Introduction to Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: From Head to Toe

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Course Description

This course provides a broad overview of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Plastic surgery comes from the Greek word plastikos, which means that which can be shaped or molded. Indeed, plastic surgeons often perform procedures that shape and mold the human body. Although the popular media has portrayed plastic surgery as being only cosmetic surgery, the fact is that plastic surgery covers a broad range of procedures that span the entire human body from head to toe. The areas that will be covered during the course span the gamut of what plastic and reconstructive surgery really is, and this includes: Craniofacial surgery, Facial trauma, Skin Cancer, Oncoplastic surgery, breast reconstruction, hand surgery, lower extremity trauma and sarcomas, pelvic and genital reconstruction, abdominal wall reconstruction, chest wall reconstruction, burns, and multi-disciplinary reconstruction (ie., working with orthopedics, oncology, trauma, cardiothoracic, gynecology, neurosurgery, dermatology, etc). The format of this course is lectures (Zoom) and student participation in discussions is encouraged. There are readings associated with each lecture that students will have the option to read since it is a lunchtime / brown-bag lecture with no additional requirements.

Grading Basis

MSN - Medical Satisfactory/No Credit





Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?


Course Component


Enrollment Optional?
