Current Issues in Southeast Asia

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Course Description

Current Issues in Southeast Asia (INTLPOL 226) is a seminar that will examine some of the key challenges facing the nations of Southeast Asia, which collectively boast the world's fifth largest economy and are home to some 680 million people. After a brief introduction to the region's history and geography, students will review the region's political systems and -- using country-specific case studies -- look at how they are dealing with issues such as democracy versus authoritarianism, ethnic and religious divisions, economic development, climate change, and China's rising influence. The course will cover all these issues in the context of some of the real-world factors, as opposed to theoretical concepts that influence and shape policies and decisions in the region, and which in many ways pose a threat to Southeast Asia's remarkable potential. It will also offer an opportunity for students to learn about the policymaking process and policy-related writing.

Cross Listed Courses

Grading Basis

RLT - Letter (ABCD/NP)





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Enrollment Optional?


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