Subinternship in Inpatient Psychiatry

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Course Description

VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 2. DESCRIPTION: The inpatient psychiatry subinternship at Stanford is designed to provide a training experience similar to that of PGY1 psychiatry residents on an inpatient rotation. Subinternships go above and beyond the Core Psychiatry Clerkship and involve levels of intensity and commitment expected of beginning interns. While still supervised as medical students by the attendings, the subinterns should be preparing themselves mentally and physically for internship training. The subinternship at Stanford offers a diverse patient population across genders, adult ages, social economic status, and ethinicities. Of note, it offers cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy experiences, medical-psychiatry cases, forensic/hearing exposure, and ECT observation. The overarching goal of the psychiatry sub-internship is that, upon successful completion of the rotation, students will be ready to function at the level of a first-week psychiatry intern and be able to discuss his or her performance according to six ACGME competencies. Objectives that set the subinternship apart from the core psychiatry clerkship are (1) demonstrate progression from "interpreter" to "manager" in the "reporter-interpreter-manager-educator" (RIME) scheme; (2) efficiently manage a caseload of 3 to 6 patients at a time; (3) assist the attending in teaching patients/families, core clerkship medical students, and/or staff; and (4) evaluate his or her efforts towards self-reflective practice and self-directed learning. Please note: Visiting students must obtain approval from Ms. Quynh Dang prior to applying for this clerkship. Please email requests to PREREQUISITES: Psychiatry 300A. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-12, full time for 4 weeks, 1 student per period. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Justin Birnbaum, M.D., 650-736-0106. CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Quynh Dang, 650-725-2769, 401 Quarry Rd, Rm. 2204. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: TBA; Time: TBA. CALL CODE: 2. OTHER FACULTY: J. Ballon, R. Hu, D. Noordsy, P. Wang. LOCATION: SUMC.

Grading Basis

MED - Medical School +/- Option





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