Why Go To Space?

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Course Description

Why do we spend billions of dollars exploring space? What can modern policymakers, entrepreneurs, and industrialists do to help us achieve our goals beyond planet Earth? Whether it is the object of exploration, science, civilization, or conquest, few domains have captured the imagination of a species like space. This course is an introduction to space policy issues, with an emphasis on the modern United States. We will present a historical overview of space programs from all around the world, and then spend the last five weeks discussing present policy issues, through lectures and guest speakers from NASA, the Department of Defense, new and legacy space industry companies, and more. Students will present on one issue that piques their interest, selecting from various domains including commercial concerns, military questions, and geopolitical considerations.

Grading Basis

RSN - Satisfactory/No Credit





Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?


Course Component


Enrollment Optional?
