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STATS-MS - Statistics (MS)


Program Overview

The University’s basic requirements for the M.S. degree are discussed in the “Graduate Degrees” section of this bulletin. The following are specific departmental requirements.

The M.S. in Statistics and the M.S. in Statistics, Data Science track, are intended as terminal degree programs and do not lead to the Ph.D. program in Statistics. Students interested in pursuing doctoral study in Statistics should apply directly to the Ph.D. program.


Prospective applicants should consult the Graduate Admissions and the Statistics Department admissions webpages for complete information on admission requirements and deadlines.

Recommended preparatory courses include advanced undergraduate level courses in linear algebra, statistics/probability and proficiency in programming.

Stanford students interested in the Data Science track (subplan) in Statistics must apply as external candidates. Visit Graduate Admissions to start an application.

Coterminal Master's Program

Stanford undergraduates who want to apply for the coterminal master's degree in Statistics must submit a complete application to the department by the deadline published on the department's coterminal admissions webpage.

Applications are accepted twice a year in autumn and winter quarters for winter and spring quarter start, respectively. The general GRE is not required of coterminal applicants.

Students pursuing the Statistics coterminal master's degree must follow the same curriculum requirements stated in the Requirements for the Master of Science in Statistics section.

University Coterminal Requirements

Coterminal master’s degree candidates are expected to complete all master’s degree requirements as described in this bulletin. University requirements for the coterminal master’s degree are described in the “Coterminal Master’s Program” section. University requirements for the master’s degree are described in the "Graduate Degrees" section of this bulletin.

After accepting admission to this coterminal master’s degree program, students may request transfer of courses from the undergraduate to the graduate career to satisfy requirements for the master’s degree. Transfer of courses to the graduate career requires review and approval of both the undergraduate and graduate programs on a case by case basis.

In this master’s program, courses taken during or after the first quarter of the sophomore year are eligible for consideration for transfer to the graduate career; the timing of the first graduate quarter is not a factor. No courses taken prior to the first quarter of the sophomore year may be used to meet master’s degree requirements.

Course transfers are not possible after the bachelor’s degree has been conferred.

The University requires that the graduate advisor be assigned in the student’s first graduate quarter even though the undergraduate career may still be open. The University also requires that the Master’s Degree Program Proposal be completed by the student and approved by the department by the end of the student’s first graduate quarter.

Director of Graduate Studies

Joe Romano

Program Policies

External Credit Policies

Graduate Residency Transfer Credit

After at least one quarter of enrollment, students pursuing an Engineer, D.M.A., or Ph.D. may apply for transfer credit for graduate work done at another institution.  Engineer candidates who also earned their master's at Stanford are not eligible for transfer residency credit, nor are any master's degree students.  Ph.D. or D.M.A. students may only apply a total of 45 units of transfer credit and credit earned for a Stanford master’s degree toward the PhD residency total. Ph.D. or D.M.A. students who are awarded graduate residency credit, who then add another graduate degree to their academic plan, may be required to earn a higher number of units in order to confer their degrees. Students should visit the Minimum Residency Requirements for Graduate Degrees page for more information. Students who are going to study elsewhere during their degree program at Stanford should obtain prior approval of any transfer credit sought before their departure.

Coterm Course Transfer Policy

Only coursework you took during and after the coterm quarters back term may be requested for course transfer. You can identify what your coterm quarter's back rule is by running a transcript report. Any courses taken after the program effective date (see screenshots below) are eligible for coterm course transfer.

Individual programs have the discretion to set their own policy regarding course transfer for their coterminal master's students, provided that no student counts a course taken earlier than the first/Autumn quarter of your sophomore year. The program's coterm quarters back policy is stated in the relevant department or program section of the Stanford Bulletin.

Advising Expectations

The Department of Statistics is committed to providing academic advising in support of graduate student scholarly and professional development. When most effective, this advising relationship entails collaborative and sustained engagement by both the adviser and the advisee. As a best practice, advising expectations should be periodically discussed and reviewed to ensure mutual understanding. Both the adviser and the advisee are expected to maintain professionalism and integrity.

Faculty advisers guide students in key areas such as selecting courses, designing and conducting research, developing of teaching pedagogy, navigating policies and degree requirements, and exploring academic opportunities and professional pathways.

Graduate students are active contributors to the advising relationship, proactively seeking academic and professional guidance and taking responsibility for informing themselves of policies and degree requirements for their graduate program.

For a statement of University policy on graduate advising, see the "Graduate Advising" section of this bulletin.

Master’s students are assigned an academic adviser for the duration of their tenure in the program. The adviser serves as a key resource for the purposes of course placement and approval of elective coursework as it relates to fulfilling degree requirements. Since the majority of MS students choose employment in the field of industry (tech/programming), the program adviser may provide assistance with regards to internships and general professional opportunities. Those planning to apply to doctoral programs are also able to receive feedback on research opportunities.

Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes

A core foundation in probability theory, theoretical statistics, applied statistics, stochastic processes and five additional Statistics courses must be taken from the Statistics catalog.