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HUMBI-MIN - Human Biology (Minor)


Program Overview

A minor in Human Biology provides students an introduction to the interdisciplinary study of human beings from biological, behavioral, social, and cultural perspectives. Many of the serious problems facing humans today involve both biological and social aspects. Scientific approaches to these problems are essential, but they must be broadly conceived and placed within their proper social and cultural setting. Students with a minor in Human Biology are expected to develop a strong content background and the skills to integrate the biological and social aspects of human beings.

Students declaring a minor in Human Biology must submit a Minor Plan Form to at minimum two quarters prior to their intended quarter of degree conferral (for example, a student must declare a minor before the end of Autumn Quarter if graduating in the following Spring Quarter). Upon approval from student services, students can declare the HumBio minor in Axess using the Multiple-Major/Minor form.

Program Policies

External Credit Policies

All courses must be taken at Stanford University.

Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes

The Human Biology minor requires three core courses to ensure coverage of the field disciplines, while offering flexibility for students pursuing specific subplans in the fields of Global Health, Epidemiology, or Health Policy.

  • The Global Health subplan introduce students to critical social perspectives, policy, and applications in global health.

  • The Epidemiology subplan introduces students to epidemiological constructs and applies these methods to the study of real world public health challenges.

  • The Health Policy subplan introduces students to population-level problems, interventions, and policy in public health.