Needs Finding in Healthcare
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Course Description
Are you on an engineering pathway, but trying to decide if opportunities in healthcare might be of interest to you? Or, are you committed to a career in healthcare, but eager to explore how to incorporate technology innovation into your plans? In either case, Needs Finding in Healthcare is the Sophomore College for you! Many courses offered during the regular academic year provide students with the opportunity to understand healthcare problems and invent new technologies to address them. But none give undergraduates the chance to observe the delivery of healthcare in the real world and identify important unmet needs for themselves - until now! Needs Finding in Healthcare is a Sophomore College course offered by Professor Paul Yock and the Stanford Biodesign team. We¿re looking for students who are passionate about innovation and interested in how technology can be applied to help make healthcare better for patients everywhere. Over approximately three weeks, you'll spend time: Learning the fundamentals of the biodesign innovation process for health technology innovation Performing first-hand observations of care delivery in the Stanford's hospital and clinics to identify compelling unmet needs Conducting background research and interacting with physicians and patients to understand and prioritize those needs Brainstorming and building early-stage prototypes to enhance your understanding of the unmet need and critical requirements for solving it In addition, you'll meet experienced innovators from the health technology field and explore different career pathways in this dynamic space. Join us if you want to make a difference at the intersection of medicine and engineering!
Grading Basis
ROP - Letter or Credit/No Credit
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Course Component
Sophomore College Seminar
Enrollment Optional?
Does this course satisfy the University Language Requirement?
is a
completion requirement