Policy Practicum: Assessing the Impact of China's Global Infrastructure Spending on Climate Change

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Course Description

(LAW 8070) Client: Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance. China is investing in massive foreign-infrastructure construction, notably in emerging economies. Whether that infrastructure is high-carbon or low-carbon will largely determine the future of climate change. In this policy lab, students will advance research that is underway toward two sorts of deliverables: a data-analysis and data-visualization tool to map players, financing structures, and carbon emissions from Chinese-financed infrastructure projects; and a written account of how Chinese-financed infrastructure is playing out in those countries. Research will involve close interaction with officials at key infrastructure-financing institutions in China and around the world. Graduate students from any discipline at Stanford are invited to apply. Data-analysis skills, energy-finance understanding, and proficiency in Mandarin are useful skills for this work but are not required. To apply, submit Consent Application Form available on Stanford Law School website. Form includes instructions and submission deadline. See LAW listing for full description.

Grading Basis

ROP - Letter or Credit/No Credit





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