Best practices for developing data science software for clinical and healthcare applications

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Course Description

Best practices for developing data science software for clinical and healthcare applications is a new seminar aimed to provide an overview of the strategies, processes, and regulatory hurdles to develop software implementing new algorithms or analytical approaches to be used in clinical diagnosis or medical practice. Upon completing this seminar, biomedical scientists implementing diagnostics, analytical, or AI-driven clinical decision support software should better understand how to protect, transfer, commercialize, and translate their inventions into the clinic. Topics include: Intellectual property strategies and technology licensing challenges; software development and quality best practices for the clinic; regulatory frameworks for clinical decision support and diagnostics informatics applications. It is open primarily to graduate students across Stanford and combines short lectures, guest industry speakers, and workshop sessions to allow participants to receive feedback on current related projects that are undertaking. Enrollment limited to 25 to allow participants present their current projects. Prerequisites: Basic experience in programing and algorithm or software tool development. Ideally, the participant is actively implementing a new method/process/application in software aimed to be used in the clinic.

Grading Basis

MSN - Medical Satisfactory/No Credit





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