MCP Journal Club and Professional Development Series
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Course Description
This class will entail discussion of current research in Molecular and Cellular Physiology (Journal Club) and sessions devoted to career development. Enrolled learners will gain experience in designing and delivering professional oral presentations and writing accessible lay summaries of primary research. They will also receive guidance in how to give and receive critiques following a rubric. Learners will choose research papers following a theme to e determined collaboratively. Career and professional development class sessions will provide information on a variety of topics related to career development and strategies for navigating research environment in productive and healthy ways (see below). The class will meet 8 times per quarter, with 4 Journal Club and 4 Professional Development sessions per quarter. Journal Club sessions will consist of one member of the class giving an oral presentation on the topic of a current relevant research paper, followed by critique and discussion. Learners will prepare written critiques of these talks. The Professional Development session will consist of a series of lectures, discussions, or workshops designed to foster a better understanding of the practices and processes that are critical for navigating paths toward a research career, but which are not generally covered in a classroom setting. These sessions might include such topics as mentor/mentee relationships, authorship, navigating peer review, issues of diversity and respectful workplace, wellness, experiences Stanford alumni in their own career paths, and other topics, including those suggested by class participants. The class will be graded on participation and on the writing assignments, including critiques and lay summaries. The course will be required for MCP graduate students in their first 3 years of study, and open to all predoctoral graduate students. The broader membership of the MCP scientific community will be encouraged to participate including postdocs (with permission of the course director).
Grading Basis
MOP - Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Total Units Allowed for Degree Credit
Course Component
Enrollment Optional?
Does this course satisfy the University Language Requirement?
is a
completion requirement