Time-dependent statistical mechanics I

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Course Description

First of a two-quarter sequence on the extension of the principles of statistical thermodynamics to systems away from equilibrium. We will explore the connection between the observable properties of such systems and the properties of their microscopic constituents. It will introduce students to many of the theoretical tools that researchers use to understand different kinds of time-dependent phenomena. The sequence will include coverage of the following topics: Phase space and the Liouville equation; equilibrium time correlation functions (TCFs); simple models of TCFs; linear response theory and transport coefficients; projection operators and generalized equations of motion; functional calculus and the Fokker-Planck, Langevin and generalized Langevin equations; chemical reaction dynamics and the Kramers equation; fluctuation theorems and non-equilibrium work relations; path integrals in the study of stochastic processes. Prerequisites: CHEM 175 or CHEM 273 or equivalent course in equilibrium statistical mechanics.

Grading Basis

ROP - Letter or Credit/No Credit





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Enrollment Optional?
