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FGSS-PMN - Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (PhD Minor)


Program Overview

The Ph.D. minor in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies provides graduate students pursuing Ph.D.s broad interdisciplinary knowledge in the field and prepares them to teach courses in the subject. The goal of the program is to bring together graduate students and faculty from different departments, programs, and schools who use feminist and queer perspectives in their research.

Application and Acceptance

Prospective students submit a Ph.D. minor application form outlining an academic plan with courses and quarters to satisfy the minor requirements. The form must be signed by the student’s home department faculty adviser.

An Application for Ph.D. Minor outlining a program of study must be approved by the major and minor departments and submitted to the Student Services Center. This form is submitted at the time of admission to candidacy or at the appropriate time thereafter. Prior to that time, students are expected to have been working with an adviser from the affiliated faculty in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies to ensure that all the requirements can be met without delaying progress to degree or to TGR status. Students are encouraged to consult with the Director or Associate Director as soon as they have developed an interest in pursuing the minor. A student who is planning to apply for a master's degree on the way to the Ph.D. should plan out the course of study carefully, since units for the minor may not also be counted toward a Stanford master's degree.

An accepted student selects a Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies faculty adviser with assistance from the program director. The adviser meets with the student to discuss and sign the academic plan outlined on the Application for Ph.D. Minor form. The plan represents a student's best estimate of courses planned to meet the minor requirements. Students who wish to enroll in the minor after the Winter Quarter of their first year must demonstrate that their participation will not delay their time to degree or their time to TGR.

Students must remain in good academic standing in their home departments.

Director of Graduate Studies

Charlotte Fonrobert

Program Policies

External Credit Policies