The Art of Self-Coaching
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Course Description
In 2009 a student who was about to graduate said to me, "Being coached at the GSB helped me grow over the last two years, but after I leave school and no longer have access to these resources, how will I continue to coach myself?" This course is an attempt to help you answer that question. I define self-coaching as the process of guiding our own growth and development, particularly through periods of transition, in both the professional and personal realms. In this course you'll explore a range of practices and disciplines intended to help you build on what you've learned about yourself at the GSB and continue that process after graduation. Classes will consist of a mix of short lectures, exercises, small group discussions, and conversations in pairs. While this is a self-directed process, it's also highly social and interactive. You'll work with in pairs and small groups in every class session, so be prepared to discuss meaningful personal issues with your fellow students. Because every class session involves extensive interaction with other students, missing a class would negatively affect other students' learning. As a result, your are obligated to attend every class session. One unexcused absence will lower your grade a full level, and more than one unexcused absence will result in a U. For students taking the class Pass/Fail, an unexcused absence may result in a failing grade.
Grading Basis
GOP - GSB Student Option LTR/PF
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Course Component
Enrollment Optional?