Department: Data Science

Code Name Description
DATASCI112 Principles of Data Science A hands-on introduction to the principles and methods of data science. This course is designed to equip you with tools to begin extracting insights and making decisions from data in the real world, as well as to prepare you for further study in stati...
DATASCI120 Data Narratives The class allows students to grow their ability to communicate ideas and insights with data. There are many components of a well-crafted narrative based on data---from a discussion of data sources to visualization, and from pattern detection to gener...
DATASCI154 Solving Social Problems with Data Introduces students to the interdisciplinary intersection of data science and the social sciences through an in-depth examination of contemporary social problems. Provides a foundational skill set for solving social problems with data including quant...
DATASCI197 WiDS Datathon Independent Study This independent study offers students the opportunity to participate in the WiDS Datathon for 1-unit of credit. The WiDS Datathon is an annual and global event that encourages data scientists of all levels to discover and hone their data science ski...
DATASCI198 Practical Training For students majoring in Data Science only. Students obtain employment in a relevant industrial or research activity to enhance their professional experience. Students may enroll in Summer Quarters only and for a total of three times. Students must...
DATASCI199 Independent Study For undergraduates.
DATASCI54 Data Science at Work This one-unit course will showcase the power of data science to inform and impact all aspects of our lives and communities. During this course, students will participate in a series of discussions with professional data scientists working in governme...