Governing Artificial Intelligence: Law, Policy, and Institutions

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Course Description

(Cross-listed with LAW 4052.) Course surveys current and emerging legal and governance problems related to humanity's relationship to artificially constructed intelligence. To deepen students' understanding of legal and governance problems in this area, course explores definitions and foundational concepts associated with AI, likely pathways of AI's evolution, different types of law and policy concerns raised by existing and future versions of AI, and the distinctive domestic and international political economies of AI governance. Course also covers topics associated with the design and development of AI as they relate to law and governance, such as measuring algorithmic bias and explainability of AI models. Cross-cutting themes include: how law and policy affect the way important societal decisions are justified; the balance of power and responsibility between humans and machines in different settings; the incorporation of multiple values into AI decision-making frameworks; the interplay of norms and formal law; technical complexities that may arise as society scales deployment of AI systems; AI's implications for transnational law and governance and geopolitics; and similarities and differences to other domains of human activity raising regulatory trade-offs and affected by technological change. Note: Course is designed both for students who want a survey of the field and lack any technical knowledge, as well as students who want to gain tools and ideas to deepen their existing interest or technical background in the topic. Taught by a sitting judge, a former EU Parliament member, and a law professor, and conceived to serve students with interest in law, business, public policy, design, and ethics. Course includes lectures, practical exercises, and student-led discussion and presentations. CONSENT APPLICATION: To accommodate as many students as possible, please fill out the following application by March 12, 2021 in order to facilitate planning and confirm your level of interest: Applications received after deadline will be considered on a rolling basis pending space. Application also available on SLS website (Click Courses at the bottom of homepage and then click Consent of Instructor Forms).

Grading Basis

ROP - Letter or Credit/No Credit





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