Sexual Function and Diversity in Medical Disciplines

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Course Description

Focus is on development of personal and professional skills to interact with people across the diverse range of human sexuality, from childhood (pediatric) to older ages (geriatric), with consideration of gender identity, sexual orientation, sociocultural (predominantly U.S., not global) and religious values, and selected medical issues (e.g. hormonal therapy, disabilities, e.g. spinal cord injury, etc. with discussion of sexual taboos and unusual sexual practices that you might encounter in a general medical setting. CHPR master's program students must enroll in CHPR 230 for a letter grade and priority for enrollment will be given to current CHPR students. For third unit, students must also attend INDE 215 Queer Health & Medicine and complete assignments for that section, but do not enroll in that class. For WAYs, undergrads enroll in SOMGEN 130. Prerequisites: CHPR 201 or equivalent or consent of instructor.

Cross Listed Courses

Grading Basis

MOP - Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)





Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?


Course Component


Enrollment Optional?



FEMGEN230A is a completion requirement for: