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MCP-PHD - Molecular and Cellular Physiology (PhD)
Program Overview
The Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology is located in the Beckman Center for Molecular and Genetic Medicine.
A central goal of physiology in the post-genomic era is to understand how thousands of encoded proteins serve to bring about the highly coordinated behavior of cells and tissues. Research in the department approaches this goal at many levels of organization, ranging from single molecules and individual cells to multicellular systems and the whole organism. The faculty share common interests in the molecular mechanisms of cell signaling and behavior, with a special focus on structure/function analysis of ion channels and G-protein coupled receptors, and their roles at the cellular, organ, and whole-organism levels; the molecular basis of sensory transduction, synaptic transmission, plasticity and memory; the role of ion channels and calcium in controlling gene expression in neural and immune cells; and the regulation of vesicle trafficking and targeting, cell polarity, and cell-cell interactions in the nervous system and in epithelia. Research programs employ a wide range of approaches, including molecular and cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, biophysics, x-ray crystallography, and solution NMR, electrophysiology, and in vitro and in vivo imaging with confocal and multi-photon microscopy.
The department offers required and elective courses for students in the School of Medicine and is also open to other qualified students with the consent of the instructor. Training of medical, graduate and postdoctoral students is available. The program offers a course of study leading to a Ph.D. degree. No B.S. is offered, and an M.S. is offered only in the unusual circumstance where a student completes the course work, rotation, and the written section of the qualifying exam, but is unable to complete the requirements for the Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Studies
Free Form Requisites
Candidates for Ph.D. degrees at Stanford must satisfactorily complete a program of study that includes 135 units of graduate course work and research.
Study toward the Ph.D. is expected to occupy five years, including summers. The MCP course requirements for the program are as follows:
courseAdvanced Cell Biology
course MCP Bootcamp
course MCP Journal Club and Professional Development Series
course How Cells Work: Energetics, Compartments, and Coupling in Cell Biology
course Foundations in Experimental Biology
BIOS 217 Foundations of statistics and reproducible research
course The Responsible Conduct of Research, if funded on NSF or NIH training grants
· Basic competency in molecular biology
This requirement can be met based on undergrad curriculum/research. If not met, then the Stanford undergrad course BIO 83 can be taken to meet the requirement.
· Selected courses
Take the equivalent of two (2) courses from the following list, where mini-courses count as ½ course
o BIOC 241 (Biological Macromolecules)
o MCP 222 (Imaging: Biological Light Microscopy) or BIOPHYS 232 (Advanced Imaging Lab in Biophysics)
o Minicourse BIOS 294 (Chemistry for Biologists and Others)
o Minicourse BIOS 202 (Understanding Kinetics for Biologists and Biology)
o Minicourse NEPR 204 (Neuroscience Molecular Core; requires instructor approval)
o Minicourse NEPR 201 (Neuro-Cellular Core; requires instructor approval)
· Advanced graduate courses or minicourses for a minimum of 6 units total. These courses do not need to be MCP courses but must be in a relevant scientific topic and approved by the Director of Graduate Studies.
Attend MCP Seminar Series
Attend MCP Annual Retreat
Any additional courses required by your training grant or Qualifying Committee
Service Requirement: Minimum of 40 hours prior to 5th year of study (MCP Handbook)
Courses taken to meet program requirements must be taken for a letter grade, and students must earn a minimum grade of at least a 'B' in every individual required course. Students must also maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 by University policy. Failure to maintain the required grades and grade point average is taken as evidence of unsatisfactory progress in the program.
Students should complete their required courses within the first two years of study. Exceptions may be made in cases where it was impossible to schedule courses because they were not offered within a student’s first two years. Students may petition the DGS for variances in the specific courses required, and such petitions may be granted in special circumstances in cases where a student’s progress is otherwise exemplary. The DGS may consult with the MCP Graduate Program Committee on these variances.
Laboratory Rotations
In addition to the course requirements detailed above, a student is expected to complete laboratory rotations during the first year. While students typically explore three rotations, a student may opt to do a greater number of shorter rotations, as long as the rotation process is completed by May 15 of the first academic year of study. The first two of these rotations must be in a laboratory within the Department, while subsequent rotations may be in any laboratory within the Stanford Biosciences Program. The first rotation should last 8 to 10 weeks and each subsequent rotation shall last no longer than 8 weeks. Shorter rotations are encouraged, as long as the total length of the rotations is between 20 and 26 weeks. MCP requires a lab rotation evaluation to be completed by faculty member and student at the end of the rotation. Continuation of rotations beyond May 15 will require the approval of the Director of Graduate Studies. Additional rotations and/or time for rotations will be considered in special circumstances, but in all cases, students should plan to join a dissertation lab no later than the beginning of Fall Quarter of the second year. Dissertation and University Oral Examination
The results of independent, original work by the students are presented in a dissertation. The oral examination is largely a defense of the dissertation.
Qualifying Examination
All students in the program must pass a qualifying examination to advance to candidacy for the Ph.D. It is expected that students take the qualifying examination by the end of the Autumn Quarter in the second year of study. Failure to take the qualifying exam by the end of Autumn Quarter of the second year of study is taken as evidence of unsatisfactory progress in the program. In any case, where a student thinks they need additional time to schedule and take their exam, a request must be submitted in writing to the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) by November 15 of Autumn Quarter. The DGS may opt to grant additional time in compelling circumstances that do not indicate poor progress or may refer the matter to the graduate committee for further action.
Students are given two chances to unconditionally pass the qualifying examination. Failure to achieve an unconditional pass of the qualifying examination by the end of the Spring Quarter of the second year is grounds for dismissal from the program.
Students form a qualifying examination committee consisting of at least 3 faculty members (members of the academic council, including the dissertation advisor), at least one of whom must be a member of MCP. This committee should be formed by the end of Spring Quarter of the first year of study. The composition of this committee should be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies. Students should also check with the department's student services office to make sure to file all required paperwork by the end of Spring Quarter. The University maintains certain deadlines for filing for candidacy, and it is the student’s responsibility to be aware of these deadlines.
Advisers and Advisory Committees
A graduate advisory committee, currently professors Feng, Lewis, Maduke, and Madison, advises students during the period before the formation of their qualifying committees.
Financial Aid
Students may be funded by their advisers' research grants, training grants, department funds, or extramural funds. Students are encouraged to obtain funding from outside sources such as NIH and NSF.
Program Policies
External Credit Policies
Added service requirments
Advising Expectations
The Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology is committed to providing academic advising in support of graduate student scholarly and professional development. When most effective, this advising relationship entails collaborative and sustained engagement by both the adviser and the advisee. As a best practice, advising expectations should be periodically discussed and reviewed to ensure mutual understanding. Both the adviser and the advisee are expected to maintain professionalism and integrity.
Faculty advisers guide students in key areas such as selecting courses, designing and conducting research, developing of teaching pedagogy, navigating policies and degree requirements, and exploring academic opportunities and professional pathways.
Graduate students are active contributors to the advising relationship, proactively seeking academic and professional guidance and taking responsibility for informing themselves of policies and degree requirements for their graduate program.
For a statement of University policy on graduate advising, see the "Graduate Advising" section of this bulletin.
Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes
The department offers required and elective courses for students in the School of Medicine and is also open to other qualified students with the consent of the instructor. Training of medical, graduate, and postdoctoral students is available. The program offers a course of study leading to the Ph.D. degree. No B.S. is offered, and an M.S. is offered only in the unusual circumstance where a student completes the course work, rotation, and the written section of the qualifying exam, but is unable to complete the requirements for the Ph.D.