The Science of Sleep in Cognition and Mental Health
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Course Description
We live in a society that continues to deprioritize sleep by embracing the "I'fll sleep when I'm dead" mentality. But what actually happens to your brain when you miss a night of sleep? How does this then impact your ability to recall the test material you just spent all night cramming for? Why does missing a night of sleep make some people feel more irritable or anxious? Should high schools start later? What is considered a good night of sleep and how do we measure it? Through guided readings, lectures, and discussion, this seminar will critically examine the research that has attempted to address these important questions. Students will be introduced to the science of sleep with a particular focus on its role in memory, attention, emotion processing, and mood. We will also examine how the role of sleep in these vital functions may change across the lifespan, with a particular emphasis on adolescence. Readings will be primary scientific literature in biology, cognitive neuroscience, and psychology as well as some popular press coverage of these original scientific articles. As a result, students will learn how to read and interpret scientific articles and critically evaluate the popular press coverage of these articles in the context of sleep research. The class will culminate in a small group outreach project focused on communicating the importance of sleep with peers and the community.
Grading Basis
RLT - Letter (ABCD/NP)
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Course Component
SU Intro Seminar - Freshman
Enrollment Optional?