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CS-PHD - Computer Science (PhD)
Program Overview
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
The University’s basic requirements for the Ph.D. degree are outlined in the Graduate Degrees section of this bulletin. Department requirements are stated below.
Guidelines for Reasonable Progress
By the end of the first academic year, you should align with a permanent adviser. Students are welcome to switch advisers, but a student should not have significant periods of time (after the first year) with no adviser.
A student must make satisfactory progress in his or her research, as determined by his or her adviser.
By Spring Quarter of the second year, a student should complete all six breadth area requirements, two breadth area requirements in each of three areas, and file for candidacy.
By Spring Quarter of the third year, a student should pass a Qualifying Examination in the area of his or her intended dissertation.
Within one year of passing the Qualifying Examination, a student should form a Reading Committee and submit a signed Reading Committee Form to the PhD Student Services office at
By Spring Quarter of the fourth year, a student should schedule a Thesis Proposal with the reading committee members and submit the Thesis Proposal Form to the Ph.D. student services office at
Admissions Information
PhD | Stanford Computer Science Admissions/Application Information
Director of Graduate Studies
Program Policies
Advising Expectations
Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes
The Ph.D. is conferred upon candidates who have the ability to conduct independent research. Through guided research, the program prepares students to make original contributions in Computer Science and related fields.