Introduction to Linguistics
This introductory-level course is targeted to students with no linguistics background. It is designed to provide an overview of methods, findings, and problems in eight main areas of linguistics: Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, P...
Phonetics is the systematic study of speech. In this class, we will learn about the physical gestures and timing involved in the articulation of spoken language and about the resulting acoustic signal that is decoded into linguistic units by the hum...
Phonetic Transcription
This course will introduce you to the International Phonetic Alphabet, which we will use to transcribe and understand sound patterns across a diverse set of languages. In order to effectively transcribe languages phonetically, you will also learn ab...
Articulatory Phonetics
This course is an introduction to articulatory phonetics, the production of speech. Students will learn about the articulatory features that characterize speech sounds and the physical mechanisms that underlie them. The course will also cover the m...
Introduction to Phonology
Introduction to the sound systems of the world's languages, their similarities and differences. Theories that account for the tacit generalizations that govern the sound patterns of languages. Prerequisite: Linguist 1 or Linguist 105
Seminar in Phonology: Stress, Tone, and Accent
Stress, tone, and accent systems vary widely, sometimes even within closely related language groups. Adding to their linguistic allure are their interactions with morphology and syntax, and with one another. Stress, tone, and accent are often also cl...
Introduction to Word-Formation
This course provides an introduction to word formation in the world¿s languages. It investigates the notion of word, the internal structure of words, the relation between a word's structure and its meaning, and processes for forming new words. Data w...
The Syntax of English
A data-driven introduction to the study of generative syntax through an in-depth investigation of the sentence structure of English. Emphasis is on central aspects of English syntax, but the principles of theory and analysis extend to the study of th...
Crosslinguistic Syntax
A data-driven introduction to the study of syntax through the investigation of a diverse array of the world's languages, including but not limited to English. Emphasis is on understanding how languages are systematically alike and different in their...
Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
Linguistic meaning and its role in communication. Topics include logical semantics, conversational implicature, presupposition, and speech acts. Applications to issues in politics, the law, philosophy, advertising, and natural language processing. Th...
Introduction to Lexical Semantics
Introduction to basic concepts and issues in the linguistic study of word meaning. We explore grammatical regularities in word meaning and the relation between word meaning and the conceptual realm. The questions we address include the following. How...
Lexical Semantic Typology
This course surveys how languages express members of the basic conceptual categories entity, event, property, and spatial relation. It examines strategies languages use to name members of these categories, and factors that might influence the choice...
The Structure of Discourse: Theory and Applications
This course examines the linguistic structure of discourse, with a particular emphasis on learning to identify the emergent structures of spontaneous conversations. Specific topics include: narrative structure; turn-taking; discourse markers; face an...
Learning to Speak: An Introduction to Child Language Acquisition
None of us were born talking. We all had to learn it. How did we do that? We start the journey by looking at the perception of sounds before birth. We follow infants as they discover the sounds of their native languages. We talk about how the infant...
Introduction to Psycholinguistics
How do people do things with language? How do we go from perceiving the acoustic waves that reach our ears to understanding that someone just announced the winner of the presidential election? How do we go from a thought to spelling that thought out...
Language and Society
This course explores the social life of spoken language. Students learn to address the following big questions about language and society: Why do languages vary across different time periods, locations, and social groups? What do our opinions about t...
Who Speaks Good English
Many people have strong beliefs that there are right and wrong ways of speaking, good and bad versions of their language. These norms are reinforced explicitly in the education system, and implicitly in the ways that people talk about language or see...
Sociolinguistics and Pidgin Creole Studies
Introduction to pidgins and creoles, organized around the main stages in the pidgin-creole life cycle: pidginization, creolization, and decreolization. Focus is on transformations in the English language as it was transported from Britain to Africa,...
Language, Race, and Ethnicity
This course explores the co-articulation of language, race, and ethnicity with a particular emphasis on race relations in US contexts. We will examine the varieties of English spoken by minoritized racial/ethnic groups in conjunction with theories fr...
Language and Social Interaction
This course explores linguistic structure in the contexts of everyday social interaction. Through readings and hands-on data analysis, students will learn to address the following big questions: How are everyday social interactions structured, and wh...
Language, Gender, & Sexuality
The role of language in the construction of gender, the maintenance of the gender order, and social change. Field projects explore hypotheses about the interaction of language and gender. No knowledge of linguistics required.
The study of phonetic aspects of sociolinguistic variation and the social significance of phonetic variation. Acoustic analysis of vowels, consonants, prosody, and voice quality. Hands-on work on collaborative research project. This course must be ta...
Historical Linguistics
Principles of historical linguistics:, the nature of language change. Kinds and causes of change, variation and diffusion of changes through populations, differentiation of dialects and languages, determination and classification of historical relati...
Languages of the World
The diversity of human languages, their sound systems, vocabularies, and grammars. Tracing historical relationships between languages and language families. Parallels with genetic evolutionary theory. Language policy, endangered languages and heritag...
Introduction to Linguistic Typology
This course covers the foundations of the linguistic subfield concerned with comparing and classifying world languages. The course provides an overview of the analytic tools which may be used to identify and classify a language based on its phonologi...
From Languages to Information
Extracting meaning, information, and structure from human language text, speech, web pages, social networks. Introducing methods (regex, edit distance, naive Bayes, logistic regression, neural embeddings, inverted indices, collaborative filtering, P...
Natural Language Understanding
Project-oriented class focused on developing systems and algorithms for robust machine understanding of human language. Draws on theoretical concepts from linguistics, natural language processing, and machine learning. Topics include lexical semantic...
Language Testing
Performance with language (speaking, reading, writing, listening, translating or interpreting) is used to measure a person's proficiency or achievement level in the language. Language performance is also used to measure other human characteristics, i...
Undergraduate Research Workshop
Designed for undergraduates beginning or working on research projects in linguistics. Participants present and receive feedback on their projects and receive tips on the research and writing process.
Introduction to Research for Undergraduates
Introduction to linguistic research via presentations by Stanford linguistics faculty and graduate students. Open to undergraduate students interested in linguistics. Required for linguistics majors.
Undergraduate Research Seminar
Senior capstone seminar. Joint readings in an annually varying topic, exploring the implications and importance of linguistic research for other domains of knowledge or practice.
Honors Research
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Independent Study
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Foundations of Linguistic Theory
Restricted to Linguistics Ph.D. students. Theories that have shaped contemporary linguistics; recurrent themes and descriptive practice. Strong background in Linguistics or permission of instructor.
Foundations of Linguistic Theory: Categories and Concepts
This course investigates foundational issues and recurrent themes in linguistics related to the notions of category and concept. It will review traditional approaches to these notions and consider how they have shaped more recent developments in our...
Phonetics is the systematic study of speech. In this class, we will learn about the physical gestures and timing involved in the articulation of spoken language and about the resulting acoustic signal that is decoded into linguistic units by the hum...
Phonetics Seminar 1: Adaptive Resonance Theory
In this course we will explore speech perception, attention, memory, categorization, and social weighting from a dynamic systems perspective. We will consider language and social variation through the lens of Grossberg's Adaptive Resonance Theory, fo...
Advanced Phonetics: Adaptive Resonance Theory
In this course we will explore speech perception, attention, memory, categorization, and social weighting from a dynamic systems perspective. We will consider language and social variation through the lens of Grossberg¿s Adaptive Resonance Theory, fo...
Advanced Phonetics: Practical Research in Attention, Perception, and Memory
This course is a project-based course focused on research in attention, perception, memory, and social variation. Students will either conduct a study proposed in the fall quarter or join a team with an existing proposed study. The course will focus...
Phonetics Research Lab
Regular meetings of the members of the Phonetics Lab.
Memory for Spoken Words
Research on memory for spoken words altered the course of much research in phonetics and psycholinguistics since the 1990s. In 2019, though, we are facing three main issues: (1) Much work was unmoved by this seminal work, carrying assumptions that ne...
Introduction to phonological theory and analysis based on cross-linguistic evidence. Topics: phonological representations including features, syllables, metrical structure; phonological processes; phonological rules and constraints; phonological typo...
Advanced Phonology
New developments in phonological theory, in particular Optimality Theory, primarily on the empirical basis of stress, syllable structure, prosodic organization, and phonological variation.
Principles of versification from a linguistic point of view. Traditional and optimality-theoretic approaches. The canonical system of English metrics, and its varieties and offshoots. The typology of metrical systems and its linguistic basis. Meter a...
Experimental Evidence for Sound Change
This course is a seminar on how experimental work can provide evidence for sound change, both to shed light on the general mechanisms of how sound changes occur and also what specific developments are plausible, particularly when the comparative evid...
Corpus Phonology: Sentence Prosody
Prosodic prominence at the sentence level from phonological, syntactic, and discourse perspectives. The course combines lectures with hands-on corpus work, with the opportunity to develop joint projects.
An investigation of central issues in the study of the interface between syntax and morphology as well as its relation to semantic interpretation. Topics may include: the internal structure of words, valence-changing morphology, incorporation, compou...
Linguistic Diversity and Universals: The Principles of Language Structure
The human capacity for language is able to support a staggering diversity of languages. But is anything possible in a human language, and is there anything that is common to all languages? Looking past the vast surface differences, linguists have dis...
Foundations of Syntactic Theory I
The first course in the three-course graduate-level sequence in syntax. The course focuses on core theoretical ideas and empirical phenomena in the study of syntactic theory. Some of the specific topics include phrase structure, head movement, A-move...
Foundations of Syntactic Theory II
The nature of unbounded dependency constructions such as constituent questions, topicalization, relative clauses, and clefts, among others. Topics include A-bar movement, constraints on extraction, successive cyclicity, as well as variation in the wa...
Foundations of Syntactic Theory III - Topics
This course introduces contemporary approaches to syntactic theory. Focus is on a few central topics of current interest such as ellipsis, binding, locality, movement, case and agreement, among others. Prerequisites: Linguist 222B or permission of th...
Seminar in Syntax
Seminar on advanced topics in syntax. Topics may vary from year to year. May be repeated for credit.
Seminar in Syntax: Advanced Topics
Seminar on advanced topics in syntax. Topics may vary from year to year. Prerequisites: LINGUIST 222A and 222B, or permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit.
Syntax and Morphology Research Seminar
Presentation of ongoing research in syntax and morphology. May be repeated for credit.
Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
Linguistic meaning and its role in communication. Topics include logical semantics, conversational implicature, presupposition, and speech acts. Applications to issues in politics, the law, philosophy, advertising, and natural language processing. Th...
Advanced Semantics
The primary goal of this course is to cover advanced topics in semantics and pragmatics that are central to research in those fields. The course is aimed at advanced graduate students who plan to do research in semantics, pragmatics, or philosophy of...
Advanced Topics in Semantics & Pragmatics
We focus on a topic in the meaning and use of linguistic expressions to explore a number of central issues in semantics and pragmatics. These include quantification, binding, referentiality, presupposition, pragmatic inferences, context-dependency, i...
Advanced Pragmatics
The primary goal of this course is to cover advanced topics in pragmatics that are central to research in those fields. The course is aimed at advanced graduate students who plan to do research in semantics, pragmatics, or philosophy of language. Pre...
Lexical and Compositional Semantics
Semantic properties of verbs and nouns, integrating lexical and compositional issues. Potential topics include aspect, argument relations, events, and the mass/count distinction. Points will be enriched by drawing on related insights from linguistic...
Lexical Semantics
Introduction to issues in word meaning, focused primarily around verbs. Overview of the core semantic properties of verbs and the organization of the verb lexicon. Approaches to lexical semantic representation, including semantic role lists, proto-ro...
Seminar in Lexical Semantics: Objecthood
An examination of the syntactic and semantic dimensions of objecthood from theoretical, typological, and empirical perspectives. The treatment of objects in different theoretical frameworks, including whether there is a primitive notion of 'object'....
The Structure of Discourse: Theory and Applications
This course examines the linguistic structure of discourse, with a particular emphasis on learning to identify the emergent structures of spontaneous conversations. Specific topics include: narrative structure; turn-taking; discourse markers; face an...
Seminar in Semantics: Conditionals
Discussion of the semantics and pragmatics of conditionals with a focus on recent developments in linguistics, analytic philosophy, and cognitive psychology.
Probabilistic Models of Cognition: Language
How can we understand natural language use in computational terms? This course surveys probabilistic models for natural language semantics and pragmatics. It begins with an introduction to the Rational Speech Acts framework for modeling pragmatics as...
Introduction to Psycholinguistics
How do people do things with language? How do we go from perceiving the acoustic waves that reach our ears to understanding that someone just announced the winner of the presidential election? How do we go from a thought to spelling that thought out...
Methods in Psycholinguistics
Over the past ten years, linguists have become increasingly interested in testing theories with a wider range of empirical data than the traditionally accepted introspective judgments of hand-selected linguistic examples. Consequently, linguistics ha...
Seminar in Psycholinguistics: Advanced Topics
Adaptation to speaker variability in language use has receivedincreasing attention in recent years from linguists and psychologistsalike, who have recognized that, though long ignored, it poses a problemfor static theories of language. The course wil...
Alps Research Lab
Regular meetings of members of the Alps Lab.
Workshop on Incremental Language Processing
Language is processed incrementally over time. This has consequences for language comprehension, production, acquisition, and change, all of which occur at different timescales. What is the role of time in language? The class will be based around vis...
Sociolinguistic Theory and Analysis
This is a seminar-style course for graduate students in linguistics and advanced students with a background in sociolinguistics. Through readings, discussions, and weekly response papers, we will explore the development of major themes and questions...
Ethnographic methods in sociolinguistics
This course will introduce students to ethnographic methods as they have been used in sociolinguistics and adjacent fields (e.g., linguistic anthropology). Students will collectively design a small study, collect data, and begin to analyze this data...
Sociolinguistics and Pidgin Creole Studies
Introduction to pidgins and creoles, organized around the main stages in the pidgin-creole life cycle: pidginization, creolization, and decreolization. Focus is on transformations in the English language as it was transported from Britain to Africa,...
Race, Ethnicity, and Language: Writing Race, Ethnicity, and Language in Ethnography
This methods seminar focuses on developing ethnographic strategies for representing race, ethnicity, and language in writing without reproducing the stereotypes surrounding these categories and practices. In addition to reading various ethnographies,...
Seminar in Sociolinguistics: California Dialectology
This seminar organizes and analyzes data gathered by the Voices of California project. This year, we will be working with the data from Amador County. May be repeated for credit.
BAD Lab: Scholarly Communication in Education
This seminar gives doctoral students an overview of scholarly communication in education in areas related to the BAD Lab. In the first half, we focus on publication including: publishing journal articles and books. We also examine multimedia communic...
Language and Social Interaction
This course explores linguistic structure in the contexts of everyday social interaction. Through readings and hands-on data analysis, students will learn to address the following big questions: How are everyday social interactions structured, and wh...
Seminar in Sociolinguistics: Style
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Constructed Dialogue
This seminar explores constructed dialogue from a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches. The course is intended for graduate students and advanced undergraduates with a background in discourse analysis and variation analysis. Prerequis...
Seminar in Sociolinguistics: Multiracial Identity in Variation Studies
This course confronts the challenge of investigating linguistic variation among multiracial speakers. Hands-on individual and collaborative projects using the voices of California corpus. Prerequisite: Linguistics 258 or equivalent, no exceptions.
Language, Gender, and Sexuality
The role of language in constructing gender and sexuality. Historical overview of major theoretical perspectives and debates (difference vs. dominance, identity vs. desire) and discussion of new directions (affect, embodiment, figures of personhood,...
The study of phonetic aspects of sociolinguistic variation and the social significance of phonetic variation. Acoustic analysis of vowels, consonants, prosody, and voice quality. Hands-on work on collaborative research project. This course must be ta...
Interactional Phonetics Research Lab
Sociophonetic, discourse-analytic, and computational approaches to social interaction. Meetings consist of presentations of research, discussions of readings, and collaborative research project work. Prerequisites: Linguist 250, Linguist 258, or Lin...
Analysis of Variation
The quantitative study of linguistic variability in time, space, and society emphasizing social constraints in variation. Hands-on work with variable data. Prerequisites: 105/205 and 250, or consent of instructor.
Variation and Social Meaning
The social meaning of linguistic variation. Approaches to investigating social meaning, encoding meaning across different levels of language, the structure of meaning and theories of indexicality, the role of meaning in language change.
CVC Research Lab
Regular meetings of the Contact, Variation, and Change Research Lab. Meetings consist of presentations of research, discussions of readings, and collaborative research project work.
Historical Morphology and Phonology
Sound change and analogical change in the perspective of linguistic theory. Internal and comparative reconstruction. Establishing genetic relationships.
Historical Morphosyntax
Morphological and syntactic variation and change. Reanalysis, grammaticalization. The use of corpora and quantitative evidence. This is a 4-unit course. May be taken for fewer units with prior approval of the instructor.
African American Vernacular English
Vocabulary, pronunciation and grammatical features of the systematic and vibrant vernacular English [AAVE] spoken by African Americans in the US, its historical relation to British dialects, and to English creoles spoken on the S. Carolina Sea Island...
Theory and Method in Linguistic Anthropology
This course introduces students to central concepts and approaches in linguistic anthropology, with a specific focus on the role of educational institutions, processes, and ideologies in shaping language use and vice versa. Students will learn practi...
Structure of Finnish
Central topics in Finnish morphology, syntax, and semantics and how they bear on current theoretical debates. Topics: clause structure; case; aspect; word order.
Structure of Slavic
Central topics in the syntax, morphology, and phonology of Slavic languages and how they bear on current theoretical debates. Prerequisites: Linguistics 222A (Foundations of Syntactic Theory I) and Linguistics 210A (Phonology)
Linguistic Field Methods I
Practical training in the collection and analysis of linguistic data from native speakers of a language largely unknown to the investigator. Documentation of endangered languages. Research goals, field trip preparation, ethics (including human subjec...
Linguistic Field Methods II
Continuation of 274A, with a focus on student projects in a targeted language. Prerequisite: 274A or consent of instructor. Graduate students are strongly encouraged to make a commitment to both 274A and 274B in the same year. For full credit, studen...
Probability and Statistics for linguists
Introduction to probability and statistical inference, with a focus on conceptual and practical issues relevant to theoretical, experimental, and corpus linguistics. Data analysis and modeling using R. Course project will involve reproducing a publis...
Stanford Black Academic Lab: Community-Based Participatory Methods
This lab-based course is an overview of research methods that are used in the development of Black educators, including survey research, individual and focus group interviews, ethnographic methods, and documentary activism. Lab participants will be g...
Programming for Linguists
Computer programming techniques for collecting and analyzing data in linguistic research. Introduction to the UNIX, regular expressions, and Python scripting. Hands-on experience gathering, formatting, and manipulating corpus, field, and experimental...
From Languages to Information
Extracting meaning, information, and structure from human language text, speech, web pages, social networks. Introducing methods (regex, edit distance, naive Bayes, logistic regression, neural embeddings, inverted indices, collaborative filtering, P...
Race and Natural Language Processing
The goal of this practicum is to integrate methods from natural language processing with social psychological perspectives on race to build practical systems that address significant societal issues. Readings will be drawn broadly from across the so...
Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
Methods for processing human language information and the underlying computational properties of natural languages. Focus on deep learning approaches: understanding, implementing, training, debugging, visualizing, and extending neural network models...
Spoken Language Processing
Introduction to spoken language technology with an emphasis on dialogue and conversational systems. Deep learning and other methods for automatic speech recognition, speech synthesis, affect detection, dialogue management, and applications to digita...
Information Retrieval and Web Search
Text information retrieval systems; efficient text indexing; Boolean, vector space, and probabilistic retrieval models; ranking and rank aggregation; evaluating IR systems; text clustering and classification; Web search engines including crawling and...
Seminar on Ethical and Social Issues in Natural Language Processing
Seminar covering issues in natural language processing related to ethical and social issues and the overall impact of these algorithms on people and society. Topics include: bias in data and models, privacy and computational profiling, measuring civi...
Natural Language Understanding
Project-oriented class focused on developing systems and algorithms for robust machine understanding of human language. Draws on theoretical concepts from linguistics, natural language processing, and machine learning. Topics include lexical semantic...
Computational Linguistics Research Lab
Regular meetings of the members of the Computational Research Lab.
Language Testing
Performance with language (speaking, reading, writing, listening, translating or interpreting) is used to measure a person's proficiency or achievement level in the language. Language performance is also used to measure other human characteristics, i...
Linguistic Research Discussion Group
Restricted to first-year Linguistics Ph.D. students.
Linguistic Meaning and the Law
We will investigate how inherent properties of language, such as ambiguity, vagueness and context-dependence, play into the meaning of a legal text, and how the meaning of a law can remain invariant while its range of application can change with the...
Minds and Machines
(Formerly SYMSYS 100). An overview of the interdisciplinary study of cognition, information, communication, and language, with an emphasis on foundational issues: What are minds? What is computation? What are rationality and intelligence? Can we pred...
M.A. Project
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Curricular Practical Training
Educational opportunities in research and development labs in industry. Qualified linguistics students engage in internship work and integrate that work into their academic program. Students register during the quarter they are employed and complete...
Summer Research Activity
Restricted to Linguistics Ph.D. students. May be repeated for credit.
TA Training Workshop
For second-year graduate students in Linguistics
Research Workshop
Restricted to Linguistics Ph.D. students. Student presentations of research toward qualifying papers. May be repeated for credit.
Linguistics Writing Group
Restricted to Linguistics Ph.D. students. May be repeated for credit. Meets weekly to support student writing projects
Research Projects in Linguistics
Mentored research project for first-year graduate students in linguistics.
Directed Reading
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Directed Research
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Dissertation Research
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Languages, Dialects, Speakers
Preference to freshmen. Variation and change in languages from around the world; language and thought; variation in sound patterns and grammatical structures; linguistic and social structures of variation; how languages differ from one another and ho...
Social Bias and Earwitness Memory
As individuals, we would like to believe that we are free from biases and that we are somehow immune to acting on the social biases that we have been socialized to since birth. We would like to believe that we can report experiences accurately, recal...
Language in the City
Language communicates a great deal more than the meaning of our words. Our regional accents, for example, offer clues about where we grew up. And even though accents are usually labeled in geographical terms, their symbolic meanings extend far beyond...
Language, Speech, and Social interaction
We use language to communicate every day, but we take its complex and dynamic nature for granted. This introduction to Linguistics will ask students to rethink their assumptions about language and communication as it approaches the field with a speci...
Language Evolution and Change
Every human culture has a sophisticated, systematic means of communication which we call "language". Why? What makes languages the way they are, and what makes them keep changing over time? In this course, we will explore proposed explanations for la...
African American Vernacular English
Vocabulary, pronunciation and grammatical features of the systematic and vibrant vernacular English [AAVE] spoken by African Americans in the US, its historical relation to British dialects, and to English creoles spoken on the S. Carolina Sea Island...
The Role of Language in Perception and Cognition
One of the driving questions in linguistics involves the relationship between language and cognition: what do the properties of language tell us about the nature of our thinking and reasoning? Whorf's theory of linguistic relativism, made famous in p...
TGR Dissertation
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Preference to Sophomores. What is a translation? The increased need for translations in the modern world due to factors such as tourism and terrorism, localization and globalization, diplomacy and treaties, law and religion, and literature and scienc...