(CASES) Clinical Anatomy and Surgical Education Series - Head and Neck and Torso
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Course Description
This Spring quarter elective course focuses on clinical conditions and surgical procedures of the head and neck and torso. The course is created for medical and physician assistant students who want to expand their knowledge of human anatomy through the understanding of common conditions and their associated surgical treatments. Students will learn the clinical tests involvedin confirming the diagnosis of common surgical conditions, the benefits and risks of the procedures to treat these conditions and the anatomy affected by the conditions and procedures. Through case discussion and explanation of respective surgical procedures, students will improve their diagnostic and surgical skills. The course is scheduled for eight sessions. Each session includes a short case scenario on a common surgical condition presented by a guest expert surgeon, followed by a review of the surgical treatment to be performed. The expert faculty will then guide studentsin performing the surgery on unembalmed cadaver specimens. During the surgical procedures, students will be required to discuss the surgical technique and associated anatomy. The class is limited to nine students.To register, students are required to complete a form by noon on Monday, March 28. During that week, students will be advised of their acceptance. SURG256C Enrollment Survey Link: https://stanfordmedicine.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eRKeRRYAMd2P8Wi
Grading Basis
MSN - Medical Satisfactory/No Credit
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Course Component
Enrollment Optional?
Course Component
Enrollment Optional?
Does this course satisfy the University Language Requirement?