Department: Pediatrics

Code Name Description
PEDS102 Pre-field Course for Ghana Impact Abroad in Public Health and Children's Health Enrollment restricted to undergraduates participating in Impact Abroad's Ghana Program. Focus is on understanding service-learning principles and the historical, social and political context of Ghana's health system.
PEDS116 Peer Education and the Campus Culture This class prepares you to become a PEER (prevent, educate, empower, refer) educator. Multidisciplinary perspectives of public health, health psychology, sociology, and practice as it relates to substance use, sexual citizenship, and well-being. Stud...
PEDS124 Global Child Health (HUMBIO students must enroll in HUMBIO 124C. Med/Graduate students must enroll in MED 124 or PEDS 124.) This course introduces students to key challenges to the health and well being of children worldwide. We explicitly focus on child and public heal...
PEDS126 Design for Health: Building Early Relational Health We aim to address key challenges in early relational health, which is defined as healthy and positive and nurturing parent/caregiver child relationships, in the context of safe and secure communities. One in 4 adults in the US has an adverse child ex...
PEDS128A Design for Pediatric Patients Feeding is a complex process involving coordinated interaction among several systems in the context of the parent-child dyad. A disruption in any of these systems places a child at risk for a feeding disorder. This two-quarter class will focus on the...
PEDS128B Designing for Pediatric Patients This two-quarter class will focus on the pediatric population who have feeding challenges in the neonatal ICU, the labor and delivery room, and at home once discharged. Students will practice design thinking methodology as a pathway for medical devic...
PEDS144 Biosocial-Biocultural Perspectives on Disability in Education Disability is a complex phenomenon contested along biopolitical and sociopolitical vectors in the field of education and other attendant fields such as humanities, history, and biosciences. These contestations influence the ways in which disabled liv...
PEDS150 Social and Environmental Determinants of Health Race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status are just a few of the social determinants that contribute to health disparities. Apply a racial equity lens to drive a deeper understanding of how vulnerable populations are uniquely at risk for poorer health...
PEDS199 Undergraduate Directed Reading/Research Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
PEDS202A Practical Applications for Qualitative Data Analysis First quarter of a two-quarter course. Gain experience analyzing qualitative data using qualitative analysis software (i.e. Nvivo, Dedoose). Conduct analysis using your own or existing data sources. Explore multiple qualitative data analysis topics t...
PEDS202B Practical Applications for Qualitative Data Analysis Second quarter of a two-quarter course provides hands-on experience summarizing qualitative data and describing findings for dissemination. Final course product will be a draft manuscript for submission with students listed as co-authors. Core topics...
PEDS202C Qualitative Research Methods and Study Design In-depth introduction to qualitative research methods and study design. Gain theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to design and implement a qualitative study. Explore qualitative methods through class lectures, foundational readings and hand...
PEDS211 Medical-Legal Issues in Children's Health (Same as LAW 643) Explores the link between poverty and children's health and how the medical and legal fields can work together to improve health outcomes for low income children. Weekly class meetings covering medical legal issues such as asthma im...
PEDS212 Challenges of Human Migration: Health and Health Care of Migrants and Autochthonous Populations (HUMBIO students must enroll in HUMBIO 122M. Med/Graduate students enroll in PEDS 212) An emerging area of inquiry. Topics include: global migration trends, health Issues/aspects of migration, healthcare and the needs of immigrants in the US, and...
PEDS213 Asylum and Refugee Health This course will provide an introduction to refugee health and healthcare for asylum seekers. Students will gain insight into the role healthcare providers and community law partners have in providing forensic documentations and evaluations for asylu...
PEDS219 Design for Health We aim to address intransigent problems in health, which have been resistant to change through traditional healthcare-delivery, public-health and academic medical systems. We aim to develop key insights and solutions to address social and technical c...
PEDS220 Covid-19 Elective The purpose of this course is to localize information surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic to stay informed and better advise our patients, families, friends, and broader community. We will focus on aspects of the virus including virology, pathogenesis,...
PEDS222 Beyond Health Care: the effects of social policies on health (HUMBIO students must enroll in HUMBIO 122. Med/Graduate students must enroll in PEDS 222.) Available evidence at the national and cross-country level linking social welfare interventions and health outcomes. If and how non-health programs and polici...
PEDS223 Human Rights and Global Health Open to medical students, graduate students, and advanced undergraduates. Examines the newly emerging field of human rights and global health, beginning with the essential background into the field of human rights, and the recent emergence of health...
PEDS224 Genocide and Humanitarian Intervention Open to medical students, graduate students, and undergraduate students. Traces the history of genocide in the 20th century and the question of humanitarian intervention to stop it, a topic that has been especially controversial since the end of the...
PEDS225 Humanitarian Aid and Politics Open to medical students, graduate students, and undergraduate students. Examines the moral dilemmas and political realities that complicate the delivery of humanitarian aid, especially when undertaken by the United Nations and non-governmental orga...
PEDS226 Famine in the Modern World Open to medical students, graduate students, and undergraduate students. Examines the major famines of modern history, the controversies surrounding them, and the reasons that famine persists in our increasingly globalized world. Focus is on the re...
PEDS227 Introduction to Pediatric Specialties The aim of this course is to provide pre-clinical MD students with exposure to the wide variety of medical specialties within pediatrics. Weekly lectures will feature physicians from fields such as Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric...
PEDS228A Design for Pediatric Patients Feeding is a complex process involving coordinated interaction among several systems in the context of the parent-child dyad. A disruption in any of these systems places a child at risk for a feeding disorder. This two-quarter class will focus on the...
PEDS228B Designing for Pediatric Patients This two-quarter class will focus on the pediatric population who have feeding challenges in the neonatal ICU, the labor and delivery room, and at home once discharged. Students will practice design thinking methodology as a pathway for medical devic...
PEDS229 Reducing Health Disparities and Closing the Achievement Gap through Health Integration in Schools (HUMBIO students must enroll in HUMBIO 122E. Med/Graduate students must enroll in PEDS 229.) Health and education are inextricably linked. If kids aren't healthy, they won't realize their full potential in school. This is especially true for childre...
PEDS231 Writing and Storytelling Workshop for Clinical Students This course is an intensive workshop for clinical students devoted to oral and written communication skills. Students receive instruction in the art and craft of storytelling for a variety of media from radio/podcast to print media. Topics covered: m...
PEDS232 Bioethics, Film and Advocacy This course will examine films, documentaries and shorts on bioethics themes and aims for a resonance between inquiry and practice. We will focus both on the content of the films, in terms of ethics and advocacy, as well the filmic and narrative tec...
PEDS236 Diverse Perspectives on Disabilities Student lead: This course investigates disabilities and how they impact the lives of individuals and their communities. Students will learn various perspectives on disability from a wide range of speakers, including fellow students, parents, professi...
PEDS240 (Re)Meditating Systems Change: Disability, Language & Difference This is a course about gaining a deep understanding of the levers of systems change in K-12 education focusing especially on (re)mediating systems in ways that center inclusion, equity, and justice. This course is concerned with systems change proces...
PEDS242 (Re)Framing Difference: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Disability, Race and Culture This course uses social theories of difference to examine the intersections of disability, race and culture. The course will examine these concepts drawing from scholarship published in history, sociology of education, urban sociology, cultural studi...
PEDS246D Re(positioning) Disability: Historical, Cultural, and Social Lenses This course is designed to introduce undergraduate students of any major to important theoretical and practical concepts regarding special education, disability, and diversity. This course primarily addresses the social construction of disability and...
PEDS250 Social and Environmental Determinants of Health Race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status are just a few of the social determinants that contribute to health disparities. Apply a racial equity lens to drive a deeper understanding of how vulnerable populations are uniquely at risk for poorer health...
PEDS251A Medical Ethics I Required for Scholarly Concentration in Biomedical Ethics and Medical Humanities. The field of bioethics, including theoretical approaches to bioethical problems. Contemporary controversies and clinical cases. Values that arise in different situation...
PEDS254 Pediatric Physical Findings Rounds Pediatric patients with specific physical findings and hospitalized at LPCH are identified and introduced to students. Students in small groups examine patients at the bedside to note the physical finding and discuss it within the context of the pati...
PEDS255 Scientific Integrity: Responsible Conduct of Research This course introduces standard and acceptable practices in the life sciences, with an emphasis on responsibilities in research activities such as record keeping, data treatment, authorship, peer review, mentoring and participation in research that e...
PEDS257 Clinical Teaching Seminar Series The Clinical Teaching Seminar Series (CTSS) is a year-long program in medical education, designed to introduce clinical educators to fundamental concepts in education. The seminars are high-yield, relevant, and interactive, providing practical tips f...
PEDS263 Healthcare Operations Management US health care spending is approximately 18% of GDP, growing rapidly, and driven in large part by prices and waste rather than quality and access. New approaches for improving health care delivery are urgently needed. This class focuses on the use of...
PEDS280 Early Clinical Experience Provides students an opportunity to see patients and correlate clinical findings with preclinical coursework. Students spend a half day or a full day in a pediatric subspecialty clinic (e.g., infectious diseases, endocrine, gastroenterology), partici...
PEDS281 Childhood Chronic Illness: Impact on Family Development The Pals Program is a volunteer activity serving Lucile Packard Children's Hospital chronically ill patients and their siblings. Modeled after the Big Brother/Big Sister Program, Pals matches first- and second-year medical students with pediatric pa...
PEDS282 Pregnancy, Birth, and Infancy Comprehensive clinical experience where pre-clinical medical students follow pregnant women receiving care at Stanford hospitals to attend prenatal visits, delivery, and postnatal visits. Continuity clinic format, combined with didactic lessons and d...
PEDS299 Directed Reading in Pediatrics Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
PEDS300A Pediatrics Core Clerkship VISITING: Closed to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Required. DESCRIPTION: Pediatrics 300A is an eight-week core clerkship. Students spend four weeks on an inpatient service and four weeks in a variety of ambulatory settings. The clerkship provides an i...
PEDS301A Medical Genetics Clerkship VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: The clerkship provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of clinical genetics. Students have the opportunity to learn about a range of genetic disorders, genetic diagnostic...
PEDS302A Pediatric Rheumatology Clerkship VISITING: Closed to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: Contact office for special requests. Offers extensive education on musculoskeletal exam. Acquaints students with the rheumatic diseases of childhood. Students attend 3 clinics pe...
PEDS303A Pediatric Cardiology Clerkship VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: The Pediatric Cardiology Clerkship provides students with a hemodynamic and developmental approach to the cardiovascular problems of childhood. Students actively participate in all...
PEDS304A Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Clerkship VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: Provides an in-depth exposure to the endocrine disorders and diabetes in children. The clinical experience is primarily in the pediatric endocrine and diabetes clinics at the Lucil...
PEDS305A Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Clerkship VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: This clerkship offers an individualized tutorial experience in the diagnosis, care, and clinical investigation of children with hematologic diseases. It is designed as an ambulator...
PEDS306A Pediatric Nephrology Clerkship VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: Offers inpatient and outpatient experience in the management of a variety of acute and chronic diseases of the kidney, including patients recieving acute or chronic dialysis and re...
PEDS308A Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Clerkship VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: Provides visitors with inpatient, procedural, and extensive outpatient experience in the management of various acute and chronic diseases of the intestinal tract or liver including...
PEDS312A Pediatric Infectious Diseases Clerkship VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: Students gain clinical experience working with patients with infectious diseases, including newborns, children, adolescents, and pediatric patients with underlying malignancies, im...
PEDS313A Neonatal Intensive Care Subinternship VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 2. DESCRIPTION: Medical students in their third or fourth clinical year are offered the opportunity to enrich their pediatric training in the 40-bed Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) located...
PEDS314A Pediatric Intensive Care Clerkship VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 2. DESCRIPTION: The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) is a busy 36-bed academic unit that teaches students to recognize and care for critically ill children. The patients are comprised of me...
PEDS315A Adolescent Medicine VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 1. DESCRIPTION: Please note that through the 2020-2021 academic year, the rotation is only available virtually. This four-week elective has a focus on the health of adolescents and young adults...
PEDS335A Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Subinternship VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 2. DESCRIPTION: This subinternship is designed to build upon the fundamental skills in hematology and oncology learned in Peds 305A, and to provide an intensive inpatient experience on the Hema...
PEDS336E Subinternship in Community Hospital Pediatrics VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 2. DESCRIPTION: This sub-internship will introduce to the experienced student the challenges of community pediatric hospital medicine in a resource-limited community. Patients in this hospital...
PEDS338A Subinternship in Inpatient Pediatrics VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 2. DESCRIPTION: Pediatrics 338A provides an advanced experience that mimics an inpatient month of pediatric internship. Students are assigned to one of four inpatient teams at Lucile Packard Ch...
PEDS340D Child Health Clerkship VISITING: Closed to Visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 1. DESCRIPTION: Provides students with an outpatient experience in clinical pediatrics working with primary care pediatricians in a prepaid health plan setting. Emphasizes primary care and i...
PEDS370 Medical Scholars Research Provides an opportunity for student and faculty interaction, as well as academic credit and financial support, to medical students who undertake original research. Enrollment is limited to students with approved projects.
PEDS398A Clinical Elective in Pediatrics VISITING: Closed to visitors, except by Director's permission. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: Pediatrics 398A provides an opportunity for students to have an individualized experience in clinical pediatrics. Students and faculty preceptors...
PEDS399 Graduate Research Students undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members.
PEDS463 Healthcare Systems Design Students work on projects to analyze and design various aspects of healthcare delivery including hospital patient flow, clinical risk prediction, physician networks, clinical outcomes, reimbursement incentives, and community health. Students work in...
PEDS60Q United Nations Peacekeeping Focus is on an examination of United Nations peacekeeping, from its inception in 1956 in the wake of the Suez Crisis, to its increasingly important role as an enforcer of political stability in sub-Saharan Africa. Examines the practice of "classic" p...
PEDS65N Understanding Children's Health Disparities The social and economic factors that affect children and their health status. The principal sources of disparities in the health of children in the U.S. are not biologic, but social and economic. Topics include ethnic, cultural, and behavioral facto...