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CEE-PMN - Civil and Environmental Engineering (PhD Minor)


Program Overview

Ph.D. Minor in Civil and Environmental Engineering

A Ph.D. minor is a program outside a major department. Requirements for a minor are established by the minor department. Acceptance of the minor as part of the total Ph.D. program is determined by the major department. Application for the Ph.D. minor must be approved by both the major and the minor department, and the minor department must be represented at the University oral examination.

A student desiring a Ph.D. minor in Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) must have a minor program adviser who is both a CEE faculty member and a member of the Academic Council. The faculty member must be in the program of the designated minor subfield of CEE. This adviser must be a member of the student’s University oral examination committee and the reading committee for the doctoral dissertation.

The program must include at least 20 units of graduate-level course work (courses numbered 200 or above, excluding special studies and thesis) in CEE completed at Stanford University. Units taken for the minor cannot be counted as part of the 45 unduplicated units for the PhD major. The list of courses must form a coherent program and must be approved by the minor program adviser and the CEE chair. A minimum GPA of 3.0 must be achieved in these courses.

CR grades are acceptable only for classes completed in the 5 quarters between Spring 2020 and Summer 2021.