Designing Your Life: Empowering Emerging Scientists

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Course Description

Design a fulfilling and impactful vision for your career and life as a whole. The primary purpose of the class is to develop a perspective and align your attitudes, actions and experiences with your values, priorities, and your own ultimate definition of victory for living an extraordinary life. A practical guide for career development, this class will provide training through conversations, self-analysis, and writing exercises on career direction, communication, and the development and leveraging of relationships skills that are central to success in any career as a scientist. We will examine what it means (and what it takes) to succeed in a variety of life domains, including money, health, career, relationships, and physical fitness as well as personal growth. We will dig into the darker side of being human, exploring phenomena like negative character traits, fears, hauntings, and regrets. Ultimately, we want you to gain insight into who you are, what you want most, and how you might inadvertently and unwittingly get in your own way. We want you to learn how to confront the most vexing issues in your life, learn from them, and eventually transform your relationship to them. Course Structure: The course consists of ten intensive, flipped-classroom sessions designed to help you develop the skills and knowledge--and, more importantly, the insight and capacity--to be more strategic and effective in how you lead your life. It requires a willingness to be introspective and to consider personal feedback and constructive confrontation. Enrollment is capped at 30 learners, all of whom will be provided subscriptions to Inner.U which will serve as an electronic textbook and supported by a team of three faculty facilitators.

Grading Basis

MSN - Medical Satisfactory/No Credit





Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?


Course Component


Enrollment Optional?


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