Robust, reproducible, real-world experimental design and analysis for life and biomedical scientists

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Course Description

So you've taken all these stats classes and learned a bunch of equations, but now you have to design and analyze your own experiments, and you're feeling lost and all those equations and classes really don't make sense. DON'T PANIC, we've all been there, and this is the class for you! Try learning these essential skills a different way - conceptually and hands-on without equations. Emphasis is on real-world experimental design and analysis in the life sciences, with particular focus on modern techniques that maximize power and minimize sample size, and avoiding common errors contributing to false discovery and the reproducibility crisis. This is a flipped-classroom. Class time is devoted to discussion of assigned reading (primarily Grafen & Hails 2002 "Modern statistics for the life sciences"), hands on guided work-through of example data sets, and developing analyses for the students' own research data. The objective is to provide students with a foundational conceptual understanding of biostatistics, particularly as applied to the design and planning of animal-based research projects.

Grading Basis

MOP - Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)





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Course Component


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