Mental Health Innovation Studio: Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Policy

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Course Description

This application-only course is the optional lab portion of PSYC 240. This is a higher intensity experience for students who want to apply the knowledge they gain in 240 to building a solution to some of the most pressing problems in mental health. Students will collaborate in multidisciplinary cross-campus teams to design and launch a mental health intervention with the guidance of expert faculty and mentors and using the Stanford Brainstorm Framework for Mental Health Innovation. Interventions may range from diagnosing disease early using artificial intelligence, to designing a wearable device for addiction recovery management, to creating a school-based resiliency program, to establishing more just policies and transitions of care for the incarcerated population.

Grading Basis

MOP - Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)





Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?


Course Component


Enrollment Optional?
