanoscale
Many optical systems in biology have sophisticated designs with functions that conventional optics cannot achieve: no synthetic materials, for example, can provide the camouflage capability exhibited by some animals. This course overviews recent effo...
Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms
The rational design of linkages. Techniques to determine linkage proportions to fulfill design requirements using analytical, graphical, and computer based methods.
Precision Engineering
ME324 is designed for MS candidates who have an interest in, and some experience with, mechanical design and manufacturing. Advances in engineering are often enabled by increased precision in design and manufacturing. A common misconception is that i...
Making Multiples: Injection Molding
Design course focusing on the process of injection molding as a prototyping and manufacturing tool. Coursework will include creating and evaluating initial design concepts, detailed part design, mold design, mold manufacturing, molding parts, and tes...
Collaborative Robotics
This course focuses on how robots can be effective teammates with other robots and human partners. Concepts and tools will be reviewed for characterizing task objectives, robot perception and control, teammate behavioral modeling, inter-agent communi...
Design and Control of Haptic Systems
Study of the design and control of haptic systems, which provide touch feedback to human users interacting with virtual environments and teleoperated robots. Focus is on device modeling (kinematics and dynamics), synthesis and analysis of control sys...
Medical Robotics
Study of the design and control of robots for medical applications. Focus is on robotics in surgery and interventional radiology, with introduction to other healthcare robots. Delivery is through instructor lectures and weekly guest speakers. Coursew...
Mechanical Analysis in Design
This project based course will cover the application of engineering analysis methods learned in the Mechanics and Finite Element series to real world problems involving the mechanical analysis of a proposed device or process. Students work in teams,...
Advanced Kinematics
Kinematics from mathematical viewpoints. Introduction to algebraic geometry of point, line, and plane elements. Emphasis is on basic theories which have potential application to mechanical linkages, computational geometry, and robotics.
Advanced Dynamics & Computation
Newton, Euler, momentum, and road-map methods and computational tools for 3-D force and motion analysis of multibody systems. Power, work, and energy. Numerical solutions (e.g., MATLAB, etc.) of nonlinear algebraic and differential equations governin...
Advanced Dynamics, Simulation & Control
Advanced methods and computational tools for the efficient formulation of equations of motion for multibody systems. D'Alembert principle. Power, work, and energy. Kane's and Lagrange's method. Computed torque control. Systems with constraints. Quate...
Advanced Dynamics
Modeling and analysis of dynamical systems. This class will cover reference frames and coordinate systems, kinematics and constraints, mass distribution, virtual work, D'Alembert's principle, Lagrange, and Hamiltonian equations of motion. We will the...
Finite Element Analysis
Fundamental concepts and techniques of primal finite element methods. Method of weighted residuals, Galerkin's method and variational equations. Linear eliptic boundary value problems in one, two and three space dimensions; applications in structural...
Finite Element Analysis
Finite element methods for linear dynamic analysis. Eigenvalue, parabolic, and hyperbolic problems. Mathematical properties of semi-discrete (t-continuous) Galerkin approximations. Modal decomposition and direct spectral truncation techniques. Stabil...
Finite Element Analysis
Newton's method for nonlinear problems; convergence, limit points and bifurcation; consistent linearization of nonlinear variational forms by directional derivative; tangent operator and residual vector; variational formulation and finite element dis...
Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Fluid-Flow Simulations
This course is designed to provide an introduction to discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods and related high-order discontinuous solution techniques for solving partial differential equations with application to fluid flows. The course covers mathemati...
Mechanics of Growth
Growth is a distinguishing feature of all living things. This course introduces the concept of living systems through the lens of mechanics. We discuss the basic continuum theory for living systems including the kinematics, balance equations, and con...
Continuum Mechanics
Introduction to vectors and tensors: kinematics, deformation, forces, and stress concept of continua; balance principles; aspects of objectivity; hyperelastic materials; thermodynamics of materials; variational principles.
Introduction to parallel computing using MPI, openMP, and CUDA
This class will give hands-on experience with programming multicore processors, graphics processing units (GPU), and parallel computers. The focus will be on the message passing interface (MPI, parallel clusters) and the compute unified device archit...
Mechanics - Elasticity and Inelasticity
Introduction to the theories of elasticity, plasticity and fracture and their applications. Elasticity: Definition of stress, strain, and elastic energy; equilibrium and compatibility conditions; and formulation of boundary value problems. Stress f...
Mechanobiology and Biofabrication Methods
Cell mechanobiology topics including cell structure, mechanical models, and chemo-mechanical signaling. Review and apply methods for controlling and analyzing the biomechanics of cells using traction force microscopy, AFM, micropatterning and cell st...
Machine Learning for Computational Engineering.
Linear and kernel support vector machines, deep learning, deep neural networks, generative adversarial networks, physics-based machine learning, forward and reverse mode automatic differentiation, optimization algorithms for machine learning, TensorF...
Introduction to High Performance Computing
High performance computing (HPC) is a field at the forefront of a range of high tech applications such as computational fluid dynamics, image processing, and financial risk management. With the demands of machine learning outstripping conventional co...
HPC-AI Summer Seminar Series
Get ready to explore the future of high-performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) and its influence on the way we live, work and learn, with the HPC-AI Summer Seminar Series by Stanford High Performance Computing Center and the HPC...
Fatigue Design and Analysis
The mechanism and occurrences of fatigue of materials. Methods for predicting fatigue life and for protecting against premature fatigue failure. Use of elastic stress and elastic-plastic strain analyses to predict crack initiation life. Use of linear...
Introduction to Statistical Mechanics
The main purpose of this course is to provide students with enough statistical mechanics background to the Molecular Simulations classes (ME 346B,C), including the fundamental concepts such as ensemble, entropy, and free energy, etc. The main theme o...
Introduction to Molecular Simulations
Algorithms of molecular simulations and underlying theories. Molecular dynamics, time integrators, modeling thermodynamic ensembles (NPT, NVT). Monte Carlo simulations. Applications in solids, liquids, polymers, phase transitions, and combination...
Waves in Solids and Fluids
Wave propagation and sources in elastic solids and compressible fluids; body, surface, and interface waves in homogeneous and plane layered media; dispersion, phase and group velocities; reflection and transmission; near-field, far-field, and static...
Experimental Stress Analysis
Theory and applications of photoelasticity, strain sensors, and holographic interferometry. Comparison of test results with theoretical predictions of stress and strain. Discussion of of other methods (optical fiber strain sensors,digital image corre...
The Science and the Practice of Metal 3D Printing
Physical and metallurgical principles involved in metal 3D printing: laser types and optics, light interaction with matter, melt pool dynamics, solidification and microstructure generation. Engineering practice: powder preparation, part characterizat...
Plasma Science and Technology Seminar
Guest speakers present research related to plasma science and engineering, ranging from fundamental plasma physics to industrial applications of plasma.
Fluid Mechanics
Exact and approximate analysis of fluid flow covering kinematics, global and differential equations of mass, momentum, and energy conservation. Forces and stresses in fluids. Euler's equations and the Bernoulli theorem applied to inviscid flows. Vort...
Fluid Mechanics
Laminar viscous fluid flow. Governing equations, boundary conditions, and constitutive laws. Exact solutions for parallel flows. Creeping flow limit, lubrication theory, and boundary layer theory including free-shear layers and approximate methods of...
Radiative Heat Transfer
The fundamentals of thermal radiation heat transfer; blackbody radiation laws; radiative properties of non-black surfaces; analysis of radiative exchange between surfaces and in enclosures; combined radiation, conduction, and convection; radiative tr...
Fundamentals of Heat Conduction
Physical description of heat conduction in solids, liquids, and gases. The heat diffusion equation and its solution using analytical and numerical techniques. Data and microscopic models for the thermal conductivity of solids, liquids, and gases, and...
Convective Heat Transfer
Prediction of heat and mass transfer rates based on analytical and numerical solutions of the governing partial differential equations. Heat transfer in fully developed pipe and channel flow, pipe entrance flow, laminar boundary layers, and turbulent...
Nanoscale heat, mass and charge transport
Fundamentals of heat, mass and charge transport in solids, liquids and gases. Emphasis on the origins of the properties of matter. Translation of scientific understanding to design and predict the behavior of novel engineering devices and systems th...
Experimental Methods in Fluid Mechanics
Experimental methods associated with the interfacing of laboratory instruments, experimental control, sampling strategies, data analysis, and introductory image processing. Instrumentation including point-wise anemometers and particle image tracking...
Compressible Flow
Topics include quasi-one-dimensional isentropic flow in variable area ducts, normal shock waves, oblique shock and expansion waves, flow in ducts with friction and heat transfer, unsteady one-dimensional flow, and steady two-dimensional supersonic fl...
Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics
History of hypersonic flight technology. Inviscid hypersonic flows. Rankine-Hugoniot shock-jump relations at high Mach numbers. Newtonian approximation. Small-disturbance equations for hypersonic aerodynamics. Mach-number independence. Hypersonic sim...
Gas-Turbine Design Analysis
This course is concerned with the design analysis of gas-turbine engines. After reviewing essential concepts of thermo- and aerodynamics, we consider a turbofan gas-turbine engine that is representative of a business aircraft. We will first conduct a...
The nature of turbulent flows, statistical and spectral description of turbulence, coherent structures, spatial and temporal scales of turbulent flows. Averaging, two-point correlations and governing equations. Reynolds averaged equations and stresse...
Physical Gas Dynamics
Concepts and techniques for description of high-temperature and chemically reacting gases from a molecular point of view. Introductory kinetic theory, chemical thermodynamics, and statistical mechanics as applied to properties of gases and gas mixtur...
Nonequilibrium Processes in High-Temperature Gases
Chemical kinetics and energy transfer in high-temperature gases. Collision theory, transition state theory, and unimolecular reaction theory. Prerequisie: 362A or consent of instructor.
Rarefied and Ionized Gases
Compressible, viscous, rarefied, and ionized gas flow models derived from kinetic theory, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics. Equilibrium properties and non-equilibrium processes via collisions and radiation. Monte Carlo collision models fo...
Partially Ionized Plasmas and Gas Discharges
Introduction to partially ionized gases and the nature of gas discharges. Topics: the fundamentals of plasma physics emphasizing collisional and radiative processes, electron and ion transport, ohmic dissipation, oscillations and waves, interaction o...
Optical Diagnostics and Spectroscopy
The spectroscopy of gases and laser-based diagnostic techniques for measurements of species concentrations, temperature, density, and other flow field properties. Topics: electronic, vibrational, and rotational transitions; spectral lineshapes and br...
Making Multiples: Sand Casting
ME 365 is a product realization based course integrating designing and making with a focus on a scaled manufacturing process, sand casting. It's graduates will develop technical knowledge regarding design principles, tooling design and creation, mold...
Light and Plasma
An introduction to the science and applications of laser-plasma interactions. The first part of the course will discuss the fundamental concepts and analytic, computational, and experimental tools for understanding the linear and nonlinear propagatio...
Optical Diagnostics and Spectroscopy Laboratory
Principles, procedures, and instrumentation associated with optical measurements in gases and plasmas. Absorption, fluorescence and emission, and light-scattering methods. Measurements of temperature, species concentration, and molecular properties....
d.Leadership: Leading Disruptive Innovation
d.Leadership is a course that teaches the coaching and leadership skills needed to drive good design process in groups. d.leaders will work on real projects driving design projects within organizations and gain real world skills as they experiment wi...
Biodesign Innovation: Needs Finding and Concept Creation
In this two-quarter course series ( BIOE 374A/B, MED 272A/B, ME 368A/B, OIT 384/5), multidisciplinary student teams identify real-world unmet healthcare needs, invent new health technologies to address them, and plan for their implementation into pat...
Biodesign Innovation: Concept Development and Implementation
In this two-quarter course series ( BIOE 374A/B, MED 272A/B, ME 368A/B, OIT 384/5), multidisciplinary student teams identify real-world unmet healthcare needs, invent new health technologies to address them, and plan for their implementation into pat...
Energy Systems I: Thermodynamics
Thermodynamic analysis of energy systems emphasizing systematic methodology for and application of basic principles to generate quantitative understanding. Exergy, mixtures, reacting systems, phase equilibrium, chemical exergy, and modern computation...
Energy Systems II: Modeling and Advanced Concepts
Development of quantitative device models for complex energy systems, including fuel cells, reformers, combustion engines, and electrolyzers, using thermodynamic and transport analysis. Student groups work on energy systems to develop conceptual unde...
Energy Systems III: Projects
Refinement and calibration of energy system models generated in ME 370B carrying the models to maturity and completion. Integration of device models into a larger model of energy systems. Prerequisites: 370A,B, consent of instructor.
Combustion Fundamentals
Heat of reaction, adiabatic flame temperature, and chemical composition of products of combustion; kinetics of combustion and pollutant formation reactions; conservation equations for multi-component reacting flows; propagation of laminar premixed fl...
Combustion Applications
The role of chemical and physical processes in combustion; ignition, flammability, and quenching of combustible gas mixtures; premixed turbulent flames; laminar and turbulent diffusion flames; combustion of fuel droplets and sprays. Prerequisite: 371...
Nanomaterials Synthesis and Applications for Mechanical Engineers
This course provides an introduction to both combustion synthesis of functional nanomaterials and nanotechnology. The first part of the course will introduce basic principles, synthesis/fabrication techniques and application of nanoscience and nanote...
Dynamics and Kinetics of Nanoparticles
Part 1: Thermodynamics, transport theories and properties, aerosol dynamics and reaction kinetics of nanoparticles in fluids. Nucleation, gas kinetic theory of nanoparticles, the Smoluchowski equation, gas-surface reactions, diffusion, thermophoresi...
Wildfire Science
Wildfires are unplanned fires that burn in natural areas, such as forests, grasslands, shrublands, and other environments such as wildland-urban interface. While wildfires have been a natural part of our ecosystem, they can threaten livelihood and pr...
Design Thinking Studio
Design Thinking Studio is an immersive introduction to design thinking. You will engage in the real world with your heart, hands and mind to learn and apply the tools and attitudes of design. The class is project-based and emphasizes adopting new beh...
Tell, Make, Engage: Action Stories for Entrepreneuring
Individual storytelling action and reflective observations gives the course an evolving framework of evaluative methods, from engineering design; socio cognitive psychology; and art that are formed and reformed by collaborative development within the...
Current Topics in Exoskeleton and Prosthesis Research
This discussion-based course introduces graduate students to current topics in prosthetic limb and exoskeleton research. We will review and discuss landmark studies and recent advances using the published literature. Topics include: clinical presenta...
Orthopaedic Bioengineering
Engineering approaches applied to the musculoskeletal system in the context of surgical and medical care. Fundamental anatomy and physiology. Material and structural characteristics of hard and soft connective tissues and organ systems, and the role...
Biomechanical Research Symposium
Guest speakers present contemporary research on experimental and theoretical aspects of biomechanical engineering and bioengineering. May be repeated for credit.
Thermofluids, Energy, and Propulsion Research Seminar
Review of work in a particular research program and presentations of other related work.
Engineering Problems
Directed study for graduate engineering students on subjects of mutual interest to student and staff member. May be used to prepare for experimental research during a later quarter under 392. Faculty sponsor required.
Experimental Investigation of Engineering Problems
Graduate engineering students undertake experimental investigation under guidance of staff member. Previous work under 391 may be required to provide background for experimental program. Faculty sponsor required.
Seminar in Solid Mechanics
Required of Ph.D. candidates in solid mechanics. Guest speakers present research topics related to mechanics theory, computational methods, and applications in science and engineering. May be repeated for credit.
Design Research Theory and Methodology Seminar
What do designers do when they do design? How can their performance be improved? ME 397 is a participatory graduate seminar where students create, examine, discuss, and evaluate aspects of these questions. This year, we'll practice foundational topic...
Ph.D. Research Rotation
Directed research experience for first-year Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. students with faculty sponsors. The student is responsible for arranging the faculty sponsor and registering under the faculty sponsor's section number. Course may be repeated u...
Thesis (Engineer Degree)
Investigation of some engineering problems. Required of Engineer degree candidates
Quantum Field Theory (QFT) for Engineering Applications
QFT principles for engineering applications in nano and microelectronics. Examples include quantum computing, topological quantum computing, and superconductivity. Focus on solids and quasiparticles. Relation between energy, momentum, and mass. Quant...
Asymptotic Methods in Computational Engineering
This course is not a standard teaching of asymptotic methods as thought in the applied math programs. Nor does it involve such elaborate algebra and analytical derivations. Instead, the class relies on students' numerical programming skills and intro...
Turbulence Physics and Modeling Using Numerical Simulation Data
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Spectral Methods in Computational Physics
Data analysis, spectra and correlations, sampling theorem, nonperiodic data, and windowing; spectral methods for numerical solution of partial differential equations; accuracy and computational cost; fast Fourier transform, Galerkin, collocation, and...
Introductory Foresight and Technological Innovation
Learn to develop long-range, technology-based innovations (5+ years based on industry). This course offers an intensive, hands-on approach using multiple engineering foresight strategies and tools. Model disruptive opportunities and create far-to-nea...
Introductory Foresight and Technological Innovation
Continuation of ME410A. Students will continue developing their invention, integrate additional engineering foresight, and develop an intrinsic innovation mindset. Ongoing discussion of industry examples and contemporary events demonstrate foresight...
Introductory Foresight and Technological Innovation
Continuation of ME410B. Students will continue developing their invention, integrate additional engineering foresight, and develop an intrinsic innovation mindset. Ongoing discussion of industry examples and contemporary events demonstrate foresight...
Advanced Fluid Mechanics Multiphase Flows
Single particle and multi-particle fluid flow phenomena, mass, momentum and heat transfer, characteristic time and length scales, non-dimensional groups; collection of dispersed-phase elements: instantaneous and averaged descriptions for multiphase f...
Advanced Fluid Mechanics - Flow Instabilities
Waves in fluids: surface waves, internal waves, inertial and acoustic waves, dispersion and group velocity, wave trains, transport due to waves, propagation in slowly varying medium, wave steepening, solitons and solitary waves, shock waves. Instabil...
Advanced Fluid Mechanics - Low-Order Modeling for Turbulent Flow
Statistical analysis of turbulent flow data. Modal representations. Goals for low - order models, observability and controllability. Data-driven techniques: proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)/principal component analysis (PCA), spectral POD, dynam...
Transport phenomena on small-length scales appropriate to applications in microfluidics, complex fluids, and biology. The basic equations of mass, momentum, and energy, derived for incompressible fluids and simplified to the slow-flow limit. Topics:...
Complex Fluids and Non-Newtonian Flows
Definition of a complex liquid and microrheology. Division of complex fluids into suspensions, solutions, and melts. Suspensions as colloidal and non-colloidal. Extra stress and relation to the stresslet. Suspension rheology including Brownian and no...
Fluid Flow in Microdevices
Physico-chemical hydrodynamics. Creeping flow, electric double layers, and electrochemical transport such as Nernst-Planck equation; hydrodynamics of solutions of charged and uncharged particles. Device applications include microsystems that perform...
Advanced Topics in Electrokinetics
Electrokinetic theory and electrokinetic separation assays. Electroneutrality approximation and weak electrolyte electrophoresis theory. Capillary zone electrophoresis, field amplified sample stacking, isoelectric focusing, and isotachophoresis. Intr...
Advanced Topics in Turbulence
Turbulence phenomenology; statistical description and the equations governing the mean flow; fluctuations and their energetics; turbulence closure problem, two-equation turbulence models, and second moment closures; non-local effect of pressure; rapi...
Advanced Topics in Plasma Science and Engineering
Research areas such as plasma diagnostics, plasma transport, waves and instabilities, and engineering applications.
Computational Methods in Fluid Mechanics
The last two decades have seen the widespread use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for analysis and design of thermal-fluids systems in a wide variety of engineering fields. Numerical methods used in CFD have reached a high degree of sophisticat...
Uncertainty Quantification
Uncertainty is an unavoidable component of engineering practice and decision making. Representing a lack of knowledge, uncertainty stymies our attempts to draw scientific conclusions, and to confidently design engineering solutions. Failing to accoun...
Modeling and Simulation of Human Movement
Direct experience with the computational tools used to create simulations of human movement. Lecture/labs on animation of movement; kinematic models of joints; forward dynamic simulation; computational models of muscles, tendons, and ligaments; creat...
Ph.D. Teaching Experience
Required of Ph.D. students. May be repeated for credit.
Mechanical Engineering Teaching Assistance Training
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Thesis (Ph.D.)
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Surgical Robotics Seminar
Surgical robots developed and implemented clinically on varying scales. Seminar goal is to expose students from engineering, medicine, and business to guest lecturers from academia and industry. Engineering and clinical aspects connected to design an...
Introductory Fluids Engineering
Elements of fluid mechanics as applied to engineering problems. Equations of motion for incompressible flow. Hydrostatics. Control volume laws for mass, momentum, and energy. Bernoulli equation. Differential equations of fluid flow. Euler equations....
Mechanics of Materials
Mechanics of materials and deformation of structural members. Topics include stress and deformation analysis under axial loading, torsion and bending, column buckling and pressure vessels. Introduction to stress transformation and multiaxial loading....
TGR Project
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TGR Dissertation
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