Finance, Corporations, and Society

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Course Description

Both 'Free market capitalism' and democracy appear to be in crisis around the world. This interdisciplinary course, which draws from the Social Sciences, Business and Law, will help you gain a deeper understanding of the root causes of these intertwined crises and will enable you to be savvier in your interactions with the institutions in the financial system and the broader private and public sectors that shape the economy and affect our lives. Topics include financial decisions, markets, and intermediaries; corporations and their governance, laws, regulations, and politics; and the role and functioning of the media. We will discuss and analyze current events and policy debates regularly throughout the course as they illustrate the key concepts. Students will have the opportunity to explore these issues through group final projects. Visitors with relevant experiences will enrich our discussion.

Cross Listed Courses

Grading Basis

ROP - Letter or Credit/No Credit





Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?


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Enrollment Optional?


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