Ultrasound Anatomy

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Course Description

This elective course is designed to give medical students who have completed (or are enrolled simultaneously in) SURG 203, the opportunity to expand their knowledge of imaging anatomy, specifically ultrasound anatomy. Students will work in faculty­ guided teams to observe and complete ultrasounds examination of standardized patients. Lab sessions will be held on three specific Wednesdays (2:30-5:20pm) during Fall quarter. Each lab session will cover a specific anatomical region of interest, and will focus on technique, method, and interpretation of ultrasound images -normal and pathological. In the first session, students will be provided a detailed orientation of ultrasound machine functioning, and will cover thorax and upper limb. The second session will cover abdomen and pelvis. The third session will include lower limb and head & neck.

Grading Basis

MOP - Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)





Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?


Course Component


Enrollment Optional?
