Product Management

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Course Description

In this experiential course, you will develop skills and experience required to be a Product Manager. The course covers important facets of the PM role at different stages in the product life cycle. You will learn and apply tools and methodologies for market research and product strategy (e.g. product requirements, market briefs), early stage execution (e.g. road maps, resource planning, project management), growth (e.g. operational and development practices), and late stage management. In parallel with classroom learning, student teams will work on quarter-long projects in collaboration with sponsor organizations. The nature of the projects and deliverables for each team will vary depending on the stage of the product and needs of the product teams. Projects will be sourced from tech companies; however, the learning from the course and projects can be transferred to other industries. This course is part of the GSB's Action Learning Program, in which you will work on real business challenges under the guidance of faculty. In this intensive project-based course, you will learn research-validated foundations, tools, and practices; apply these tools and learnings to a real project for an external organization; create value for the organization by providing insights and deliverables; and be an ambassador to the organization by exposing them to the talent, values, and expertise of the GSB. You will also have the opportunity to gain practical industry experience and exposure to the organization, its industry, and the space in which it operates; build relationships in the organization and industry; and gain an understanding of related career paths.

Grading Basis

GLT - GSB Letter Graded





Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?


Course Component


Enrollment Optional?
