New Generation International Trade Policy and Trade Agreements

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Course Description

This course analyses the new trends in international trade law and policy in an era when the days of global liberalization are in the past, protectionism is dominating the international trade agenda, and the multilateral order is at a standstill. This is prompting countries towards increasingly large regional trade agreements, including on South-South trade. Students will assess the emergence of sophisticated `new generation' trade agreements that go beyond the liberalization of trade in goods and services towards upholding labor and environmental standards and ensuring that competition is conducted fairly by avoiding countries undercutting each other on regulation. Trade initiatives in India and China, trade agreements and trade strategy in Africa and Latin America, the European trade agenda, US trade leadership, and the US China trade war will be discussed. The course will also cover the proliferation of unilateral sanctions and export controls that are currently shaping the international trade agenda. Additionally, the course analyses the attempts to address technology/data transfers and cybersecurity in bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, despite regulation in those areas still being developed at a national level. The course will be taught from the pragmatic point of view of a former trade negotiator and trade law practitioner, combining wider foreign policy considerations with trade law concepts, and drawing on practical examples from multilateral and bilateral trade negotiations. The course is orientated towards advanced undergraduates and graduate students with an interest in both foreign affairs and international law. It will provide any student who aims to play a role in foreign affairs, trade negotiations or international public law with a solid foundation to build upon. While the course explores trade policy and law mechanisms, it does not require prior knowledge of trade law or trade agreements. There are no course prerequisites.

Grading Basis

RLT - Letter (ABCD/NP)





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