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Courses offered by the Department of History are listed under the subject code History on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses website.

Mission of the Department of History

We live in a world shaped by the past. To make sense of the past, we must empathize with people who once thought very differently than we do today. We must learn how to see bygone lives and events on their own terms, to render the strange legible and the unfamiliar comprehensible. As a discipline, History teaches the analytical, interpretive, and expressive skills necessary to study the past and to understand social change over time.

 It might seem counterintuitive that one of the best ways to understand the present is by studying the past, but that is precisely why History is so important. When we appreciate that History is not, first and foremost, a body of knowledge – that is, a collection of names, dates, and events – but rather a way of seeing and thinking, it becomes a powerful tool for assessing contemporary challenges and promoting social change. Once we know how to penetrate different modes of thought and human behavior and can understand their inner logic, it becomes easier to make sense of the contemporary world, its diverse peoples and ideas. Studying history cultivates a crucial set of skills that help navigate not only the past, but the present as well.

Degrees Offered

The Department of History offers the following degree programs: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences, Master of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy, J.D./Ph.D. (joint with Stanford Law School), and J.D./M.A. (joint with Stanford Law School).

Graduate Programs in History

The Department of offers the following types of advanced degrees:

  • Ph.D. in History

  • Ph.D. Minor in History

  • Masters in History

  • Coterminal Masters in History

  • Joint Ph.D./J.D. Program in Law and History

  • Joint J.D./M.A. Program in Law and History

Graduate students train in cross-cutting methodologies and approaches in fourteen distinct subfields: 

  • Africa

  • Britain

  • Early Modern Europe

  • East Asia

  • Eastern Europe/Russia

  • History of Science

  • Medicine and Technology

  • Jewish History

  • Latin America

  • Medieval Europe

  • Modern Europe  

  • Ottoman Empire and Middle East

  • South Asia

  • Transnational, International, and Global History

  • United States

Joint Programs in History with the School of Law

The School of Law and Department of History offer two joint degree programs:

  • J.D./Ph.D. in Law and History

  • J.D./M.A. in Law and History. 

Both programs are designed to provide students interested in the study of law and history with top-level training in each field, as well as in the complex and fascinating intersections between the two.  Students have access to the full range of resources on campus—including not only courses, but also conferences, lectures, and workshops—devoted to law and history. 

 For more information, see the Stanford History Department’s Graduate Handbook and the Stanford Law School page on J.D./Ph.D. or J.D./M.A. in History.


History Course Catalog Numbering System

History Course Catalog Numbering System


Introductory Seminars:Freshman/Sophomores

Sources and Methods Seminars



Research Seminars and Workshops

International, Global, Thematic

4N, 44Q, 95N


1B, 64, 102, 103D,F, 105C, 106A,B, 107

201A, 202A,B,G, 203,B,C, 204,C,E,G, 206,206A, 207C, 208C, 243G, 301A, 302A,B,G, 303,303B,C,F, 304,C,G, 305, 306A, D, 307C,E, 308C, 343G, 399A

306K, 401A

Ancient and Medieval Europe



207F, 215K, 307F

Early Modern and Modern Europe

33S, 38S

110B, C, 131A, 133A, 134A

230C, 231G, 232A, 233, 331G, 332A, 333

326A, 430, 433A, B, 438

Eastern Europe, Russia, Eurasia




221B, 224A, 228, 321A, 328

424A, B

History of Science

41Q, 44Q


130A, 140, 144

208A, 232F, 308A, 332F


48N, 48Q

145B, 147

445A, B

United States

36N, 41Q, 50K, 60N

71S, 74S, 76S

64, 130A, 150A, B, C, 151, 158C,159, 161, 166, B, 167A

201, 203C, 251G, 252B, 253D, 256, G, 257C, 258, E, 260, 261G, 262A, E, 269, 301, 303C, 351B, C, E, 356, 358, 369


Latin America




471A, B

Middle East

181B, 182C, 187

281B, 284, F, 288, 381, B, 384, F


Jewish History





191B, 192, 195, C, 196, 198

290E, 292, D, 297, 390E, 391B, 392, D, 396D, 397

491A, B, 494C


Emeriti: (Professors) Barton J. Bernstein, Joel Beinin, Albert Camarillo, Clayborne Carson, Peter Duus, Terence Emmons, Estelle Freedman, David M. Kennedy, David Holloway, Carolyn Lougee Chappell, Jack N. Rakove, Richard L. Roberts, Paul A. Robinson, James J. Sheehan, Peter Stansky, Lyman P. Van Slyke, Richard White; (Senior Lecturer) Joseph J. Corn; Senior Lecturer Martin Lewis

Chair: Caroline Winterer

Vice Chair: Jun Uchida

Director of Graduate Studies: Amir Weiner

Director of Graduate Teaching: Zephyr Frank

Director of Undergraduate Studies: Jonathan Gienapp

Honors Director: Ana Raquel Minian Andjel

Professors: Keith M. Baker, James T. Campbell, Gordon Chang, Robert Crews, David R. Como, James P. Daughton, Paula Findlen, Zephyr Frank, Estelle Freedman, Fiona Griffiths, Stephen Haber, Gabrielle Hecht, Nancy S. Kollmann, Mark E. Lewis, Thomas S. Mullaney, Norman M. Naimark, Robert Proctor, Jessica Riskin, Richard L. Roberts, Aron Rodrigue, Priya Satia, Walter Scheidel, Londa Schiebinger, Matthew H. Sommer, Kären E. Wigen, Caroline Winterer, Steven J. Zipperstein

Associate Professors: Jennifer Burns, Joel Cabrita,  Jonathan Gienapp, Allyson V. Hobbs, Ana Raquel Minian Andjel, Yumi Moon, Laura Stokes, Jun Uchida, Amir Weiner, Mikael D. Wolfe , Ali Yaycioglu

Assistant Professors: Nora E. Barakat, Rowan Dorin, Destin Jenkins, Pedro Regalado, Kathryn Olivarius, Steven M. Press, Partha Pratim Shil,

Courtesy Professors: Gregory Ablavsky, Rabia Belt, Giovanna Ceserani, Daniel Edelstein, Lawrence Friedman, Amalia Kessler, Emily J. Levin, Kathryn Gin Lum, Alison McQueen, Reviel Netz, Richard P. Saller, Kathryn Starkey, Fred Turner, Sam Wineburg

Senior Lecturers: Katherine Jolluck,

Lecturer: Gil-li Vardi

Postdoctoral Fellow: Faye Wang