Engineering a Remarkable Life
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Course Description
The skills and attitudes learned as a graduate business student can (with a bit of coaching) be applied to managing one's life. This course will help students think through the 'brand' they want to have, how to modify a personal 'operating system,' how to set achievable goals, and how to: 1) Summarize one's non financial assets/liabilities, 2) Manage a professional career (or careers), 3) Extend themselves into service, political or educational opportunities, 4) Deal with difficult bosses, unresponsive people, job transitions, 5) Turn around an enterprise, 6) Build durable relationships (professional and personal), 7) Overcome challenges (personal and professional), 8) Manage litigation, conflicts, reversals, 9) Negotiate win-win outcomes, 10) Set MAD goals, establish habits, 11) Add value beyond business goods and services, 12) Help aging parents, siblings, 13) Plan for retirement (money, geography, location, activities), 14) Set up traditions, travel, continuing education, etc. 15) Deal with wealth, gifts to children/others/charity, 16) Manage a non-profit (and any number of other challenges our grads face). The course will involve readings, faculty-led discussions, short papers, in-class exercises and role plays. In addition, GSB alums at various stages of life will return to campus to share their journeys and challenges. The final product will be a confidential 'Life Plan.' The course will be offered on a Pass-Fail basis.
Grading Basis
GPF - GSB Pass/Fail
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Course Component
Enrollment Optional?