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Department: Classics


Office: Building 110, Main Quad
Mail Code: 2145
Phone: (650) 723-0479
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Courses offered by the Department of Classics are listed on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site under the subject code CLASSICS.

The study of Classics has traditionally centered on the literature and material culture of ancient Greece and Rome, including Greek and Latin language, literature, philosophy, history, art, and archaeology. At Stanford, Classics also explores connections with other ancient cultures and with the modern world, as well as specialized fields such as ancient economics, law, papyrology, and science. The department’s faculty approaches Classics from an interdisciplinary perspective that crosses geographical, temporal, and thematic territories. Studying ancient epic poetry can lead to looking at modern cinema afresh; ancient Athenian politics opens new perspectives on modern politics; and the study of Rome presents parallels with other empires just as Latin illuminates the history of English and the Romance languages. In short, Classics at Stanford is an interdisciplinary subject concerned not only with Greek and Roman civilization but also with the interaction of cultures and societies that influenced the ancient Mediterranean basin and continue to influence human society across the globe.

Mission of the Undergraduate Program in Classics

The mission of the undergraduate program in Classics is to provide students with a broad background centered on the literature and material culture of ancient Greece and Rome, including Greek and Latin language, literature, philosophy, history, art, and archaeology. At Stanford, students in the Classics program also explore the connections between ancient cultures and the modern world as well as specialized fields such as ancient economics, law, papyrology, and science. The program's faculty approaches Classics from an interdisciplinary perspective that crosses geographical, temporal and thematic territories. The program is concerned not only with Greek and Roman civilization but also with the interaction of cultures and societies that influenced the ancient Mediterranean basin and continue to influence human society across the globe.

Course Numbering

CLASSICS courses are numbered according to level and area of study.




Introductory Courses


Undergraduate Language, Core, Electives and Independent Study


Advanced Undergraduate, Coterminal, MA and PhD


Graduate Seminars and Dissertation Research


Emeriti (Professors): Marsh H. McCall, Jr., Susan A. Stephens, Susan Treggiari

Chair: Richard Saller

Director of Graduate Studies: Christopher B. Krebs

Director of Undergraduate Studies: Reviel Netz

Professors: David Cohen, Andrew M. Devine, Christopher B. Krebs, Richard P. Martin, Ian Morris, Reviel Netz, Andrea Nightingale, Josiah Ober, Anastasia-Erasmia Peponi, M. Rush Rehm, Richard Saller, Walter Scheidel, Michael Shanks

Associate Professors: Giovanna Ceserani, Justin Leidwanger, Jody Maxmin, Grant Parker, Jennifer Trimble

Assistant Professors: Hans Bork, Sarah Derbew

Courtesy Professors: Chris Bobonich, Alan Code, Charlotte Fonrobert, Michael Penn, Bissera Pentcheva, Caroline Winterer, Yiqun Zhou

Lecturers: Dillon Gisch, John Klopacz, Kelly Nguyen, John Tennant

Adjunct Lecturer: Maud Gleason