Human Trafficking: Historical, Legal, and Medical Perspectives
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Course Description
(Formerly Law 675) This course offers an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the extent and complexity of the global phenomenon of human trafficking, including trafficking for forced prostitution, labor exploitation, and organ harvesting. In each of these areas, we will focus on human rights violations and remedies. The course aims to: 1. Provide the historical context for the development and spread of human trafficking. 2. Analyze current international and domestic legal and policy frameworks to combat trafficking and evaluate their practical implementation. 3. Examine the medical, psychological, and public health issues involved. 4. Stimulate ideas for new interventions. Instruction will combine lectures and small group discussion, and uses problem-based learning. Students interested in service learning should also enroll in History 6W/7W (FemGen 6W/7W), a two-quarter service learning workshop. Elements used in grading: Attendance; participation; written assignments; and final exam. This class is cross-listed with Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies (FEMGEN 5C, FEMGEN 105C), History (HISTORY 5C, 105C), Human Biology (HUMBIO 178T), International Relations (INTNLREL 105C) & School of Medicine General (SOMGEN 205).
Grading Basis
L01 - Law Honors/Pass/Restricted credit/Fail
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Course Component
Enrollment Optional?