Aristotle's Moral Theory
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Course Description
The aim of this seminar is philosophical; we want to discuss the basis, the structure, the merits, and the defects of Aristotle's moral theory. But we intend to draw on all of the three major ethical treatises in the Aristotelian Corpus: the Nicomachean Ethics, Eudemian Ethics, and Magna Moralia. We will also discuss parts of the Protrepticus. Topics include: the composition of the good; the argument from the human function to the human good; virtues of character and intellect; voluntary action and responsibility; pleasure and the good: friendship and the good of others; the place of contemplation in the ultimate good. This course begins on January 28, and ends on March 13. 2 unit option available only to PhD students beyond the second year. Undergraduates wishing to take this course must have taken Philosophy 100 or a more advanced Philosophy course in ancient philosophy and have the permission of the instructors.
Grading Basis
ROP - Letter or Credit/No Credit
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Course Component
Enrollment Optional?