Department: Radiology

Code Name Description
RAD101 Readings in Radiology Research Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
RAD189 Career Building: Entrepreneurship / Intrapreneurship, People, Innovation, Decision-Making and Impact This course is designed to enable graduate students and advanced undergraduate students in science and engineering to hone strategies for career success. Drawing strongly on entrepreneurial principles and lessons from industry, the course complements...
RAD189 Career Building: Entrepreneurship / Intrapreneurship, People, Innovation, Decision-Making and Impact This course is designed to enable graduate students and advanced undergraduate students in science and engineering to hone strategies for career success. Drawing strongly on entrepreneurial principles and lessons from industry, the course complements...
RAD199 Undergraduate Research Students undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
RAD201 Introduction to Radiology This seminar is offered to pre-clinical medical students interested in learning about how image-based anatomy can reinforce their knowledge of gross anatomy as they progress through the term. This also serves as a refresher for MSII students. Within...
RAD202 Introduction to Cardiac Image Processing Techniques Student lead: This course offers a unique opportunity for students to learn about the anatomy, function and physiology of the cardiovascular system by using advanced image processing technology based on CT and MRI. Students will learn to use differen...
RAD203 Image-Guided Intervention Workshop This seminar will be offered to pre-clinical medical students interested in learning and practicing image guided procedures using interventional radiology training equipment. Image guided procedures lead to improved outcomes and decreased cost and in...
RAD206 Mixed-Reality in Medicine Mixed reality uses transparent displays to place virtual objects in the user's field of vision such that they can be aligned to and interact with actual objects. This has tremendous potential for medical applications. The course aims to teach the bas...
RAD210 Seminar Series for Biomedical Physics This seminar series is designed for students interested in biomedical physics, radiation therapy, image-guided therapy, diagnostic, interventional, and molecular imaging, and other forms of disease detection and characterization including molecular d...
RAD211 Biomedical Signals I This course builds the foundational skills for analyzing biomedical signals and systems. Students will learn about biomedical signal processing (with emphasis on two-dimensional signals), linear systems and their properties, the Fourier transform and...
RAD212 Biomedical Signals II This course examines the stochastic nature of biomedical signals and systems and introduces concepts from statistical signal processing to characterize and account for noise in signals and images. Students will learn about random variables, random pr...
RAD220 Introduction to Imaging and Image-based Human Anatomy Focus on learning the fundamentals of each imaging modality including X-ray Imaging, Ultrasound, CT, and MRI, to learn normal human anatomy and how it appears on medical images, to learn the relative strengths of the modalities, and to answer, "What...
RAD221 Physics and Engineering of Radionuclide-based Medical Imaging Physics, instrumentation, and algorithms for radionuclide-based medical imaging, with a focus on positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Topics include basic physics of photon emission from the body...
RAD222 Physics and Engineering Principles of Multi-modality Molecular Imaging of Living Subjects Physics and Engineering Principles of Multi-modality Molecular Imaging of Living Subjects (RAD 222A). Focuses on instruments, algorithms and other technologies for non-invasive imaging of molecular processes in living subjects. Introduces research an...
RAD223 Physics and Engineering of X-Ray Computed Tomography CT scanning geometries, production of x-rays, interactions of x-rays with matter, 2D and 3D CT reconstruction, image presentation, image quality performance parameters, system components, image artirfacts, radiation dose. Prerequisites: differential...
RAD224 Probes and Applications for Multi-modality Molecular Imaging of Living Subjects We will focus on design, development, and application of imaging agents that target specific cellular and molecular aspects of disease. Covers the strengths and limitations of different imaging agents and how to optimize their design for image-guided...
RAD225 Transcranial Ultrasound Neuromodulation: Physics, Neurophysiology, and Applications This course covers the basic concepts of ultrasound neuromodulation, including basic neurophysiology, ultrasound physics and applications, and comparison to other neuromodulation modalities. The physics component will include acoustic properties of b...
RAD226 MRI Spin Physics, Relaxation Theory, and Contrast Mechanisms This course covers fundamental principles of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) focusing on the analytic tools needed to understand interactions among nuclear spins, relaxation processes, and image contrast. Starting from a quant...
RAD227 Functional MRI Methods Basics of functional magnetic resonance neuroimaging, including data acquisition, analysis, and experimental design. Journal club sections. Cognitive neuroscience and clinical applications. Prerequisites: basic physics, mathematics; neuroscience reco...
RAD228 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Programming Topics Primarily for students working on research projects involving MRI pulse sequence programming. Introductory and student-initiated topics in seminars and hands-on labs. Image contrast mechanisms achieved by pulse sequences that control radiofrequency a...
RAD229 MRI Sequences and Signals Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) uses sequences of radiofrequency excitation and magnetic field gradients to generate a signal and form images. Numerous common and advanced sequences will be studied, including analysis techniques to predict signal an...
RAD230 Ultrasound Beamforming and Array Processing The course covers the fundamentals of beamforming and array processing as applied to medical ultrasound imaging. Topics of the course include the physics of wave propagation, sampling requirements for aperture data, beamforming in the time and freque...
RAD235 Advanced Ultrasound Imaging The focus of this course is on advanced ultrasound imaging techniques for medical imaging applications. Topics include beamforming, adaptive beamforming, Fourier beamforming, synthetic aperture techniques, speckle, speckle reduction, k-space, harmoni...
RAD236 Analytical Methods in Biotechnology I This course provides fundamental principles underlying important analytical techniques used in modern biotechnology. The course comprises of lectures and hands-on laboratory experiments. Students will learn the core principles for designing, implemen...
RAD236B Analytical Methods in Biotechnology II This course is intended for graduate students, who are interested in biomedical research but have little background in fundamental laboratory techniques. Required prerequisite is EE235A/BIOS212/RAD236. This course seeks to equip such students with ba...
RAD260 Computational Methods for Biomedical Image Analysis and Interpretation The latest biological and medical imaging modalities and their applications in research and medicine. Focus is on computational analytic and interpretive approaches to optimize extraction and use of biological and clinical imaging data for diagnostic...
RAD280 Early Clinical Experience in Radiology Provides an observational experience as determined by the instructor and student. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
RAD289 Career Building: Entrepreneurship / Intrapreneurship, People, Innovation, Decision-Making and Impact This course is designed to enable graduate students and advanced undergraduate students in science and engineering to hone strategies for career success. Drawing strongly on entrepreneurial principles and lessons from industry, the course complements...
RAD289 Career Building: Entrepreneurship / Intrapreneurship, People, Innovation, Decision-Making and Impact This course is designed to enable graduate students and advanced undergraduate students in science and engineering to hone strategies for career success. Drawing strongly on entrepreneurial principles and lessons from industry, the course complements...
RAD299 Directed Reading in Radiology Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
RAD301A Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Clerkship VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 1. DESCRIPTION: This is the core radiology clerkship designed for students going into any medical specialty, including radiology. The four-week course includes didactic and case-based sessions...
RAD302A Nuclear Medicine Clerkship VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: Acquaints students with the basic principles of nuclear medicine, the instrumentation used (including SPECT-CT, PET-CT, and PET-MRI), the gamut of procedures available, and the jud...
RAD303A Specialty Clerkship in Diagnostic Radiology VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: Provides subspecialty radiology reading room experience for students considering a career in radiology or other specialties. Students work alongside residents, fellows, and faculty...
RAD304A Pediatric Radiology Clerkship (AWAY) VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: Our clerkship is designed to give you an overview of the exciting field of pediatric radiology. The rotation includes a comprehensive curriculum including a wealth of didactic and...
RAD305A Interventional Radiology Clerkship VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: Interventional radiology (IR) has become integral to the practice of modern medicine. In 2013, the American Board of Medical Specialties recognized IR as a primary specialty distin...
RAD306A Neuroradiology Clerkship VISITING: Open to visitors.TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: Our clerkship provides students with further exposure to basic and advanced neuroimaging of the brain, spine, and head and neck. The curriculum will be tailored to the specific inte...
RAD370 Medical Scholars Research Provides an opportunity for student and faculty interaction, as well as academic credit and financial support, to medical students who undertake original research. Enrollment is limited to students with approved projects.
RAD398A Clinical Elective in Diagnostic Radiology & Nuclear Medicine VISITING: Closed to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: Provides an opportunity for a student in the clinical years to have a clinical experience in Diagnostic Radiology or Nuclear Medicine, of a quality and duration to be decided up...
RAD399 Graduate Research Students undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
RAD802 TGR Dissertation TGR Dissertation