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Courses offered by the Department of Political Science are listed under the subject code POLISCI on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses website.

Mission of the Undergraduate Program in Political Science

The mission of the undergraduate program in Political Science is to provide students with a solid grasp of the American political system and other political systems within the context of global forces, international conflicts, social movements, ideological systems and diversity. Courses in the major are designed to help students gain competency in the study of political science; to introduce students to a variety of research methodologies and analytical frameworks; and to develop students' written and oral communication skills. Students in the program have excellent preparation for further study in graduate or professional schools as well as careers in government, business, and not-for-profit organizations.

Graduate Programs in Political Science

The Department of Political Science offers two types of advanced degrees:

  • Doctor of Philosophy

  • Master of Arts in Political Science which is open to current Stanford University doctoral or professional school (Schools of Law, Medicine, Business) students only. 

The department does not have a terminal M.A. program for external applicants.

Political Science Faculty

Emeriti: (Professors) David B. Abernethy, David W. Brady, Joshua Cohen, David Danielski, Charles Drekmeier, Richard R. Fagen, John A. Ferejohn, David J. Holloway, Terry L. Karl, Stephen D. Krasner, John W. Lewis, John Manley, James March, Daniel Okimoto, Robert A. Packenham, Jack N. Rakove, Philippe Schmitter, Hans N. Weiler

Chair: Michael R. Tomz

Director of Graduate Studies: Jens Hainmueller

Director of Undergraduate Studies: Lauren Davenport

Director of Honors and Senior Capstones: TBD

Professors: Avidit Acharya, Lisa Blaydes, Bruce E. Cain, Brandice Canes-Wrone, Gary W. Cox, James D. Fearon, Morris P. Fiorina, Judith L. Goldstein, Justin Grimmer, Anna Grzymala-Busse, Stephen H. Haber, Jens Hainmueller, Andrew B. Hall, Daniel E. Ho, Shanto Iyengar, Jon A. Krosnick, David D. Laitin, Margaret Levi, Beatriz Magaloni, Michael A. McFaul, Terry M. Moe, Josiah Ober, Jean C. Oi, Rob Reich, Condoleezza Rice, Douglas Rivers, Jonathan A. Rodden, Scott D. Sagan, Kenneth A. Schultz, Paul M. Sniderman, Michael R. Tomz, Barry R. Weingast, Jeremy M. Weinstein

Associate Professors: Adam Bonica, Lauren Davenport, Alison McQueen

Assistant Professors: Emilee Chapman, Vasiliki Fouka, Hakeem J. Jefferson, Amanda Kennard, Soledad Prillaman, Yiqing Xu

Lecturers: Brian Coyne, Alain Schläpfer

Courtesy Professors: Jonathan B. Bendor, Steven Callander, Larry Diamond, Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Dan Edelstein, James Fishkin, Francis Fukuyama, Colin Kahl, Keith Krehbiel, Neil Malhotra, Nathaniel Persily, Debra M. Satz, Ken Shotts, Stephen J. Stedman, Kathryn Stoner, Andrew Walder, Leif Wenar, Amy Zegart

Courtesy Associate Professor: Alberto Diaz-Cayeros, Saumitra Jha, Jennifer Pan

Courtesy Assistant Professor: Juliana Bidadanure