Department: Applied Physics

Code Name Description
APPPHYS100 The Questions of Clay: Craft, Creativity and Scientific Process Students will create individual studio portfolios of ceramic work and pursue technical investigations of clay properties and the firing process using modern scientific equipment. Emphasis on development of creative process; parallels between science...
APPPHYS100B The Questions of Cloth: Weaving, Pattern Complexity and Structures of Fabric Students will learn to weave on a table loom while examining textile structures from historic, artistic and scientific perspectives. Emphasis on analyzing patterns and structures generated by weaving, with elementary introductions to information-sci...
APPPHYS100Q INDIGO Preference to sophomores. Indigo as a plant, biomolecule, dye, ancient craft material, and organic semiconductor; the interest of natural dyes for both biomimetic engineering and indigenous artistic practices. Students will plant and tend an indigo...
APPPHYS13N A Taste of Quantum Physics What is quantum physics and what makes it so weird? We'll introduce key aspects of quantum physics with an aim to discover why it differs from everyday 'classical' physics. Students will explore how devices like the laser and atomic clocks for GPS a...
APPPHYS188 Matter and Mattering: Transdisciplinary Thinking about Things Things sit at the nexus of cross-cutting heterogeneous processes; tracing the entanglements of any prominent thing or class of things demands a transdisciplinary approach that recruits expertise from the natural sciences, social sciences and humaniti...
APPPHYS189 Physical Analysis of Artworks Students explore the use of Stanford Nano Shared Facilities (SNSF) for physical analysis of material samples of interest for art conservation, technical art history and archaeology. Weekly SNSF demonstrations will be supplemented by lectures on intel...
APPPHYS201 Electrons and Photons Applied Physics Core course appropriate for graduate students and advanced undergraduate students with prior knowledge of elementary quantum mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and special relativity. Interaction of electrons with intense electroma...
APPPHYS203 Atoms, Fields and Photons Applied Physics Core course appropriate for graduate students and advanced undergraduate students with prior knowledge of elementary quantum mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and ordinary differential equations. Structure of single- and multi-ele...
APPPHYS204 Quantum Materials Applied Physics Core course appropriate for graduate students and advanced undergraduate students with prior knowledge of elementary quantum mechanics. Introduction to materials and topics of current interest. Topics include superconductivity, magnet...
APPPHYS205 Introduction to Biophysics Core course appropriate for advanced undergraduate students and graduate students with prior knowledge of calculus and a college physics course. Introduction to how physical principles offer insights into modern biology, with regard to the structural...
APPPHYS207 Laboratory Electronics Lecture/lab emphasizing analog and digital electronics for lab research. RC and diode circuits. Transistors. Feedback and operational amplifiers. Active filters and circuits. Pulsed circuits, voltage regulators, and power circuits. Precision circuits...
APPPHYS208 Laboratory Electronics Lecture/lab emphasizing analog and digital electronics for lab research. Continuation of APPPHYS 207 with emphasis on applications of digital techniques. Combinatorial and synchronous digital circuits. Design using programmable logic. Analog/digital...
APPPHYS217 Estimation and Control Methods for Applied Physics Recursive filtering, parameter estimation, and feedback control methods based on linear and nonlinear state-space modeling. Topics in: dynamical systems theory; practical overview of stochastic differential equations; model reduction; and tradeoffs a...
APPPHYS219 Solid State Physics Problems in Energy Technology Technology issues for a secure energy future; role of solid state physics in energy technologies. Topics include the physics principles behind future technologies related to solar energy and solar cells, solid state lighting, superconductivity, solid...
APPPHYS222 Principles of X-ray Scattering Provides a fundamental understanding of x-ray scattering and diffraction. Combines pedagogy with modern experimental methods for obtaining atomic-scale structural information on synchrotron and free-electon laser-based facilities. Topics include Four...
APPPHYS225 Probability and Quantum Mechanics Structure of quantum theory emphasizing states, measurements, and probabilistic modeling. Generalized quantum measurement theory; parallels between classical and quantum probability; conditional expectation in the Schrödinger and Heisenberg pictures;...
APPPHYS228 Quantum Hardware Review of the basics of quantum information. Quantum optics: photon counting, detection, and amplification. Quantum noise in parametric processes. Quantum sensing: standard quantum limits, squeezed light, and spin squeezing. Gaussian quantum informat...
APPPHYS232 Advanced Imaging Lab in Biophysics Laboratory and lectures. Advanced microscopy and imaging, emphasizing hands-on experience with state-of-the-art techniques. Students construct and operate working apparatus. Topics include microscope optics, Koehler illumination, contrast-generating...
APPPHYS235 Biotransport Phenomena The efficient transport of energy, mass, and momentum is essential to the normal function of living systems. Changes in these processes often result in pathological conditions. Transport phenomena are also critical to the design of instrumentation fo...
APPPHYS237 Quantitative Evolutionary Dynamics and Genomics The genomics revolution has fueled a renewed push to model evolutionary processes in quantitative terms. This course will provide an introduction to quantitative evolutionary modeling through the lens of statistical physics. Topics will range from th...
APPPHYS270 Magnetism and Long Range Order in Solids Cooperative effects in solids. Topics include the origin of magnetism in solids, crystal electric field effects and anisotropy, exchange, phase transitions and long-range order, ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, metamagnetism, density waves and sup...
APPPHYS272 Solid State Physics Introduction to the properties of solids. Crystal structures and bonding in materials. Momentum-space analysis and diffraction probes. Lattice dynamics, phonon theory and measurements, thermal properties. Electronic structure theory, classical and qu...
APPPHYS273 Solid State Physics II Introduction to the many-body aspects of crystalline solids. Second quantization of phonons, anharmonic effects, polaritons, and scattering theory. Second quantization of Fermi fields. Electrons in the Hartree-Fock and random phase approximation; ele...
APPPHYS280 Phenomenology of Superconductors Phenomenology of superconductivity viewed as a macroscopic quantum phenomenon. Topics include the superconducting pair wave function, London and Ginzburg-Landau theories, the Josephson effect, type I type II superconductivity, and the response of sup...
APPPHYS282 ULTRACOLD QUANTUM PHYSICS Introduction to the physics of quantum optics and atoms in the ultracold setting. Quantum gases and photons are employed in quantum simulation, sensing, and computation. Modern atomic physics and quantum optics will be covered, including laser cool...
APPPHYS283 Ultrafast Quantum Physics Intended for first-year graduate students who are interested in understanding the basic concepts of ultrafast quantum science to prepare for research in AMO physics, condensed matter physics, physical chemistry or quantum information science.The topi...
APPPHYS290 Directed Studies in Applied Physics Special studies under the direction of a faculty member for which academic credit may properly be allowed. May include lab work or directed reading.
APPPHYS291 Practical Training Opportunity for practical training in industrial labs. Arranged by student with research adviser's approval. Summary of activities required.
APPPHYS293 Theoretical Neuroscience Survey of advances in the theory of neural networks, mainly (but not solely) focused on results of relevance to theoretical neuroscience.Synthesizing a variety of recent advances that potentially constitute the outlines of a theory for understanding...
APPPHYS294 Cellular Biophysics Physical biology of dynamical and mechanical processes in cells. Emphasis is on qualitative understanding of biological functions through quantitative analysis and simple mathematical models. Sensory transduction, signaling, adaptation, switches, mol...
APPPHYS300 Department Colloquium May be repeated for credit.
APPPHYS302 Experimental Techniques in Condensed Matter Physics Cryogenics; low signal measurements and noise analysis; data collection and analysis; examples of current experiments. Prerequisites: PHYSICS 170, PHYSICS 171, and PHYSICS 172, or equivalents.
APPPHYS322 Advanced Topics in x-ray scattering This course covers advanced topics in x-ray scattering including: diffuse scattering from static and dynamic disorder such as from defects or phonons; inelastic methods such as x-ray Raman and Compton scattering for measuring electronic structure an...
APPPHYS324 Introduction to Accelerator Physics Physics of particle beams in linear and circular accelerators. Transverse and longitudinal beam dynamics, equilibrium emittances in electron storage rings, high-brightness electron sources, RF acceleration and emittance preservation, bunch compressio...
APPPHYS325 Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers: Principles and Applications. Synchrotron radiation sources for scientific exploration, and x-ray FELs for studies of ultrafast processes at the atomic scale. Fundamental concepts in electron and photon beams, bending magnet and undulator radiation, one-dimensional and three-dime...
APPPHYS345 Advanced Numerical Methods for Data Analysis and Simulation Gaussian and unit sphere quadrature, singular value decomposition and principal component analysis, Krylov methods, non-linear fitting and super-resolution, independent component analysis, 3d reconstruction, "shrink-wrap", hidden Markov methods, supp...
APPPHYS376 Literature of Quantum Simulation This course will explore key literature regarding quantum simulation, the use of atoms and qubits to emulate complex quantum matter of relevance to condensed matter physics, high-energy physics, and quantum information processing. Advanced topics i...
APPPHYS383 Introduction to Atomic Processes Atomic spectroscopy, matrix elements using the Coulomb approximation, summary of Racah algebra, oscillator and line strengths, Einstein A coefficients. Radiative processes, Hamiltonian for two- and three-state systems, single- and multi-photon proces...
APPPHYS384 Advanced Topics in AMO Physics This course will develop the subject of Strong-Field QED. Topics to be covered include: The structure of the quantum vacuum;relativistic laser-vacuum interactions;linear and non-linear Compton and Breit-Wheeler pair-production processes;vacuum polari...
APPPHYS390 Dissertation Research No Description Set
APPPHYS392 Topics in Molecular Biophysics: Biophysics of Functional RNA (BIOPHYS 392) Survey of methods used to relate RNA sequences to the structure and function of transcribed RNA molecules. Computation of contributions of the counter-ion cloud to the dependence of free energy on conformation of the folded RNA. The relation of struc...
APPPHYS470 Condensed Matter Seminar Current research and literature; offered by faculty, students, and outside specialists. May be repeated for credit.
APPPHYS483 Optics and Electronics Seminar Current research topics in lasers, quantum electronics, optics, and photonics by faculty, students, and invited outside speakers. May be repeated for credit.
APPPHYS77N Functional Materials and Devices Preference to freshmen. Exploration via case studies how functional materials have been developed and incorporated into modern devices. Particular emphasis is on magnetic and dielectric materials and devices. Recommended: high school physics course i...
APPPHYS79N Energy Options for the 21st Century Preference to frosh. Choices for meeting the future energy needs of the U.S. and the world. Basic physics of energy sources, technologies that might be employed, and related public policy issues. Trade-offs and societal impacts of different energy so...
APPPHYS802 TGR PhD Dissertation No Description Set