Longevity: Business Implications and Opportunities
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Course Description
People age 50 and over account for over 50% of consumer spending in the US and 83% of household wealth, with both number expected to increase significantly due to a combination of increased longevity and the aging of the baby boomer generation. It is the largest and one of the fastest growing business opportunities US and worldwide. Many business managers and entrepreneurs, however, do not consider the over 50 demographic in their plans, and those that do often do not understand how best to design products and services for this group. It is a huge missed opportunity. This class will explore how managers and entrepreneurs should consider the older population in their strategies, in product and service design, in managing their work force, and in their own careers. Class topics will include: - The over age 50 opportunity and how it will grow over the coming years - The map of life and segmenting the older population - Considerations for developing products and services that are multi-generational and appealing to older consumers - New business opportunities created by the growth in the over 50 population, social trends, and technology - Managing older workers -Career considerations in a world where individuals live longer and healthier lives. The course is offered in Spring Quarter, and uses a mix of cases developed for the class, guest speakers from established companies and entrepreneurs, and lectures
Grading Basis
GOP - GSB Student Option LTR/PF
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Course Component
Case/Problem Study
Enrollment Optional?