Space, Public Discourse and Revolutionary Practices

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Course Description

This course examines the mediums of public art that have been voices of social change, protestand expressions of community desire. It will offer a unique glimpse into Iran¿scontemporary art and visual culture through the investigation of public art practices such asgraffiti and street art, as well as older traditions of Naghali and Iranian Coffeehouse Painting.Beginning Iranian case studies will be expanded in comparison with global examples that spanprojects that include Insite (San Diego/Tijuana), Project Row Houses (Houston, TX) the DMZProject (Korea), Munster Skulpture Projects (Germany), among others. Students will alsoexamine the infrastructural conditions of public art, such as civic, public, and private funding,relationships with local communities, and the life of these projects as they move in and out ofthe artworld. This encompassing view anchors a legacy of Iranian cultural contributions in largertrajectories of art history, contemporary art, and community arts practice. Guest artists,curators, and researchers with site visits included. Students will propose either new public artproposals, exhibitions, or research to provoke their own ideas while engaging the ever changingstate of public discourse in these case studies

Cross Listed Courses

Grading Basis

ROP - Letter or Credit/No Credit





Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?


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Enrollment Optional?


This course has been approved for the following WAYS

Aesthetic and Interpretive Inquiry (AII)

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