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GS-BS - Geological Sciences (BS)


Program Overview

The purpose of the undergraduate program in Geological Sciences is to provide students with a broad background in the fundamentals of the Earth and planetary sciences and the quantitative, analytical, and communications skills necessary to conduct research and think critically about questions involving the Earth and other planets. The major provides excellent preparation for graduate school and careers in geological and environmental consulting, land use planning, law, teaching, and other professions in which a background in science and an understanding of our and other planets are important.

The major requires at between 58 and 74 units; letter grades are required in all courses if available. Students interested in the major should consult with the Assistant Director of Student Services for information about options within the curriculum.  It should also be recognized that the Geological Sciences are heavily dependent on the other sciences and that any undergraduate in the Geological Sciences should be looking to supplement their major course work with classes in Math, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Those outside courses are appropriate depending on the background, goals, and interests of the individual student and can be explored with the faculty advisor.

Program Policies

External Credit Policies

Transfer credit for university-level course work completed outside Stanford must be approved by the University Registrar. Once approved, transfer credit can count towards major requirements with Director of Undergraduate Studies approval.

Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes

The department expects undergraduate majors in the program to be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes. These learning outcomes are used in evaluating students and the department's undergraduate program. Students are expected to develop and demonstrate:

  1. An understanding of fundamental concepts in Earth and planetary science.

  2. The ability to collect, analyze, and interpret geological and environmental data using a variety of techniques to test hypotheses.

  3. The ability to address real geological and/or environmental problems in the field.

  4. The ability to communicate scientific knowledge orally, visually, and in writing.