Plastic Surgery Subinternship
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Course Description
VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 2. DESCRIPTION: This is a 4-week intensive sub-internship experience. Students should have completed Core Surgery, and this rotation is specifically for students who intend to pursue a career in surgery or subspecialty. Students will have responsibility in the inpatient wards with direct patient care responsibilities and manage patients post-operatively. Students will also spend approximately 20% of time in the clinic evaluating patients preoperatively and performing appropriate work up and exam, and also evaluate patients post-operatively for long-term follow up and outcomes (continuity). Students will be an integral part of the resident team and function at the level of an intern. Students will spend significant time in the OR as an assistant, and develop competency in fundamental suturing and surgical wound closures. Students will be expected to present cases (1-2) at case conferences per week, and culminate in an Oral Presentation on a topic in plastic surgery at the end of the rotation. Students will take home call once per week to learn how to manage emergencies and patient phone calls. There is no exam. Students will work primarily with the Clerkship Director, but may also have exposure to all of the other faculty in Plastic Surgery. Involves clinical participation in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Activities include exposure to operative surgical techniques, evaluation of operative problems, trauma and emergency, facial and hand trauma, burns, soft tissue tumors, congenital malformations, and a broad range of rehabilitative problems. The sub-I requires rotating to affiliated sites as well as work at SUMC (automobile transportation essential). Please note: Visiting students must obtain approval from Ms. Angela Sotelo prior to applying for this clerkship. Please email requests to Visiting students wishing to do a Plastic Surgery clerkship in periods 1-7 usually apply to the residency program in Plastic Surgery. Please note that this rotation will be purely educational rotation and will not serve as your interview. Please see the Plastic Surgery website at for more information. PREREQUISITES: Surgery 300A. If you are a fourth year medical students interested in plastic surgery as a residency, you should do this clerkship within the six months prior to applying for residency. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-12, full-time for 4 weeks. 6 students per period. We encourage students who are interested in an educational clerkship and who are not applying to the residency program to take the clerkship in periods 7-12. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Catherine Curtin, M.D. CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Angela Sotelo, 650-725-7181, 770 Welch Road, 4th Floor, Palo Alto, CA 94304. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: To be assigned. The coordinator will contact you a week before your start date for instructions; Time: TBA. CALL CODE: 2 (1-2 nights). OTHER FACULTY: K. Bruckman, J. Chang, C. Curtin, D. Davis, P. Fox, D. Gupta, G. Gurtner, D. Kahn, Y. Karanas, R. Khosla, G. Lee, P. Lorenz, R. Menard, A. Momeni, M. Murphy, R. Nazerali, D. Nguyen, J. Orman, S. Sen, T. Theman, D. Wan. LOCATION: SUMC, SCVMC, KPMC.
Grading Basis
MED - Medical School +/- Option
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Course Component
Enrollment Optional?
Does this course satisfy the University Language Requirement?
is a
completion requirement