Health Care Leadership

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Course Description

Healthcare Leadership class brings eminent healthcare leaders from a variety of sectors within healthcare to share their personal reflections and insights on effective leadership. Speakers discuss their personal core values, share lessons learned and their recipe for effective leadership in the healthcare field, including reflection on career and life choices. Speakers include CEOs of healthcare technology, pharmaceutical and other companies, leaders in public health, eminent leaders of hospitals, academia, biotechnology companies and other health care organizations. The class will also familiarize the students with the healthcare industry, as well as introduce concepts and skills relevant to healthcare leadership. This course must be taken for a minimum of 3 units and a letter grade to be eligible for Ways credit. Students taking the course Mondays and Wednesdays should enroll for 4 units (exceptions for a 3 unit registration can be made with the consent of instructor to be still eligible for Ways credit). Students also have an option of taking the course as a speaker seminar series for 2 units where they attend at least half the class sessions of their choice and complete short weekly assignments. Synchronous online instruction is available.

Cross Listed Courses

Grading Basis

MOP - Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)





Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?


Total Units Allowed for Degree Credit


Course Component


Enrollment Optional?


This course has been approved for the following WAYS

Exploring Difference and Power (EDP), Social Inquiry (SI)

Does this course satisfy the University Language Requirement?



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