Contemporary Modern I: Liquid Flow

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Course Description

Students in Liquid Flow will participate in a dance and movement class that 1) teaches the fundamentals of dance technique, and 2) addresses the way that you already dance in the world. Through discovering your own DIY movement signature and being aware of one another's dance, motion, and energy in space, we will transform the way that we move and connect to one another to inhabit flow states from the dance studio, into everyday life, and ultimately onto the stage. Accompanied by contemporary and live music, Students will develop articulation, flexibility and "grace", learn contemporary and classic dance vocabulary, gain freedom dancing with others and mine dance's potential for social transformation and connection. Designed for beginners, we welcome student movers from diverse dance traditions, non-dancers, athletes, and more advanced dancers, who desire fluidity in their daily life, from thought to action.

Grading Basis

ROP - Letter or Credit/No Credit





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Enrollment Optional?


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Creative Expression (CE)

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