Historical Ecology at Hopkins Marine Station
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Course Description
NOTE: This course will be taught on main campus as a hybrid in-person and virtual course, with a field trip to Hopkins Marine Station as the primary component.This course is an exploration of the rich intertidal flora and fauna at Hopkins Marine Station, through the lens of historical ecology and long-term change. During weeks 1-7, students will attend in-person discussions with the TA, while the instructor zooms in from Hopkins Marine Station. During week 8, students will go on a field trip to Hopkins Marine Station, the culminating experience in the course. Main campus lectures and discussions will provide an overview of historical ecology and the natural history of rocky shores. In the lab at Hopkins Marine Station, students will focus on species identification and scientific illustration. These skills will be put to use in the field, where we will quantify patterns of intertidal biodiversity. During weeks 9 and 10, students will answer a data-based question and reflect on the long-term data collection. Students will sign up for Fridays, 2-5pm. Open to undergraduate and graduate students (3 units). Course requires application and instructor consent. Application link: https://bit.ly/bio166-application or go to: https://hopkinsmarinestation.stanford.edu/undergraduate-studies/majors-courses/biohopk-166h-historical-ecology
Cross Listed Courses
Grading Basis
ROP - Letter or Credit/No Credit
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Course Component
Enrollment Optional?
This course has been approved for the following WAYS
Scientific Method and Analysis (SMA)
Does this course satisfy the University Language Requirement?
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