Intermediate Writing: Scripting Entertainments (for a Better YouTube)

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Course Description

In its short time on the planet, youtube videos have created their very own viral (and lucrative) culture. But what if the power of internet distribution could be paired with the power of good substantial storytelling? What if the content could be more socially stirring and powerful than "this is me doing crazy adventures" or "this is me pranking someone"¿or "this is me eating $14 avocado toast in PA"? In this seminar, we first break down the various codes and generic features of currently popular vlogs, then apprentice to current scripting techniques being used by playwrights (Anna Deavere Smith, Suzan-Lori Parks) and scriptwriters on shows from Hulu (East Los High), and Prime (Frankenstein Chronicles), then finally turn our hand to the scripting, rehearsing, shooting, and production of our very own 1-3 minute videos. Our goal is to develop the critical, creative, and digital tools to make effective and engaging scripted short videos for the telling of our current stories, for the destabilization of dominant cultural stories, and for the re-stabilization of the two in potent remix.

Grading Basis

RLT - Letter (ABCD/NP)





Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?


Course Component


Enrollment Optional?
