Explore Energy

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Course Description

The Explore Energy seminar series is a weekly residential education experience open to all Stanford students and hosted by the Explore Energy House. Course content features current topics that affect the pace of energy transitions at multiple scales and in multiple sectors. Consistent with Stanford's interest in fostering community and inclusion, this course will facilitate cross-house exchanges with residents in Stanford's academic theme houses that have intersections with energy, catalyzing new connections with common interests. Each quarter will include some sessions that feature Stanford itself as a living laboratory for energy transitions that can be catalyzed by technology, policy, and social systems. Stanford alumni with a range of disciplinary backgrounds will be among the presenters each quarter, supporting exploration of both educational and career development paths. Optional daytime field trips complement this evening seminar series.

Cross Listed Courses

Grading Basis

RSN - Satisfactory/No Credit





Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?


Total Units Allowed for Degree Credit


Course Component


Enrollment Optional?



CEE208 is a completion requirement for: